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Religion 101 : Final Exam (Not my work) Funny (Read 2710 times)
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Religion 101 : Final Exam (Not my work) Funny
Apr 17th, 2009 at 4:57pm
Religion 101: Final Exam
by Terrence Kaye

These are all A,B,C and D answers

1) Which of the following is the most compelling evidence for the existence of an intelligent and loving Designer?

A Caribbean sunset
The screams of a baby seal as it is torn apart by a shark
The first time your perfect new baby smiles at you
The speed of the Ebola virus converting an African child's organs into liquid

A deeply devout Catholic couple has just returned from their fiftieth anniversary celebration, when suddenly the husband falls to the ground, clutching his chest. What is the most productive action for the wife to take?

Call 911
Put him in the car and race to the hospital herself
Administer CPR
Fall on her knees and pray to the Lord to spare his life

You are a product tester and frequently bring your work home. Yesterday, while dressed in a flame resistant suit (up to 3,000 degrees) and carrying the latest model fire extinguisher, you discover your neighbor's house is on fire. As the flames quickly spread, you stand and watch your neighbor's new baby burn to death. Which of the following best describes your behavior?


One day while jogging in the park, you see a maniac with a butcher knife about to attack a six-year old girl. Which would be the most morally proper action to take?

Grab the nearest rock and beat off the attacker
Call the police on your cell phone
Yell "POLICE!" and run toward the attacker in a threatening manner
Calmly walk away, because God works in mysterious ways, and what appears "evil" to our finite human mind, may in fact be part of a vaster plan in God's infinite mind, so it's best not to interfere

You are the incarnated Son of the all-powerful and all-loving Creator of the universe. What would be a good way to demonstrate your compassion and power?

Cure cancer forever
Cause all the earth's deserts to bloom with food crops
Unite the world with a common language and an end to poverty
Conjure up a jug of wine and follow it up by walking on water

Since we can never "know" whether or not a God exists - it is fundamentally a matter of "faith" - it's best to be a believer since you have nothing to lose, but everything to lose if your disbelief is incorrect. Keeping in mind that the fate of your soul depends on the right choice, in which God should you place your belief? For extra credit, include a brief essay justifying your choice, along with the reasons why you reject the other three.

The Holy Trinity

(*Note: Choice D assumes you were born around 400 A.D. or later, after the invention of the Trinity)

You are the Creator of the universe. Your chosen people are a tribe of nomadic herdsmen, presently in bondage on one of the millions of your planets. Their ruler is being quite obstinate. Keeping in mind that you possess not only infinite power but also infinite love, your best course of action would be to:

Cause the ruler to drop dead of a heart attack
Cause the ruler to fall off a cliff
Visit the ruler in a dream and persuade him to let your people go
Slaughter a great number of innocent babies who had nothing to do with the ruler's policies

You are a Starfleet Federation explorer in the process of cataloging two newly discovered planets. The majority of the inhabitants of each planet believe in a deity, but they are two different deities. Deity "X" is said to be not only all-powerful, all-loving, and all-knowing, but the designer of a marvelously complex and ordered world. Deity "Y" is said to be indifferent, absent, unconcerned with the affairs of his planet, and some even say evil. Which god rules over which planet?

Planet A: Has apparently achieved a state of advanced benign equilibrium in which there are no viruses or diseases, and only a very small number of natural disasters, which, when they do strike, always eliminate only the sinful and evil. The inhabitants, both plant and animal, have learned to maintain their existence through photosynthesis, and thus do not have to kill and eat each other in order to survive. There are no "birth defects;" every inhabitant comes into existence perfectly formed and equipped for a long and productive life.
Deity X_____
Deity Y_____

Planet B: Adorned with many examples of beauty and order, it is also constantly beset by hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, volcanoes, lightning bolts, viruses, disfiguring diseases, parasites, leeches, flies, crop-destroying pests and many other phenomena which afflict both the innocent and the evil. Every life form on the planet can only sustain its existence through the destruction and consumption of other life forms. Some of the inhabitants are born with a crippling condition called a "birth defect", which condemns them to living extremely limited, short, or painful lives.
Deity X_____
Deity Y_____

What is the number of children born without arms or legs that have been miraculously restored by a visit to the shrine at Lourdes, France?

Too many to count
Over 1,000
Several dozen
Zero, but only because their faith was not strong enough

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« Last Edit: Apr 17th, 2009 at 5:08pm by locutius »  

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Re: Religion 101 : Final Exam (Not my work)
Reply #1 - Apr 17th, 2009 at 4:58pm
Although you are new at golf, you have just hit a beautiful 200-yard drive and your ball has landed on a blade of grass near the cup at Hole 3. The green contains ten million blades of grass. The odds of your ball landing on that blade of grass are 10,000,000 to one against, too improbable to have happened by mere chance. What's the explanation?

The wind guided it
Your muscles guided it
There is no need for an explanation
You consciously designed your shot to land on that particular blade

Which of the following is most likely to be true, and why?

Romulus was the son of God, born to a mortal human virgin
Dionysus turned water into wine
Apollonius of Tyana raised a girl from the dead
Jesus Christ was the son of God, born to a mortal virgin, turned water into wine, and raised a man from the dead

Conceding that torture is permissible under certain conditions, which of the following would be the best justification?

Your prisoner is the only one who knows the date and time of an assassination attempt on the Pope
Your prisoner is the only one who knows where a nuclear device has been planted in Washington, D.C.
Your prisoner is the only one who knows where a vial of nerve gas has been placed in the London water supply system
Your prisoner has announced that the earth revolves around the sun

We know that Christianity is true because the Gospel writers, inspired by God who can make no error, recorded the founding events. For example, on the first Easter morning, the visitors to the tomb were greeted by which of the following:

A young man (Mark 16:5)
No, no, it was no man, it was an angel (Matthew 28:2-5)
You're both wrong, it was two men (Luke 24:4)
Damn it, there was nobody there (John 20:1-2)

According to inerrant Scripture, the Savior prayed alone in the garden while the three disciples who accompanied him had fallen asleep. How did the gospel writer know the words of that prayer?

Jesus left them written down under a rock
They were recorded on a primitive taping device
The gospel writer was psychic
The three disciples were later hypnotized and asked to recall the prayer

According to at least one sainted church father, one of the pleasures of the saved will be to behold the agony of the damned. What would be the best time of day in heaven for a mother to behold the agony of her only son?

Early in the morning before it gets too crowded
Mid-day when she can compare notes and share the celebration with other mothers
Late at night when she can enjoy the flames in starker contrast

In the Judeo-Christian tradition, we always look to the Bible as a guide. In this example, your teenage son has returned home from the prom intoxicated. The Bible's instruction is:

Sit him down for a heart to heart talk
Enroll him in AA
Take away his driving privilege for one month
Smash his head in with rocks

In this example, your son-in-law, returned from his honeymoon, has just told you he suspects your daughter was not a virgin on their wedding night. Wishing to abide by God's holy rules as laid out in the Bible, you should:

Ask him if he was a virgin before you do anything
Advise him to forgive her
Talk to your daughter
Go find those rocks

You are eating lunch at a crowded fast food restaurant, occupied mostly by children, when suddenly a gunman bursts in, screams "Do not question or test me," and sprays the room with bullets. Ten people are killed instantly, many more grievously wounded, but somehow you escape unharmed. His ammunition expended, the gunman collapses to the floor. What should you do?

Call the police and wait for them to arrive
Call the police and leave
Risk death by asking the gunman why he did it, even though he told you not to
Fall on your knees and give thanks and praise to the gunman for sparing your life

Why did God show his backside to Moses, as described in Holy Scripture, Ex.33:23?

He invented everything, and this was simply the first mooning
He was really ticked off when Moses dropped the tablets
He was piqued, having just discovered His almighty powers were useless against chariots of iron (Judges I:19)
Moses was too serious and needed to lighten up a little

Jesus was God, and God knows all things, including all the medical knowledge that will ever be known. Why did Jesus blame demons for the case of epilepsy he cured?

He was suffering from a temporary case of "brain freeze"
The Aramaic word for "demon" is the same as the word for "cranial malfunction"
Neurology was not his specialty
In first-century Palestine, demons really did cause epilepsy. This affliction only began to be caused by electrochemical brain activity after about 1850 A.D.

This morning's paper carries a story about a suburban father who became so enraged with his disobedient children that he carried them both to the backyard pool where he drowned them, along with their puppy, their kitten, and their hamster. How should this father be treated?

He should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law
He should be banished from the town
He should be lynched to save the taxpayers' money
The townspeople should gather together to sing hymns of praise to him

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Re: Religion 101 : Final Exam (Not my work)
Reply #2 - Apr 17th, 2009 at 4:59pm
This morning I started my day by insulting my mother in public, then punched out my father, my brother, and my sister. Then I gathered up all my clothes, sold them to a second-hand store, and with the proceeds bought a used Uzi and 50 rounds of ammunition. Next, I went down to the animal shelter and injected all the dogs with a drug that caused them to go insane and dive into the nearby canal where they all drowned. By this time I was hungry, so I went over to my neighbor's apple orchard and burned it down, because I wanted an orange and there weren't any. On the way home, I stopped at the local steel mill to discuss my philosophy of life with some of the guys. They laughed at me and said to stow it, so I tossed them all into the blast furnace. That night I discovered my son looking at a copy of Playboy. Concerned for his future welfare, I cut off his right hand. What historical character did my activities today most resemble?

Genghis Khan
Charles Manson
Adolph Hitler
Jesus Christ

Down through the ages, who has been most responsible for the medical discoveries that have relieved untold amounts of suffering and pain, and extended the length of that most sacred of creations, human life?

Medical doctors
Research biologists
The Catholic Church

A great sadness has come into your life which you feel you cannot bear. A friend informs you of a free counseling service which has never failed to aid and comfort many others. You call the counselor; the phone rings and rings with no answer; you finally hang up. What is the most likely explanation?

The counselor is sitting by the phone but not answering in order to test your faith in him
The counselor always stands ready to hear your pleas for help, but sometimes the answer is "no"
The counselor will not answer because he wants you to profit by the spiritual strength that only comes through suffering
The counselor is not home


While it is true that there have been and still are many different gods and many different religions, they are really just the various names by which various cultures approach the same God. Explain how and why each of the following is the same God:

Quetzalcoatl, who wants you to skin a young virgin alive, then put on the skin and dance;
Shiva, who wants you to pray over his penis;
Allah, who wants you to fly airliners into buildings;
Catholic God; who speaks directly through the Pope;
Baptist God, who most definitely does not;
Jesus, who wants you to castrate yourself to ensure arrival in heaven
Jehovah, who any day now, is going to kill everyone on the earth except for his Witnesses
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Re: Religion 101 : Final Exam (Not my work) Funny
Reply #3 - Apr 17th, 2009 at 5:31pm
I love the humour in that post locutious, and it does raise so many relevant, pertinent questions for theists to ponder, but that is unlikely, as it is not in our nature to ponder too much, over things that make us uncomfortable.

We also have the ever present catch-22 of all theists;
God moves in mysterious ways.
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Re: Religion 101 : Final Exam (Not my work) Funny
Reply #4 - Apr 17th, 2009 at 10:00pm
I don't want to shove the theists aside with my response but this stuff is pretty low brow and pedestrian. It is funny like a 10 year old's 47th wet fart joke is funny. For the over-10s it's just a sign of being stuck as is thinking that this kind of thing 'catches out' the theists.

Carribean sunset and baby seal? Sad to see that kitch and adolescent platitude is the limit of imaginaton for some funsters. If you want to mount an argument aganst god you have to do better than a po-faced pop quiz.
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Re: Religion 101 : Final Exam (Not my work) Funny
Reply #5 - Apr 18th, 2009 at 9:49am
Well I disagree with you on those points soren, it is totally futile trying to argue logically about god's existence, against a committed theists faith.

However, the daily contradictions, the unanswerable questions, for some mount up, and leads them to stop accepting the absolute truth of all they have usually had drummed into them from infancy.

When they start to ask their own questions, and seek their own answers, a light hearted approach may be more preferable, than trying to wade through existential arguments, without end, for all they want is to find their own path, and for many, it is the first time in the life they experience that.
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Re: Religion 101 : Final Exam (Not my work) Funny
Reply #6 - Apr 18th, 2009 at 11:46pm
mozzaok wrote on Apr 18th, 2009 at 9:49am:
Well I disagree with you on those points soren,
it is totally futile trying to argue logically about god's existence, against a committed theists faith

True.               Wink            Grin

However, the daily contradictions, the unanswerable questions, for some mount up, and leads them to stop accepting the absolute truth of all they have usually had drummed into them from infancy.

When they start to ask their own questions, and seek their own answers,
a light hearted approach may be more preferable, than trying to wade through existential arguments
, without end, for all they want is to find their own path, and for many, it is the first time in the life they experience that.


'existential arguments'?

God, the meaning of life, the universe, and everything?           Grin

And the big, BIG, question, which follows on.

Does the answer amount to more than
???             Grin


I remember that time, when Kerry Packer [now 'departed'] had a heart attack at, was it at a polo game?

He was rushed off to hospital, and was said to have died, for several minutes, before being revived.

After his recovery, he famously recounted his 'death experience', and confidently declared that there was nothing 'there' after death.

Does Kerry Packer's reported experience, and declaration, conclusively prove that when we die, we will be, metaphorically, 'looking at that lid for a long time'?

And i guess that, that, is what this life is really about.

For myself, what we come to believe [about 'reality'], as a consequence of this 'journey' here, is what this life is about.

Late night news & current affairs
LOCATION: > Lateline > Archives
Broadcast: 30/10/2000
Near death research

Not so long ago, Australia's richest man came perilously close to meeting his maker. But when Kerry Packer was quizzed as to whether he'd had a classical "near death experience" floating out of his body, moving towards the light and so on, he reportedly told those close to him not to fool themselves because there was nothing out there.....
.....Are you concluding from that, does your scientific study if you like, conclude that there is a fundamental separation between the organic thing which is the brain, the machine of the brain and the individual consciousness that inhabits it?
.....there is now a wealth of evidence showing that people [having a near death experience] seem to be able to get information that they couldn't have got just lying unconscious on the floor.
.....would you conclude from that that such a thing as the human soul might be proven to exist?
DR PETER FENWICK: We'd be getting close to that....

The [now acknowledged common] phenomenon of the 'near death experience' must seriously challenge our human 'grip' on what reality, really is.

I have not personally experienced a NDE,
but i have experienced waking OBE's [out of body experiences].

Science, and those who have not experienced such an experience, may like to 'analyse' such 'unexplained' experiences and suggest that they are merely some sort of mind bend, or illusion.

Believe that if you will.

But, anyone who has experienced a waking OBE [and i believe a waking NDE] knows that the 'experience' is at least as real, as this 'reality'.

And perhaps we should approach such [OBE & NDE] accounts cautiously, in that, because science, or those who have not experienced an OBE cannot explain [or comprehend] such an experience, does not necessarily invalidate these 'experiences' [in others].

As i have said before on this forum,

Believe what you will, we all do.


Just to be clear, I'm not on any medication, and i do not take recreational drugs [except alcohol].        Cheesy

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Religion 101 : Final Exam (Not my work) Funny
Reply #7 - Apr 20th, 2009 at 11:36am
I'm not back, but I do miss you guys. Here's a different take on Atheism. You do need to read the whole thread. It reflects my belief that 'atheism' (the lack of belief (whatever that means) in gods (pick your own definition but it should include wooden artifacts)) is irrelevant. I think everybody should find it amusing - atheists and theists alike. I particularly like the new classification of 'ARA' (Anal Retentive Atheist)
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Re: Religion 101 : Final Exam (Not my work) Funny
Reply #8 - Apr 20th, 2009 at 11:46am
Soren wrote on Apr 17th, 2009 at 10:00pm:
I don't want to shove the theists aside with my response but this stuff is pretty low brow and pedestrian. It is funny like a 10 year old's 47th wet fart joke is funny. For the over-10s it's just a sign of being stuck as is thinking that this kind of thing 'catches out' the theists.

Carribean sunset and baby seal? Sad to see that kitch and adolescent platitude is the limit of imaginaton for some funsters. If you want to mount an argument aganst god you have to do better than a po-faced pop quiz.

Some of it may have been pedestrian I agree but quite a bit of it was pretty funny. Probably because I have heard 10 year old ask some of these very questions, they just didn't have the life experience or complexity of humor to realize that some of the replies to their serious and astute questions WERE definitely at the level of a wet fart.

I have not seen any argument against GOD that had at it's core any more credibility than the arguments for GOD. So even though I believe in the non existance of GOD, I have nothing against him/her/it personally. That would be like me being against the 18 hole golf course that is not orbiting the sun somewhere in the region between Mercury and Venus.

Welcome NOT back, Muso. Thanks for the link.  Smiley

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« Last Edit: Apr 20th, 2009 at 11:57am by locutius »  

I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives.
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Re: Religion 101 : Final Exam (Not my work) Funny
Reply #9 - Apr 20th, 2009 at 12:59pm
muso wrote on Apr 20th, 2009 at 11:36am:
I'm not back, but I do miss you guys. Here's a different take on Atheism. You do need to read the whole thread. It reflects my belief that 'atheism' (the lack of belief (whatever that means) in gods (pick your own definition but it should include wooden artifacts)) is irrelevant. I think everybody should find it amusing - atheists and theists alike. I particularly like the new classification of 'ARA' (Anal Retentive Atheist)

Yeah great link.

Hope to see you back full time soon.
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Re: Religion 101 : Final Exam (Not my work) Funny
Reply #10 - Apr 20th, 2009 at 1:40pm
Yadda wrote on Apr 18th, 2009 at 11:46pm:
I have not personally experienced a NDE,
but i have experienced waking OBE's [out of body experiences].

Science, and those who have not experienced such an experience, may like to 'analyse' such 'unexplained' experiences and suggest that they are merely some sort of mind bend, or illusion.

Believe that if you will.

But, anyone who has experienced a waking OBE [and i believe a waking NDE] knows that the 'experience' is at least as real, as this 'reality'.

Since all reality is defined by perception an OBE does seem real, and things are going on in your head - but they may not be what you think they are.

Yadda wrote on Apr 18th, 2009 at 11:46pm:
And perhaps we should approach such [OBE & NDE] accounts cautiously, in that, because science, or those who have not experienced an OBE cannot explain [or comprehend] such an experience, does not necessarily invalidate these 'experiences' [in others].

Anecdotal evidence is less than compelling.  The experiences remain, but personal interpretation may be flawed.  Start testing these experiences rigorously.
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Re: Religion 101 : Final Exam (Not my work) Funny
Reply #11 - Apr 20th, 2009 at 2:31pm
Yadda wrote on Apr 18th, 2009 at 11:46pm:
Late night news & current affairs
LOCATION: > Lateline > Archives
Broadcast: 30/10/2000
Near death research

Not so long ago, Australia's richest man came perilously close to meeting his maker. But when Kerry Packer was quizzed as to whether he'd had a classical "near death experience" floating out of his body, moving towards the light and so on, he reportedly told those close to him not to fool themselves because there was nothing out there.....
.....Are you concluding from that, does your scientific study if you like, conclude that there is a fundamental separation between the organic thing which is the brain, the machine of the brain and the individual consciousness that inhabits it?
.....there is now a wealth of evidence showing that people [having a near death experience] seem to be able to get information that they couldn't have got just lying unconscious on the floor.
.....would you conclude from that that such a thing as the human soul might be proven to exist OR NOT?
DR PETER FENWICK: We'd be getting close to that....

I don't think the questioner finished their sentence in an impartial way, I just gave it some help.

Being the materialist that I am I have to say that I think it is simply the brain's last hurrah, maybe it's last desparate attempt to restart everything or maybe just an attempt to distract us from the too painfull reality. This last flaring of all the binary circuits switching off and on seems to me to be the last desparate act of the self aware organism.

Yadda, I don't believe in an afterlife, I really hope I am wrong because quite frankly nothingness is unappealing at best and downright frightening at worst. I am not one of those courageous souls that say that death holds no fright for me but I do hope to meet it courageously, like Spinoza. Yet even though it frightens me there are things that I would trade my life for without hesitation and probably more importantly even after a second thought. Protecting or helping my little boy is the most obvious.

As for Kerry Packer not seeing heaven....surprise surprise. Sorry that is facetious, but I could not resist. Smiley

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I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives.
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Re: Religion 101 : Final Exam (Not my work) Funny
Reply #12 - Apr 20th, 2009 at 2:56pm
Kytro wrote on Apr 20th, 2009 at 1:40pm:
all reality is defined by
an OBE does seem real,
and things are going on in your head - but they may not be what you think they are


Exactly so.          Wink

Even our perception of,   .....this reality.

Are you certain, of the reality of everything, which you think that you perceive???

That should be a legitimate consideration [question to ponder] for everyone of us.

Especially, for those of us who are so certain, about [the validity] of this reality!              Cool

Trust me, this life, this 'reality', is an illusion [a 'construct'].
....but that is only my opinion.                                           Grin

Can i prove it?


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« Last Edit: Apr 20th, 2009 at 3:25pm by Yadda »  

"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Religion 101 : Final Exam (Not my work) Funny
Reply #13 - Apr 20th, 2009 at 3:28pm
Yadda wrote on Apr 20th, 2009 at 2:56pm:

Exactly so.          Wink

Even our perception of,   .....this reality.

Are you certain, of the reality of everything, which you think that you perceive???

That should be a legitimate consideration [question to ponder] for everyone of us.

Especially, for those of us who are so certain, about [the validity] of this reality!              Cool

Trust me, this life, this 'reality', is an illusion [a 'construct'].
....but that is only my opinion.                                           Grin

Can i prove it?


We can only work within the framework we have, and all assumptions need to be questioned where appropriate.

The concept of science is to try to cross check the information we have with others in a way that reduces the risk of getting it wrong.

This is why scientists tend to be sceptical of things that are not testable.
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Re: Religion 101 : Final Exam (Not my work) Funny
Reply #14 - Apr 20th, 2009 at 4:52pm
Yes, Muso's link did have some amusing takes on people's qualifications of what they mean when they use the A word.
My favourite was, "I don't believe in god, and I don't believe mary was his mother".  Grin Grin Grin

I hope we get to see more from Muso, his posts were always interesting, and I especially miss his technical know how, where he could explain some difficult subjects in a way that even I could understand.

His explanations of some of the more salient scientific nuances of the climate change debate were especially helpful for me.

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