Sprintcyclist wrote on Apr 29
th, 2009 at 10:51pm:
amadd - those people are criminals who rely on leftard sentiment to get whatever they want.
mantra - at worst, they lived longer by becoming crims. Most likely the lefty organisation is making the story up.
Why do rightards live in denial? sprint there has never ever been a case of a boat refugee failing an ASIO or federal gov security check.
These people come here to live in a democratic country, you hate facts don't you? they just prove that your xenophobic bias is unfounded.
The only people who make things up are the likes of you, all your figures are lies, no surprises there, and when we do set the record straight you refuse to accept facts, typical xenophobic immigrant, why do we let you xenophobe's into OUR country?
I might start up a go home kiwi movement, you and your mob are the biggest bludgers on Australian society.