[[I feel I've had to remove this from the Global thread due the fact it may be a bit much for some. ie: dislike of the feminist P.O.V on this forum..even tho I'm not a feminist as such...]] BUT could men become redundant in a future world..if you as a man dont believe so..why not? Do women need men.? Quote: Quote: Re: Women are much more superior Reply #28 - Today at 12:16pm athos wrote-
I apologise it should be "I am a man", now it is corrected, Sorry, sorry, sorry. It was subconsciously, I feel embarrassed being a man because we men are so bad in comparison with women. No athos your not "so bad" in comparison to women...far from it
If your talking generally , and I think you are, then overall and in general ,men have had to take a step back in the last 40 years. Before the pendulum swung to far in favour of the male having more freedom, more say and demanding respect rather than having to earn it ..even in Western Society women are still very under valued, they always have been , but anyone with half a brain can see that of the 2 sexes, the one able to bear and nuture life is ,by far, the more powerful..just by that very defintion it has to be so..
Men subjugate women because in part they fear them, they keep them down trodden because they dont ever want women to ever realise just how powerful she really is. Consider the fact that without women the human race ceases to exist and there you have it.. there is no greater power than that.Calanen wrote- Quote:Maybe it's just you are so bad in comparison to women.
Men do not have a monopoly on poor conduct.
I feel sorry for this generation of men like athos. Castrated, they flail about trying to appease multicultism, feminism, general kumbayaism - instead of being what they were supposed to be - men. Calanen wrote- Quote:If you cannot be a man athos, that's great, opt out - be a wuss. But there are still men around who can be. True.^^ Being a man doesnt mean at the expense of women being women , and taking their rightful , equal, place in society.
Being a man means knowing you are strong without the need to prove it constantly , diminishing women physically and mentally does not a strong man make..this man simply displays his weaknesses..for these tactics are not lost on women and the more calculating will use it against you and they are.
Many now are simply becoming you, beating you at your own game..it called survival..if you dont like what some women are becoming...take a look at yourself and change it.
I love men just as they are..but its not hard to see how and why its changing, and why men are confused ...
athos is not nearly as emasculated and deluded as you might want to believe..actually