Grendel wrote on May 10
th, 2009 at 12:09pm:
well anytime you think you've got a point apart from the one on your head feel free to make it sqippy
one more time for the dumberoo..
Australia for Australians...
just add sqippy...
The sad thing is idiots like; Skippy, Athos and Alan all back other national MONOCULTURES... its alright for them to exist... even within Australia and as enclaves within our culture.
hypocrisy and stupidity all rolled into one.
Cant handle the FACTS eh?
Australia has always had enclaves boof, catholic/protestant,
aboriginal/Anglo, Irish/English, all from the beginning.
Then we had our waves of migrants like the Jews, Italians, Greeks et al, they all had enclaves boof, ever go to marrickville in the 50s or 60s?
The list goes on , but you notice that Greeks, Italians and even Chinese now live in areas that are in line with their socio economic status, not their background, the same will eventually happen with our modern day migrants.
I wont bother with the rest of your rant, I don't lower myself to petty insults boof.