Quote:Yes, talk is easy. Your solution?
I think we should start by preventing the immigration of those who are ideologically opposed to democracy, personal freedom, human rights, freedom of religion etc. This would be a good move even without the problem of Islam. It makes a lot more sense than jailing people for telling you about their religion. Secondly, we should be more open and frank about the evil aspects of Islam and not shy away from voicing our concerns out of fear of offending people who hold these evil beliefs.
Quote:I think that most would realise, that when pointing out the many follies that make up Islam, they are preaching to the converted.
I don't. I was only exposed to it very recently, and very slowly, by Abu et al. When it was just sprint going off, I didn't give it much consideration.
Quote:We see how often the extremist muslims denounce other muslims, as not being true muslims, to which that majority would contend the reverse to be true.
This is largely a disagreement over the use of violence in the short term. It is not a disagreement over long term goals, only how to achieve them.
Quote:I just think that making the assumption that the majority of muslims do, or even wish to, follow Islam in that strictly literal sense, is not supported by what we see
It is supported by what I see. All the Muslims who post here either back it up or insult me when I ask them their opinion. I see Muslim women getting around in the middle of summer wearing a tent. I see Muslims protesting violently about a benign cartoon on the other side of the world. I see Muslims remaining silent in the face of horrendous attacks on the freedom of women, like the pricks who throw acid in the face of women for dressing immodestly. I see Australian Muslims dismissing these acts as 'just another crime'.
Quote:Now I accept that those who do follow Islam, could go either way, and if they did go over to the dark side, of the extremists, then we could well see the nightmare scenario predictions realised.
Mozz, what about the dark side of mainstream Islam? Do you deny that the four mainstream schools of Islam support the death penalty for apostasy for example? Abu's criticism of the lunatic fringe is not that their goals are evil, but that their implimentation of those goals is not technically correct according to Islam. There is a correct way to stone a 13 year old girl to death. That is what separates the fringe from the mainstream, not whether they should stone 13 year old girls to death.
Quote:The thing is, we must choose a course of action that will see mainstream muslims withdraw any support for extremism, and continually demonising them, en masse, apart from being very unfair, seems a very poor way to try and achieve that goal.
You draw a magical line between mainstream and extreme Islam. But you fail to appreciate the difficulty in getting Muslims to act on it. You imagine a mainstream that simply does not exist, or is at best represented by mute apostates. Witness for example, Abu's almost total refusal to criticise fellow Muslims, and his eventual admission that he will always take the side of Muslims because they are Muslims, not because they are right. Muslims do not divide neatly into extremists and mainstream as you imagine they should.
Quote:If we do that, then young muslims will see the inherent value in our system, and respect it, and hopefully help to promote the same values in their Islamic communities.
But Islam opposes those values, fundamentally. They see personal freedom for example as an evil. I am not going to start respecting Islam because some of them manage to follow it's commands and refrain from killing me until the appropriate time. Nor could I expect a rational Muslim to respect my beliefs. They are incompatible. It's like you think we should be polite and welcoming to one group of neonazis and ignore the preaching of their evil ideology, in case we push them to an even more extreme version of Nazism.
Young Muslims will either respect our values or choose Islam if we confront them with the reality of their choice. Pretending there is no conflict achieves nothing. We have seen from Abu the lengths they will go to to delude themselves and others into thinking there is no compatibility problem.
Quote:When we accept that people are just people, with simple, personal goals, not just borg-like components of a vast Islamic mothership, then we will be one step closer to seeing the conflicts of the past, put behind us, for good, for good.
The way to treat them like real people is to be honest about what we think of their beliefs, not refrain from honesty because we fear the lunatic fringe, not turn a blind eye to their evil ideology because there are people around who are even more evil and we can't tell them apart. We are lying to them and misleading them. We are letting them think that Islam is somehow OK so long as they don't start slaughtering us just yet. We are letting them think that so long as they don't blow up buildings they are welcome to destroy our society gradually.