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Question: Should Australia have boycotted Durban II ?

« Created by: mozzaok on: Apr 22nd, 2009 at 1:18pm »

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Israel slur fear forces boycott (Read 12145 times)
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Israel slur fear forces boycott
Apr 20th, 2009 at 9:05am

Good to see the most of the west is not accepting arabs antijew mindset.

AUSTRALIA has cancelled plans to attend an anti-racism conference in Geneva over concerns the UN-backed forum will degenerate into a launchpad for anti-Semitic attacks.

The decision to boycott the Durban Review Conference was taken after Australia, in conjunction with the US, Israel and other countries, was unsuccessful in pushing for changes to the wording of a draft document upholding anti-Semitic remarks in the 2001 Durban Declaration.

Foreign Minister Stephen Smith yesterday said that while Australia remained strongly committed to fighting racism, the federal Government could not support the document reaffirming the original declaration.

Canada, the US, Israel and Italy have for similar reasons already pulled out of Durban II, which begins today.

The Netherlands broke ranks with the European Union last night to join the boycott. Dutch Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen said The Netherlands would not attend because it feared the event would be abused ``for political ends and attacks on the West''.

Germany is also considering a boycott, after intense lobbying by Mr Smith and Mr Verhagen.

Pro-Palestinian Labor backbencher Julia Irwin broke ranks to slam the boycott.

Canberra's 11th hour decision follows a US State Department announcement on the weekend that changes in the meeting's final document did not address concerns of anti-Israel and anti-Western bias. The 2001 Durban conference ended acrimoniously, with Israel and the US storming out in protest over Arab attempts to adopt a resolution equating Zionism with racism.

Mr Smith said he feared the Geneva conference was heading the same way. "The 2001 declaration singled out Israel and the Middle East," he said. "Australia expressed strong views about this at the time. The Australian Government continues to have these concerns.

"Regrettably, we cannot be confident that the review conference will not be used as a platform to air offensive views, including anti-Semitic views. Of additional concern are the suggestions of some delegations in the Durban process to limit the universal right to free speech."

Mr Smith's argument was strongly rejected by Ms Irwin.

"It's a shame Australia will be one of a handful of nations boycotting the Durban conference," Ms Irwin said.

"Any nation which has policies which discriminate on the grounds of race or religion should not be above criticism and should not be supported by the Australian Government."

Australia's Jewish community warmly welcomed yesterday's decision.

Executive Council of Australian Jewry president Robert Goot said the Durban II conference would not advance the fight to combat racism but would again single out Israel for condemnation.

Australia-Israel and Jewish Affairs Council executive director Colin Rubenstein said Durban II's draft declaration was always going to be problematic.

"With Libya chairing the preparatory committee assisted by Cuba as rapporteur and Iran as one of several vice-chairs, the proposed outcome document has mixed the fight against racism with a variety of morally deplorable political agendas," Dr Rubenstein said.
Palestinian groups expressed anger and disappointment at the decision, which they said showed Australia was not serious about ending racism.

Australians for Palestine founding member Moammar Mashni said the Rudd Government had bowed to pressure from pro-Israel lobbies.

While Britain says it will be attending, the participation of countries such as Iran and Cuba, which have reputations as serial human rights violators, is likely to ensure the summit turns into an anti-Israel and anti-US slanging match.,25197,25356427-601,00.html
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Israel slur fear forces boycott
Reply #1 - Apr 20th, 2009 at 9:42am
Julia Irwin - Member for Fowler

from sprints post....

"Pro-Palestinian Labor backbencher Julia Irwin broke ranks to slam the boycott.
......."It's a shame Australia will be one of a handful of nations boycotting the Durban conference," Ms Irwin said.
"Any nation which has policies which discriminate on the grounds of race or religion should not be above criticism and should not be supported by the Australian Government."

I totally agree with that last expressed sentiment.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Israel slur fear forces boycott
Reply #2 - Apr 20th, 2009 at 9:50am
Irwin is right, the jews are the biggest racists on earth besides the fundy christian,the yanks dont have the balls to turn up either, I suppose the facts the jews own the USA might have something to do with it.
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Re: Israel slur fear forces boycott
Reply #3 - Apr 20th, 2009 at 10:03am
Relating directly to the same "Durban Review Conference" which Australia, and some other countries have decided to boycott....

April 18, 2009
NYC demonstration against the United Nations' failure to address worldwide human rights abuses
......(April 17--New York.) -- Concerned citizens, organizations and community leaders will rally at noon on Monday April 20 at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza to challenge the UN's failure to address gross human rights abuses around the world. Congressman Scott Garrett (R-NJ) who has spoken out against Durban II will speak.
The demonstration is timed to coincide with the first day of the UN Human Rights Council's [HRC] controversial Durban II conference in Geneva, Switzerland. Similar demonstrations will be held in Geneva to protest against the HRC and the Durban II agenda.
......Explains Roz Rothstein, SWU international director who will travel to Geneva to be a witness, "It is time for the public to demand that the United Nations actually promote human rights. The HRC's Durban conference is a glaring symptom of the UN's failures. The first Durban conference in South Africa in 2001 was supposed to address racism and racial discrimination. Instead, it was a racist hate fest against Israel and Jews.
......"The HRC has obsessively focused on condemning Israel, the one democracy in the Middle East, instead of dealing with the suffering in Darfur, Liberia, and the Congo, or with the systematic oppression of women, gays, religious and ethnic minorities, and children in reactionary regimes across the globe," states Avi Posnick, StandWithUs East Coast outreach coordinator.
Critics point out that the 47-member HRC is dominated by non-free nations. They are among the worst violators of the human rights they are supposed to uphold; they include Angola, China, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Cuba. They block HRC investigations of their abuses and instead vote to praise each other. They ignore serial human rights violations and incitement to genocide by Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, and Syria. Iran, which has called for the destruction of Israel, is one of the vice-chairs for planning Durban II.

"....[some member nations of the 47-member HRC] are among the worst violators of the human rights they are supposed to uphold; they include Angola, China, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Cuba. They block HRC investigations of their abuses and instead vote to praise each other."

But who cares???? the world community????

We are culpable.

You and me.

We [Australia] are a full member of the United Nations,


culpable = = deserving blame.

Stated in the article....

"StandWithUs, [is] an international, non-profit Israel education organization, hosts speakers and conferences, offers website resources and creates brochures and materials about Israel that are distributed globally."

We should be informed, but not accepting of lies.

Being 'informed' on the basis of believing lies, is the same as us building a house upon sand.

So long as we can test the truth of, and criticise any of its claims, i have no fear of, or objection, to listening to what this 'StandWithUs' pro Israel lobby group may publish.

And that should be the test of any information which comes to our attention, on any issue which may affect our lives.


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« Last Edit: Apr 20th, 2009 at 10:27am by Yadda »  

"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Posts: 21939
A cat with a view
Re: Israel slur fear forces boycott
Reply #4 - Apr 20th, 2009 at 10:10am
Irwin is right,
the jews are the biggest racists on earth
besides the fundy christian,the yanks dont have the balls to turn up either, I suppose the facts the jews own the USA might have something to do with it.


You are entitled to expressed your opinion, and views.

But shouldn't you test the basis of your beliefs, opinions, to see if they are based in TRUTH?

What value is our opinion, if it is based on lies, and untruths?

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Israel slur fear forces boycott
Reply #5 - Apr 20th, 2009 at 10:22am
Yadda wrote on Apr 20th, 2009 at 10:10am:
Irwin is right,
the jews are the biggest racists on earth
besides the fundy christian,the yanks dont have the balls to turn up either, I suppose the facts the jews own the USA might have something to do with it.


You are entitled to expressed your opinion, and views.

But shouldn't you test the basis of your beliefs, opinions, to see if they are based in TRUTH?

What value is our opinion, if it is based on lies, and untruths?

Truth to you seems to be different to truth for me, but I accept people for who they are NOT what religion they practice, I think all religion is fairy tale,whilst I ve met many nice muslims, christians and jews, as organised religion they are all evil, and the fundy christians are the worst by far, why didn't you highlite that part of my post? you trying to make out I 'm anti semetic? welll I am anti religion, anybody who puts their religion before fellow humans is a retard.
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Posts: 21939
A cat with a view
Re: Israel slur fear forces boycott
Reply #6 - Apr 20th, 2009 at 10:34am
anybody who puts their religion before fellow humans is a retard.


That is your opinion.

And you are entitled to express it.

Anybody who bases their prejudices upon lies, and puts lies before TRUTH, is supporting evil [and its consequences] in this world.

That is my opinion.

Want good 'outcomes' in this world?

Always seek, and support, free and open TRUTH.

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« Last Edit: Apr 20th, 2009 at 11:56am by Yadda »  

"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Israel slur fear forces boycott
Reply #7 - Apr 20th, 2009 at 10:38am

skippy -  Quote:
welll I am anti religion, anybody who puts their religion before fellow humans is a retard.

So you would be ok with ....."love one another as you love yourself" ??
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Israel slur fear forces boycott
Reply #8 - Apr 20th, 2009 at 11:32am
Irwin is right, the jews are the biggest racists on earth besides the fundy christian,the yanks dont have the balls to turn up either, I suppose the facts the jews own the USA might have something to do with it.

They also own Canada.  Every religion can be denigrated except for Judaism and if you condemn the actions of some Jews you are considered despicable.  I was listening to some broadcaster gossip about Mel Gibson and he was talking about how clever Gibson was, but how he did the unforgiveable by denigrating the Jews.  In the next breath the same persecutor went on to condemn Gibson's "breakaway Catholic religion" and make inferences it was an eccentricity of his.

Bag anyone - but don't bag the Jews.

Foreign Minister Stephen Smith yesterday said that while Australia remained strongly committed to fighting racism, the federal Government could not support the document reaffirming the original declaration.

Canada, the US, Israel and Italy have for similar reasons already pulled out of Durban II, which begins today.

Julia Irwin is right.  How hypocritical is this government?  Rudd is just a little puppet and his true character is surfacing with this decision - although Howard would have done the same. Don't upset the big boys regardless of whether you agree with their decisions or not.i
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Re: Israel slur fear forces boycott
Reply #9 - Apr 20th, 2009 at 10:08pm
Than there is the fact they wanted to put a motion that religion couldn't be criticised==no free speech. Rudd is no puppet.
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Re: Israel slur fear forces boycott
Reply #10 - Apr 21st, 2009 at 7:55am

Looks like the dhimmis of the world have had enough of intolerance from muslims.

UNITED Nations chief Ban Ki-moon has criticised Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad over a speech attacking Israel's "totally racist government" at a UN anti-racism meeting.

Mr Ban said Mr Ahmadinejad had ignored his plea beforehand not to make such comments.

"I deplore the use of this platform by the Iranian President to accuse, divide and even incite. This is the opposite of what this conference seeks to achieve," he said.

Mr Ban met Mr Ahmadinejad before the Iranian president was due to speak, to remind him that the UN General Assembly had "adopted the resolutions to revoke the equation of Zionism with racism and to reaffirm the historical facts of the Holocaust", he said.

"It is deeply regrettable that my plea to look to the future of unity was not heeded by the Iranian President."

When addressing a UN conference against racism, Mr Ahmadinejad criticised the creation of a "totally racist government in occupied Palestine" in 1948, calling it "the most cruel and racist regime".

His remarks prompted 23 European Union delegations to walk out of the conference room in protest.

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay joined the condemnation saying she "utterly" deplored Mr Ahmadinejad's speech, describing him as "somebody who traditionally makes obnoxious statements".

"I condemn the use of a UN forum for political grandstanding. I find this totally objectionable," she added, reiterating that it clearly defied the UN's position by equating Zionism with racism.

"The best riposte for this type of event is to reply and correct, not to withdraw and boycott the conference," she added.

Mr Ban described the event as a "very troubling experience for me as a Secretary General".

"I have not experienced this kind of disruptive proceedings of the assembly conference by any one member state. It was a totally unacceptable situation," he said.,23739,25363457-5003402,00.html
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Israel slur fear forces boycott
Reply #11 - Apr 21st, 2009 at 11:10am
Sprintcyclist wrote on Apr 20th, 2009 at 10:38am:
skippy -   Quote:
welll I am anti religion, anybody who puts their religion before fellow humans is a retard.

So you would be ok with ....."love one another as you love yourself" ??

Yes sprint I would, now it seems to me as an atheist that I have more compassion for my fellow human beings than any god botherer ive seem write here, I think if god or jesus or any greater being did exist that he(we;ll call him a he) would want all humans to accept each other as brothers and sisters and not bag them just because they were a different religion, but instead we have all this s hit about my religion is better than yours and we can bag muslims but not the jews.
All religions try to dictate that they are the only true religion, the christians are the worst offenders; having spent ten years in sunday school as a kid I can say that every week we were told the only true way to heaven is to accept jesus, no ifs no buts, I'm sure muslims say the same about allah and the jews dont accept jesus as being the son of god at all so they think the christians and the muslims are whacko.

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Re: Israel slur fear forces boycott
Reply #12 - Apr 21st, 2009 at 8:51pm

another ranting intolerant obsessive violently inclined muslim speaks out.
Remind anyone of ALL the other muslims who have been here ??

DELEGATES from Western countries last night walked out of the UN anti-racism summit in Geneva after Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad used his keynote speech to attack Israel as racist.

Mr Ahmadinejad criticised the formation of a "racist government" in the Middle East, in a clear reference to Israel.
"They sent migrants from Europe, the United States ... in order to establish a racist government in the occupied Palestine," he said on the opening day of the five-day conference known as Durban II.
Three protesters from the French Union of Jewish Students dressed as clowns and shouting "racist, racist," were expelled from the conference as Mr Ahmadinejad began to speak. One of them threw a soft red object at the Iranian President, hitting the podium and interrupting his speech.
Shortly afterwards a stream of Western diplomats, including from Britain and France, walked out. France condemned Mr Ahmadinejad's "hate speech" delivered on the same day as Holocaust Memorial Day, saying "no compromise was possible" with his UN racism stance.
The Iranian President had ignored entreaties from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon that a UN resolution states Zionism cannot be equated with racism.
Mr Ahmadinejad - who has called the Holocaust a myth and for Israel to be wiped off the map - had before his arrival in Geneva launched a broadside against the Jewish state, saying "the Zionist ideology and regime are the flag-bearers of racism".
The conference opened soon after Germany and New Zealand joined the US, Israel, Australia, Italy, Canada and The Netherlands in boycotting the follow-up to the original anti-racism conference in South Africa in 2001, during which the US and Israel walked out over what they said were anti-Semitic attacks directed at Israel.
Mr Ban appeared to attempt to repair the damage to the summit by saying in his opening address that the world should condemn "anti-Semitism and Islamophobia" and by saying the world could not forget the Holocaust.
The Durban Review Conference is intended to examine efforts to overcome racism in the eight years since the first gathering in South Africa.
Frantic efforts have been made in recent weeks to change the wording of the draft mission statement for the summit so it was not an attack on Israel, and although Israel was not referred to in the final draft, the boycotting countries believed the conference could become an outlet for anti-Semitic attacks.
Australia announced its boycott on Sunday, with Foreign Minister Stephen Smith saying: "Regrettably we cannot be confident the review conference will not again be used as a platform to air offensive views, including anti-Semitic views."
Barack Obama said yesterday the US had boycotted the summit because Washington did not want to put "an imprimatur" on a conference it did not believe in. The US President said the South African conference had become "a session through which folks expressed antagonism towards Israel in ways that were oftentimes completely hypocritical and counter-productive".
The conference has increased the tensions between Iran and Israel, which are already engaged in verbal hostilities over Iran's ambitions to develop a nuclear program.
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said the fact that Mr Ahmadinejad was a keynote speaker justified Israel's decision to boycott the conference.
"The fact that a racist like Ahmadinejad is the main speaker proves the true aim and nature of the conference," he said yesterday.
Mr Lieberman said Israelis could not ignore the fact that the conference began on the same day as Holocaust Memorial Day.,25197,25363315-2703,00.html
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Israel slur fear forces boycott
Reply #13 - Apr 21st, 2009 at 9:17pm
Sprintcyclist wrote on Apr 20th, 2009 at 10:38am:
skippy -   Quote:
welll I am anti religion, anybody who puts their religion before fellow humans is a retard.

So you would be ok with ....."love one another as you love yourself" ??

Yes sprint I would, now it seems to me as an atheist that I have more compassion for my fellow human beings than any god botherer ive seem write here, I think if god or jesus or any greater being did exist that he(we;ll call him a he) would want all humans to accept each other as brothers and sisters and not bag them just because they were a different religion, but instead we have all this s hit about my religion is better than yours and we can bag muslims but not the jews.
All religions try to dictate that they are the only true religion, the christians are the worst offenders; having spent ten years in sunday school as a kid I can say that every week we were told the only true way to heaven is to accept jesus, no ifs no buts, I'm sure muslims say the same about allah and the jews dont accept jesus as being the son of god at all so they think the christians and the muslims are whacko.

It is really funny how atheists hate jews because of perceived wrong the jews did to Jesus.
That is another proof that atheism is just another intolerant religion who still holld number one record of mass murdering.
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ישראל חיה ערבים לערבים
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Re: Israel slur fear forces boycott
Reply #14 - Apr 22nd, 2009 at 7:49am
Irwin is right, the jews are the biggest racists on earth besides the fundy christian,the yanks dont have the balls to turn up either, I suppose the facts the jews own the USA might have something to do with it.

This conference is a joke. And who are the Jews 'racist' against? Arabs? They have Arabs in their army.  The Druze are Arabs that want nothing to do with the Islamic genocide of the Jews obsession, and serve in the Israeli army. Israel has a problem with Islam, not a race. And Islam is not a race.

And as for racist attacks, the Arabic press regularly has caricatures of money grubbing Jews in the style of the Third Reich in its press. Do you think for a nano-second the Israeli press would get away with having even *one* such caricature Arab cartoon?
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ISLAM is a vicious [un-reformable] political tyranny, which has always murdered its critics, and it continues that practice even today.
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