Are recent boat ppl, legitimate asylum seekers / refugees ???
Or are they merely determined queue jumping economic refugees [who are displacing real asylum seekers] ???
asylum [seeker] = = the protection granted by a state to someone who has left their native country as a political refugee. Ø shelter or protection from danger.
refugee = = a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.
You have read the definitions.
Many muslim 'asylum seekers' [from countries like Iraq, Afghanistan], who transit to Australia, on boats from Indonesia, have been living for more than 5 years in Indonesia, a predominantly muslim nation.
It has been stated that some of these 'asylum seekers' have established themselves well enough, to have even started small businesses within Indonesia.
That would seem to suggest to me, that some of these people are not in any urgent need of evacuation, to a country of refuge, like Australia.
i.e. If these people have been living within Indonesia for more than 5 years, can they still be categorised as asylum seekers / refugees ???
And yet, they are now leaving Indonesia, to come to Australia, because they are claiming that they are asylum seekers / refugees ???
Err, i repeat again, many of these muslim so called 'asylum seekers' have have been living for more than 5 years in Indonesia, a country which also presumably complies with their religious prejudices.
Surely these muslims would be happier, living among their cultural equals, .....rather than coming to Australia, to endure the 'oppression' of the hated infidels? /sarc off
So i ask, and shouldn't we all ask, why exactly, do these muslims need to evacuate themselves from Indonesia?
Are these people who [present themselves, as supposed 'refugees'] are coming to Australia, muslims, really suffering persecution, in Indonesia?
Wouldn't it make more sense, that genuine asylum seekers / refugees, would seek the nearest country of refuge, and a country which could easily accommodate their cultural / religious leanings???