NorthOfNorth wrote on Apr 22
nd, 2009 at 1:43pm:
And doomed to failure...
Just like the signs often placed in shop and pub windows until near the end of the 19th century "Chinese not served here" and "Help wanted. No Irishman need apply", Camden's little spat will be interpreted as something other than having a metaphorical pair.
Chinese, Irish, are races of ppl [in the case of Irish, a nationality?].
Whereas ISLAM, [effectively] is a deceptive, violent, fascist
political philosophy, which encourages the murder of all who resist its authority.
For free people to choose to tolerate evil, to tolerate a philosophy like ISLAM, to choose to remove all further free choice from their lives.
When it comes to ISLAM, why can't ppl see that,
"Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil."
Thomas Mann