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Churches oppose Islamic school (Read 43669 times)
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Re: Churches oppose Islamic school
Reply #60 - Apr 25th, 2009 at 10:45pm
Sprintcyclist wrote on Apr 25th, 2009 at 9:29pm:
as with most other people in the free world, it is immaterial to me who you believe or not believe in.

fact is, under islam law it is very significant.
So all islamic schools can bugger off.
All islamics can bugger off.
All muslims can bugger off.

muslims are islamics, so they can all bugger off.

LOL sprint, ive always liked your straight to the point attitude.
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Re: Churches oppose Islamic school
Reply #61 - Apr 26th, 2009 at 12:06am
mozzaok wrote on Apr 25th, 2009 at 2:53pm:
I think the critical issue is whether you think it is possible to oppose Islamist extremism, without demonising, and vilifying, all muslims.

You do not understand. Its ISLAM - normal ordinary every day ISLAM that is extremist. Not extremist Islam. Learn what Islam is. Let me say it again, LEARN WHAT ISLAM IS - before you think you know the difference between Islam and 'extremist Islam.' And opposing the supremacist philosophy of Islam, is not 'demonizing' muslims, no more than opposing the Third Reich was demonising Germans. It's like saying we need to engage with the moderate Nazis.

Regular ordinary, ordinary..Islam - wants sharia. It wants your government destroyed. It believes in jihad, and violence and warfare, and the absolute divine right of muslims to rule over all others, with the use of extreme force and violence. Go to and read Islam 101. Then present your learned critique of what Robert Spencer says there.

My view on you Moazzak is that you do not want to know the truth, because its too hard for you to accept. So you wont learn any facts, you will just keep repeating the same statements about religion of peace and moderate Islam, and shut your eyes wilfully blind to the ABUNDANT evidence all around you of what Islam really is.

I certainly do, in fact I think that demonising all muslims is totally counter productive,

I am not demonizing 'all muslims'. I am simply saying, this is what Islam is. This is what it does. Whether people who identify themselves as muslims and follow those beliefs, how would I know. But I am just saying, this is what they believe, and better than that - this is what they SAY they believe (in Arabic usually, don't want the dhimmis to know the truth while they can still defend themselves) and yet people like yourself, who know nothing about Islam, know better.

as it is only muslims who will be able to initiate the change of direction,

Why does it need to change direction if it is really the religion of peace? And why would it change direction at all, when there are people all around the place like your good self who prevent ANY criticism of Islam and provide them with ready made excuses for the worst behaviour worldwide.

which Islam needs to take, and like the lover continually, wrongly accused of cheating, it can drive them to the point of despair where they do become what they are always accused of.

What the hell does this mean. Islam has been rampaging around since 600 or so invading, conquering, destroying indigenous societies and setting up brutal dictatorial theocratic governments. Everywhere, in every place that Islam has been alongside people of any other religion, there has been jihad and violence to seek to impose sharia. And yet for some reason, you believe that this ONE time here, there will not be such things - when we see the march to war all across Europe, the Middle East and in the USA, as brittle angry muslims fire up at the slightest perceived insult, refusing to accept any criticism or blame for anything they do, and to respond with threats and violence at the slightest hint of someone disagreeing with them.

The statistics show us that there are a couple of billion muslims in the world, and if they were all crazy terrorists like the Islamophobes would like us to believe, then we would be seeing much more trouble than we do.

What a stupid comment. How many soldiers are there in the US, 1 million? and 290 million or so non-combatants?

I am not seeking to play down the very real threat that Islamist extremists do pose, just hoping that people try and keep it in a sensible perspective, and not demonise all muslims, but work with them, to jointly oppose the excesses of the fanatics, not drive them into their arms.

You don't get it. Islam - is extreme. Ok, repeat after me - Islam is extreme..its not just a matter of some imaginary 'extremist' Islam. Regular ordinary Islam demands that there be jihad and warfare and the destruction of all other societies save the rule of muslims as overlords imposing sharia with us as dhimmis living under their rule. That's all it is, that's all it does. All four main schools of Islamic thought believe that and practice it.

So can you repeat after me - REGULAR Islam is the problem - not extremist Islam.
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Re: Churches oppose Islamic school
Reply #62 - Apr 26th, 2009 at 11:01am
Define away, FD… Define it such that it isn’t anti-Muslim by another name. And it better be tight, because you can bet your nuts there’d be counsellors out there ready to tear it apart to demonstrate its Islamophobic subtext.

Who cares? It doesn't matter if it is obviously targetted at Muslims. The fact is, Islam is incompatible with Australian values. You have this strange notion that because Islam is also a religion, there is something wrong with criticising or opposing it. If someone wanted to set up a nazi school, would you fret that the opposition to it is based on Naziphobia? Why is Islam any different?

Being Australian, Australia is my primary concern and Indonesia is the most important nation with regard to Australia’s security. Imagine, say, a hostile Indonesia allowing tens of thousands of boat people to descend on Australia’s shores.

Again, what is your point? Should we allow people to undermine our society because we are afraid?

Only a very small minority of Muslims are militant Islamists (or Taqfiris as David Kilcullen suggests we label them to better define their contemptible cause). They’re the lunatic fringe that’s got the likes of the counsellor raving on about blood in the streets… Maybe defending one too many psychopaths has addled his mind… or maybe his conscience, if he got too many off.

Just because they aren't militant doesn't mean they don't share the goal of undermining our society. They just approach their goals with a much longer and mroe realistic time frame. And besides, you are avoiding the question yet again. Other than making excuses and fear mongering, what is it you think we should actually do?

Ultimately Australians have always managed to absorb every immigrant wave to reach our shores… And we’ll do it again with Indians, Africans and Muslims.

That is pretty poor logic. Our whole argument is based on some unique aspects of Islam, yet you can only offer the example of other religions as a guide to what will happen with Islam. You are yet again avoiding the fundamental issue. If Muslims do manage to integrate, it won't be because of people like you insisting that the problems don't exist. You are a barrier to positive reform.

But just like I said, you don’t give a bugger about Australia’s interests… What you want is to vent your spleen… even if in the end your plans end in an obvious catastrophic defeat.

Helian, it seems to me that you think we should allow people who oppose democracy, human rights, freedom of religion, freedom of speech etc to go about their plans unchallenged because you are afraid of them. Is that right? Would you mind clarifying your position on this, because all I see is someone who wants to give up their rights because they are already scared.

The statistics show us that there are a couple of billion muslims in the world, and if they were all crazy terrorists like the Islamophobes would like us to believe, then we would be seeing much more trouble than we do.

Mozz, you are only seeing one side of the issue. Yes only some Muslims are violent extremists, but they all want to see Islam dominate. They all want to see freedom of religion taken away. They all want to deny their fellow humans basic rights. They all want to see women and non-Muslims as second class citizens. That's what mainstream Islam is. The only difference between the mainstream and the extremists is that mainstream Muslims realise they are not in a position to achieve anything through violence at the moment. But they still think of Islam as an empire. They want that empire to return. The empire is not a fairytale, it is a brutal killing machine.
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Re: Churches oppose Islamic school
Reply #63 - Apr 26th, 2009 at 12:27pm
There is no Australian government that will ever be elected that will attempt to unilaterally discriminate against Muslims at the borders. Not because our politicians are scared or unpatriotic, but because a world religion such as Islam cannot be resisted in that way and it’s pure fantasy to think that it can.

Australia would not endure censure from other nations arising from that kind of stand.

We can however use the law to protect Australia’s secular values, such as banning all visible displays of religiosity. Exclude all ‘clerics’ from the political process or public office. Ban groups with religious agendas from the political process. Do not permit religious schools of any kind to exist. Ban any religious practice from the workplace. Ban the proselytizing of religion in public places. Disallow any religious based education from schools.

Affirm the secular nature of our state by denying religiosity any validity or political platform.

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Re: Churches oppose Islamic school
Reply #64 - Apr 26th, 2009 at 1:08pm
I am certainly not ignorant of the aspects of Islam that are concerning to so many, but I don't know that all muslims do want sharia law, or to see Islam become an all dominant world power.
I don't know that most of them do not look at it in the same way as many christians, who simply look upon their faith as a personal spiritual system that enriches their lives.

I don't suggest we ignore the ambitions of the loonies, just that we don't tar all muslims with the same brush.
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Re: Churches oppose Islamic school
Reply #65 - Apr 26th, 2009 at 2:56pm
mozzaok wrote on Apr 26th, 2009 at 1:08pm:
I am certainly not ignorant of the aspects of Islam that are concerning to so many, but I don't know that all muslims do want sharia law, or to see Islam become an all dominant world power.

So what. I am sure there were members of the SS that thought jews were not so bad. In fact, I am trying to remember who it was, but there was a high ranking lawyer in the SS who said he didn't care either way about the Jews when he joined up, but he needed the work. Does that mean that Nazism did not discriminate against Jews, because you could find one member of the SS who didn't care about them?

I am tallking about the philosophy of Islam, not what individuals may or may not do. What you are saying (I think) oscillates between on the one hand saying, Islam doesn't say that...and then on the other saying, but if IT DOES SAY that..then lots of muslims don't even follow it so it doesnt really matter.

It does matter. Please point me to, the type of Islam you say does not divide the world into dar al harb and dar al Islam, and require that the muslims work towards jihad to topple the dar al harb through warfare into the dar al Islam. Tell me the type of Islam, in your view that rejects the rule by sharia law and ruling over dhimmis. Where is it - point me to it please.

I don't know that most of them do not look at it in the same way as many christians, who simply look upon their faith as a personal spiritual system that enriches their lives.

These are just motherhood statements. Read Islam 101 at - Then tell me what you disagree with.

I don't suggest we ignore the ambitions of the loonies, just that we don't tar all muslims with the same brush.

So your approach is to do nothing, say its a few apples that spoil the barrel, whatever the barrel happens to be.
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ISLAM is a vicious [un-reformable] political tyranny, which has always murdered its critics, and it continues that practice even today.
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Re: Churches oppose Islamic school
Reply #66 - Apr 26th, 2009 at 3:29pm
mozzaok wrote on Apr 26th, 2009 at 1:08pm:

I don't suggest we ignore the ambitions of the loonies, just that we don't tar all muslims with the same brush.

It is perfectly OK and reasonable to tar self-confessed muslims with the brush of Islam. As it has been said before: "Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."

How is Islam an improvement on anything? What is new AND positive in the Book of Mohammed?

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Re: Churches oppose Islamic school
Reply #67 - Apr 26th, 2009 at 4:53pm
Calanen wrote on Apr 26th, 2009 at 2:56pm:
mozzaok wrote on Apr 26th, 2009 at 1:08pm:
I am certainly not ignorant of the aspects of Islam that are concerning to so many,
but I don't know that all muslims do want sharia law, or to see Islam become an all dominant world power.


On the basis of your statement, i can say categorically, you are mistaken, or deceived, about ISLAM.

About what ISLAM is, and about who is a muslim.

It does matter. Please point me to, the type of Islam you say does not divide the world into dar al harb and dar al Islam, and require that the muslims work towards jihad to topple the dar al harb through warfare into the dar al Islam. Tell me the type of Islam, in your view that rejects the rule by sharia law and ruling over dhimmis. Where is it - point me to it please.


It is certain, that accepted doctrines and views define a 'muslim'.

Any muslim who sincerely, and publicly repudiates those doctrines and views, becomes an apostate, a non-muslim.

The problem is, knowing ISLAM, how can any non-muslim know when a muslim is being sincere???

I'm not being obtuse, it is a serious question, when muslims believe [because ISLAMIC 'religious' doctrine tells them] that it is totally kosher, halal, to deceive non-muslims, at any time.



Muhammad himself, was what all muslims today consider to be a 'moderate' muslim,
.....i.e. a normal muslim.

Why is that TRUTH about Muhammed, and ISLAM, so hard to accept, by so many non-muslims?

Is it perhaps because muslims you know, claim that they don't endorse the actions of 'violent muslims', and only want to live a quiet, tolerant life?

And you, a non-muslim, WANT to believe them,



AND, there are no moderate muslims.

Any person who identifies themself with ISLAM, by definition, identifies themself with endorsing ISLAM's doctrines of deception, violence, and terror, against non-muslims, and ALL un-ISLAMIC culture.

By definition, a muslims 'reason for being', is to work with all his resources, to destroy the non-muslim world, and in its place establish Sharia, and ISLAMIC authority.


AND i repeat, there are no 'moderate' muslims.


When will you get it into your head?,

'Moderate' muslims, ......IS AN OXYMORON!


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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Churches oppose Islamic school
Reply #68 - Apr 26th, 2009 at 7:17pm
We can however use the law to protect Australia’s secular values, such as banning all visible displays of religiosity. Exclude all ‘clerics’ from the political process or public office. Ban groups with religious agendas from the political process. Do not permit religious schools of any kind to exist. Ban any religious practice from the workplace. Ban the proselytizing of religion in public places. Disallow any religious based education from schools.

Affirm the secular nature of our state by denying religiosity any validity or political platform.

Thanks for making a suggestion about what we should do. I see now why you were so hesitant to do so.

You seem a bit confused Helian. One the one hand, you complain about religious discrimination. On the other, you blame religion as the problem and want an extreme form of religious discrimination, and fail to appreciate that it is the political ideology of Islam that is the problem, not religion in general, or the spritual aspects of Islam. What you propose is a denial of freedom that seems more similar to Islam than to our society. You want to replace Islam with your own version of extreme intolerance. Again, you respond to fear by throwing basic freedoms away as quickly as possible. Is this how you respond to threats in general?

I am certainly not ignorant of the aspects of Islam that are concerning to so many, but I don't know that all muslims do want sharia law, or to see Islam become an all dominant world power.

I have met one Muslim who considers herself 'Koran only', which may match what you describe. However, if you take Sharia out of Islam, there isn't really much left. Muslims right here on OzPolitic back up our worst fears about Islam, though getting a straight answer out of them can be like pulling teeth. You are attempting to defend Islam by saying that Muslims don't actually accept the ideology of Islam. These bad things about Islam are not the lunatic fringe, they are the mainstream and modern interpretations. Imagine if the Pope came out and said we must destroy demcoracy, or that we must go back to stoning little grils to death who cheat on whatever dirty old man was chosen as their husband, or that apostates must be killed, or that blasphemers should be thrown to an angry mob. This is what they want to teach Australian children in an Australian school. Not a few centuries ago, but today. Why do you have such trouble accepting the vast gulf between Islam and other religions?
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Re: Churches oppose Islamic school
Reply #69 - Apr 26th, 2009 at 9:56pm
freediver wrote on Apr 26th, 2009 at 7:17pm:
Thanks for making a suggestion about what we should do. I see now why you were so hesitant to do so.

You seem a bit confused Helian. One the one hand, you complain about religious discrimination. On the other, you blame religion as the problem and want an extreme form of religious discrimination, and fail to appreciate that it is the political ideology of Islam that is the problem, not religion in general, or the spritual aspects of Islam. What you propose is a denial of freedom that seems more similar to Islam than to our society. You want to replace Islam with your own version of extreme intolerance. Again, you respond to fear by throwing basic freedoms away as quickly as possible. Is this how you respond to threats in general?

Yes, talk is easy. Your solution?
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Re: Churches oppose Islamic school
Reply #70 - Apr 26th, 2009 at 10:44pm

I think that most would realise, that when pointing out the many follies that make up Islam, they are preaching to the converted.

I have no regard for Islamic teachings, and find the majority of them, that I have seen, as bordering on being outright evil, and those that don't fall into that category, could, at the very least, be deemed as being grossly offensive.

Where I differ with some, is that I don't think the majority of people who call themselves muslims, follow Islam in the way that the extremists preach it, or in the strict sense that we have seen ascribed to it.

We see how often the extremist muslims denounce other muslims, as not being true muslims, to which that majority would contend the reverse to be true.

I fully agree with all that think strictly following the Koranic teachings, is a wicked political/religious system, based in violent, repressive, anachronistic ideologies, and Islam preached, and practiced in that way, deserves our condemnation, and opposition.

I just think that making the assumption that the majority of muslims do, or even wish to, follow Islam in that strictly literal sense, is not supported by what we see, with the unfortunate exception of the lunatic fringe, which are so evil, and so active, that they create a perception of being far greater in number, and influence, than they really are.

Now I accept that those who do follow Islam, could go either way, and if they did go over to the dark side, of the extremists, then we could well see the nightmare scenario predictions realised.

The thing is, we must choose a course of action that will see mainstream muslims withdraw any support for extremism, and continually demonising them, en masse, apart from being very unfair, seems a very poor way to try and achieve that goal.

I think the best we can do is support the everyday people who hold no truck with terrorists, or murderous zealots, by allowing them to live their normal peaceful life, and let the nutjobs condemn themselves by their own actions.

We do need to show the values we stand for, tolerance, peacefulness, and respect for the law, by tolerating differences which do not threaten us, allow peaceful co-existence of other religions, and strictly enforce all our laws, fairly and transparently.

If we do that, then young muslims will see the inherent value in our system, and respect it, and hopefully help to promote the same values in their Islamic communities.

When we accept that people are just people, with simple, personal goals, not just borg-like components of a vast Islamic mothership, then we will be one step closer to seeing the conflicts of the past, put behind us, for good, for good.

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Re: Churches oppose Islamic school
Reply #71 - Apr 26th, 2009 at 11:00pm
If we do that, then young muslims will see the inherent value in our system, and respect it, and hopefully help to promote the same values in their Islamic communities.

Why would they respect it, when you don't?
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ISLAM is a vicious [un-reformable] political tyranny, which has always murdered its critics, and it continues that practice even today.
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Re: Churches oppose Islamic school
Reply #72 - Apr 27th, 2009 at 9:40pm
Yes, talk is easy. Your solution?

I think we should start by preventing the immigration of those who are ideologically opposed to democracy, personal freedom, human rights, freedom of religion etc. This would be a good move even without the problem of Islam. It makes a lot more sense than jailing people for telling you about their religion. Secondly, we should be more open and frank about the evil aspects of Islam and not shy away from voicing our concerns out of fear of offending people who hold these evil beliefs.

I think that most would realise, that when pointing out the many follies that make up Islam, they are preaching to the converted.

I don't. I was only exposed to it very recently, and very slowly, by Abu et al. When it was just sprint going off, I didn't give it much consideration.

We see how often the extremist muslims denounce other muslims, as not being true muslims, to which that majority would contend the reverse to be true.

This is largely a disagreement over the use of violence in the short term. It is not a disagreement over long term goals, only how to achieve them.

I just think that making the assumption that the majority of muslims do, or even wish to, follow Islam in that strictly literal sense, is not supported by what we see

It is supported by what I see. All the Muslims who post here either back it up or insult me when I ask them their opinion. I see Muslim women getting around in the middle of summer wearing a tent. I see Muslims protesting violently about a benign cartoon on the other side of the world. I see Muslims remaining silent in the face of horrendous attacks on the freedom of women, like the pricks who throw acid in the face of women for dressing immodestly. I see Australian Muslims dismissing these acts as 'just another crime'.

Now I accept that those who do follow Islam, could go either way, and if they did go over to the dark side, of the extremists, then we could well see the nightmare scenario predictions realised.

Mozz, what about the dark side of mainstream Islam? Do you deny that the four mainstream schools of Islam support the death penalty for apostasy for example? Abu's criticism of the lunatic fringe is not that their goals are evil, but that their implimentation of those goals is not technically correct according to Islam. There is a correct way to stone a 13 year old girl to death. That is what separates the fringe from the mainstream, not whether they should stone 13 year old girls to death.

The thing is, we must choose a course of action that will see mainstream muslims withdraw any support for extremism, and continually demonising them, en masse, apart from being very unfair, seems a very poor way to try and achieve that goal.

You draw a magical line between mainstream and extreme Islam. But you fail to appreciate the difficulty in getting Muslims to act on it. You imagine a mainstream that simply does not exist, or is at best represented by mute apostates. Witness for example, Abu's almost total refusal to criticise fellow Muslims, and his eventual admission that he will always take the side of Muslims because they are Muslims, not because they are right. Muslims do not divide neatly into extremists and mainstream as you imagine they should.

If we do that, then young muslims will see the inherent value in our system, and respect it, and hopefully help to promote the same values in their Islamic communities.

But Islam opposes those values, fundamentally. They see personal freedom for example as an evil. I am not going to start respecting Islam because some of them manage to follow it's commands and refrain from killing me until the appropriate time. Nor could I expect a rational Muslim to respect my beliefs. They are incompatible. It's like you think we should be polite and welcoming to one group of neonazis and ignore the preaching of their evil ideology, in case we push them to an even more extreme version of Nazism.

Young Muslims will either respect our values or choose Islam if we confront them with the reality of their choice. Pretending there is no conflict achieves nothing. We have seen from Abu the lengths they will go to to delude themselves and others into thinking there is no compatibility problem.

When we accept that people are just people, with simple, personal goals, not just borg-like components of a vast Islamic mothership, then we will be one step closer to seeing the conflicts of the past, put behind us, for good, for good.

The way to treat them like real people is to be honest about what we think of their beliefs, not refrain from honesty because we fear the lunatic fringe, not turn a blind eye to their evil ideology because there are people around who are even more evil and we can't tell them apart. We are lying to them and misleading them. We are letting them think that Islam is somehow OK so long as they don't start slaughtering us just yet. We are letting them think that so long as they don't blow up buildings they are welcome to destroy our society gradually.
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Re: Churches oppose Islamic school
Reply #73 - Apr 27th, 2009 at 9:41pm
Mozz, the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Perhaps you were simply born into freedom and democracy and think it's somehow natural and stable. It isn't. It cannot survive if we allow growing sections of our society and large institutions to undermine it. It must be protected, not sacrificed for the greater good and not tossed aside every time a lunatic flies a plane into a building. Events like 9/11 make our society stronger. It is not the lunatics, but the cold and methodical institutions that are the real threat to our society. It is naive to think that people can preach an ideology like Islam unchallenged and not have it lead to conflict. Your strategy of delaying that conflict in the hope they will simply give up will merely make it more bloody. Let us have it now, while our society can handle free debate and a conflict of words, not later when it becomes violent. There is no benefit in standing by silently while members of our community preach the destruction of democracy and freedom. If as you suggest, the majority of Muslims share our support for these things, then let them come out and say it, not pray five times a day in front of their peers for it's destruction.
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Re: Churches oppose Islamic school
Reply #74 - Apr 27th, 2009 at 9:48pm
If as you suggest, the majority of Muslims share our support for these things, then let them come out and say it, not pray five times a day in front of their peers for it's destruction.

Yeah right, because the whole Islamic world is such a beacon of tolerance and democracy, that is of course what muslims want.
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ISLAM is a vicious [un-reformable] political tyranny, which has always murdered its critics, and it continues that practice even today.
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