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Multiculti - preserve cultural id amid enemies (Read 11347 times)
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Posts: 21731
A cat with a view
Re: Multiculti - preserve cultural id amid enemies
Reply #45 - May 22nd, 2009 at 10:26am
NO, so what?
I care not for your fantasies about soft tissue
, this is a great example of why you and the likes of you are so dangerous to society, in order to live your little fairy tale you deny what is not only proven fact but  physical proof.
Soft tissue does not matter
, there is plenty of physical evidence to prove the earth is much more then 5 thousand years old.


There you go again, with those [lack of] comprehension skills.

You just don't 'get it', do you.

The discovery, the existence!, of T-REX soft tissue, is conclusive evidence that dinosaurs may have lived in our [mankind's] recent past.

But evolutionists such as yourself, are not open to being swayed with truth, facts, and evidence.

Evolutionists such as yourself, are people with closed minds.

When evolutionists are confronted with evidence which challenges the validity of the theory of evolution [i.e. for example, conclusive evidence that dinosaurs may have lived in our recent past], the evolutionists refuse to confront, or seriously examine such evidence.

Evolutionists refuse to consider evidence, which doesn't fit the theory of evolution, which they are committed to.

Evolutionists are committed to the theory of evolution, with a 'religious' conviction.

The words of skippy....

....Now to some real debate

Yadda.....You see the problem with that every body thinks their religion is the one true religion and the rest are wrong......

Science, is a house of lies and half truths.

scientific fraud

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Multiculti - preserve cultural id amid enemies
Reply #46 - May 22nd, 2009 at 12:43pm
Oh yadda yabba you, I Can understand that some body with a belief system like you would be blind to facts it doesn't surprise me in the least.
What I'd suggest to you is look at the facts of life as we know it, you believe in a god based on the concept of a woman having an immaculate conception, let alone the rise from the dead conpironut stuff, you are a very naive person yadda, you also can't learn to think for yourself so you go on believing a fantasy that people made up 1500 to 2000 years ago.
I understand it undermines everything you believe in to see your belief in this fictional creature not only questioned but proven to be no more real than the fairies at the bottom of the garden.
You should get over it, there's a real world out there to live, go and live it, you only get one life.
Tell me yadda, have you always been a god bother er or are you a born again?
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Posts: 21731
A cat with a view
Re: Multiculti - preserve cultural id amid enemies
Reply #47 - May 22nd, 2009 at 1:58pm
Oh yadda yabba you, I Can understand that some body with a belief system like you would be blind to facts it doesn't surprise me in the least.
What I'd suggest to you is look at the facts of life as we know it,


Weak skip,
very weak

What facts???????????

You mean that fraudulent fossil dating science / 'fact' ?

Where in a 'scientific' process of analysing, 'buzzing' some minerals, and the minerals come out the other end of the 'analysis' process, with a date stamp, " This rock/fossil, was formed 75 million years BC!" ?


Talk about, believing in 'fairies at the bottom of the garden' !!!!!!

Are all you evolutionist so, so, 'inert' ????


.....Tell me yadda, have you always been a god bother er or are you a born again?

Throughout my life, i've always aimed to be a rational person skip.             Wink             Cheesy

Unlike the evolutionist crowd you mix with, who dismiss, and discard evidence, which does not agree with their pet theory,
.....i.e. the theory which states, 'God does not exist, we all evolved, from absolutely nothing! Honest!!!'

1 Thessalonians 5:21
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.


Where did that T-Rex soft tissue,
come from

Did it fall off an asteroid passing earth???

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!


Pull the other one.

It plays, 'Jingle bells'.

Go and play with your fairies,
.....and stop pretending that you have any ability to debate, anything.       Grin      Grin       Grin

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Australian Politics

Posts: 559
Re: Multiculti - preserve cultural id amid enemies
Reply #48 - May 22nd, 2009 at 2:18pm
Isotope’s half-life concept and carbon dating is generally accepted method for good representation of approximate age determination.

But looks that there are exceptions.
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Re: Multiculti - preserve cultural id amid enemies
Reply #49 - May 22nd, 2009 at 2:21pm
So you are a born again hey? they're always the biggest retards.
You are a very dangerous person to our society, the fact you believe women have babies without having sex first says it all.

Where is this evidence you write of about god existing?
As for playing with the fairies, I leave that to your lot, most of the priests I've seen about like a good fairy or kiddy, must be a god botherer thing.

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Re: Multiculti - preserve cultural id amid enemies
Reply #50 - May 22nd, 2009 at 2:24pm
Happy wrote on May 22nd, 2009 at 2:18pm:
Isotope’s half-life concept and carbon dating is generally accepted method for good representation of approximate age determination.

But looks that there are exceptions.

The only exceptions are the retards who think the world is five thousand years old, Grin Grin Grin .
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Posts: 21731
A cat with a view
Re: Multiculti - preserve cultural id amid enemies
Reply #51 - May 22nd, 2009 at 2:55pm
Happy wrote on May 22nd, 2009 at 2:18pm:
Isotope’s half-life concept and carbon dating is generally accepted method for good representation of approximate age determination.

But looks that there are exceptions.


The so-called 'science' of evolution is built on a foundation of sand.....

For many decades our schools have *taught* that petrification [mineralisation of organic material]
takes millions of years

But it has been
, that petrification of organic material can take place,
in less than 20 years

rapid petrification

Think of the consequences of this *fact*, on our understanding of the age of [dinosaur] fossils.


Dating of geologic layers is a fraud....


In June of 1992, Dr Austin collected a 7-kg (15-lb) block of dacite from high on the lava dome......
The laboratory was not told that the specimen came from the lava dome at Mount St Helens and was only 10 years old.
.....the [dating] results ranged from 340,000 to 2.8 million years! Why?
.....the results from the different samples of the *same rock* disagree with each other.
It is clear that radioisotope dating is not....proof for millions of years of Earth history.
When the method is tested on rocks of known age, it fails miserably.

fossil dating a fraud

Why would [and do!, some] scientists
, or ignore, evidence which could be viewed as contradictory to 'mainstream' hypothesises [e.g. evolution]?

Err, with grants of $$$$$$, at stake?

Oh, yes.

I wonder why!         Grin        Grin        Grin



And you dare to suggest that i, am the 'retard'!         Grin        Grin        Grin


Ignorant, ignorant skippy.

Go and find some sand, to put your head into.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Multiculti - preserve cultural id amid enemies
Reply #52 - May 22nd, 2009 at 4:32pm
"Ignorance is the state in which a person lacks knowledge and is unaware of something. "

I am well aware some people believe in god and having spent 15 years involved in a church when I was younger, I too could quote all your little dittys from the bible.

The difference is that I expanded my mind and explored other possibilities whilst you are still peddling fairy tales you learnt in sunday school.

It seems to me that you are the one who lacks knowledge about alternatives because your mind is closed from all that brain washing.

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Australian Politics

Posts: 559
Re: Multiculti - preserve cultural id amid enemies
Reply #53 - May 22nd, 2009 at 5:35pm
Happy wrote on May 22nd, 2009 at 2:18pm:
Isotope’s half-life concept and carbon dating is generally accepted method for good representation of approximate age determination.

But looks that there are exceptions.

The only exceptions are the retards who think the world is five thousand years old, Grin Grin Grin .

Come to think about it they can be even right, all depends on how many our years equal one 'retard' year.

After all Chinese New Year's celebrations do not coincide with ours and they managed for so many thousand years  Smiley

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Re: Multiculti - preserve cultural id amid enemies
Reply #54 - May 22nd, 2009 at 6:07pm
Back to the topic.

There is compulsion in religion

The continued emphasis by Muslim and non-Muslim apologists for Islam on a single verse -- "There is no compulsion in religion" -- is permitted not only because their Infidel audience has no idea either about what is said relevantly elsewhere, in hundreds of places, in the Qur'an and Hadith, and not only because they are unaware of the doctrine of abrogation or "naskh," but because they are also unaware of the precise meaning that is given to that phrase "there is no compulsion in religion" by Muslim jurisconsults. If they did look into it, they would find that the "obvious" meaning of the words -- that is, the meaning that we Infidels choose to endow that phrase with -- is not what Muslim scholars mean at all. They mean that in the end one cannot force deep belief on people, though one can force them to comply outwardly, even on pain of death. And that is what Islam is in the business of doing: forcing outward compliance, on pain of punishment that may well include, has often included, death.

But there is one more thing that should surely be offered as an objection when some fool comes along and utters credulously this "there is no compulsion in religion" and expects us to believe the Western understanding of it. That is the observable behavior of Muslims over 1350 years. What have Muslims done, when they have conquered, by force or otherwise, non-Muslim lands and peoples? They offer three possibilities: death, conversion, and, at least to those who can be classified as ahl al-kitab or "people of the book," permanent status as dhimmis, with a host of political, economic, and social disabilities which together added up to lives of humiliation, degradation, and physical insecurity, at times relieved -- but only at times -- by the occasional mollitude of a particular Muslim ruler. A slim reed on which to base one's happiness. And so, over time, many non-Muslims, in order to avoid this condition of degradation, humiliation, and physical insecurity, converted to Islam.

Why else did Hindus accept Islam? And the Muslims of Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India, of today, if they were quite honest with themselves, would recognize that they are the descendants of those who were essentially forced, or deemed it absolutely necessary, to convert -- and if they were to recognize this, they might convert back. Why did the ancestors of those we now call "Bosnians" (i.e., Muslims of the Balkans) convert to Islam under Ottoman rule, if not to escape the condition of the dhimmi (and such things as the devshirme, or forced levy of Christian children)? Why did North Africa, once Christian (both Tertullian and St. Augustine came from there) become islamized and then arabized? Why did the Christians and Jews of Iraq largely disappear, leaving only the remnant left today, which is also now leaving Iraq as they are newly threatened without the "secular" despot Saddam Hussein to protect them? (His "secularism" was a response to the need to disguise his Sunni despotism, and make it "open to all," including the inoffensive and innocuous Christians.)

Were they all driven out, or did many of them, over time, convert in order to avoid their condition as dhimmis? What happened to the Christians of Byzantium? Did they all leave, or did many of them become the ancestors of those who today are utterly convinced that they have been "Muslim" and "Turk" since time immemorial?

We all know the answer to these questions. And how many of us, if we had to endure the dhimmi status, and had each year, for example, to pay a jizyah tax of, say, $20,000, would remain non-Muslims? How many can say that their children or grandchildren would also remain willing to pay the tax rather than to become Muslims?

Of course there is "compulsion in religion" in the lands of Islam. The burdens placed on non-Muslims are simply too onerous to be ignored, and many, over the past 1350 years, when living under Muslim rule, have succumbed in order to avoid the dhimmi condition.

And that succumbing, that yielding, demonstrates perfectly the "compulsion in religion" that Islam demands, whatever naive and unschooled interpretation of 2.256 any Infidel idiot chooses to give it. Muslims know better.

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Re: Multiculti - preserve cultural id amid enemies
Reply #55 - May 22nd, 2009 at 7:04pm
If that was a cut and paste you should let us know who wrote it, if you wrote it you should give up.
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Re: Multiculti - preserve cultural id amid enemies
Reply #56 - May 22nd, 2009 at 9:16pm
Funny how a perfectly good topic on multiculti and immigration can be sidetracked to be about Religion and Spirituality, belief and disbelief.

Nice if we all got back on track eh.
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Re: Multiculti - preserve cultural id amid enemies
Reply #57 - May 22nd, 2009 at 10:03pm
If that was a cut and paste you should let us know who wrote it, if you wrote it you should give up.

Mr Whoosh! (another one over your head0,

You advertise yourself as a free-thinking, independed-minded man but you are really an officious little group-thinker, a tight-lipped checker of authority and ID when you come across a new idea. You sniff the air not for understanding but for authority. You are actually guarding aganst any new ideas.

Tip: paste the first sentence into google and you will see where it is from. Magic! And guess what? It works with other texts, too!!
And make a note of today - you have learned something new, after a long dry spell: now you know how to use google.
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Re: Multiculti - preserve cultural id amid enemies
Reply #58 - May 23rd, 2009 at 10:47am
Soren wrote on May 22nd, 2009 at 10:03pm:
If that was a cut and paste you should let us know who wrote it, if you wrote it you should give up.

Mr Whoosh! (another one over your head0,

You advertise yourself as a free-thinking, independed-minded man but you are really an officious little group-thinker, a tight-lipped checker of authority and ID when you come across a new idea. You sniff the air not for understanding but for authority. You are actually guarding aganst any new ideas.

Tip: paste the first sentence into google and you will see where it is from. Magic! And guess what? It works with other texts, too!!
And make a note of today - you have learned something new, after a long dry spell: now you know how to use google.

So I was right, no surprises there. Cheesy
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Australian Politics

Posts: 559
Re: Multiculti - preserve cultural id amid enemies
Reply #59 - May 23rd, 2009 at 12:51pm
The continued emphasis by Muslim and non-Muslim apologists for Islam on a single verse
Gave this:

Great stuff

And here :
one can find the reason for site:

Why Jihad Watch?
Because non-Muslims in the West, as well as in India, China, Russia, and the world over, are facing a concerted effort by Islamic jihadists, the motives and goals of whom are largely ignored by the Western media, to destroy their societies and bring them forcibly into the Islamic world -- and to commit violence to that end even while their overall goal remains out of reach. That effort goes under the general rubric of jihad.

Jihad (Arabic for "struggle") is a central duty of every Muslim. Modern Muslim theologians have spoken of many things as jihads: the struggle within the soul, defending the faith from critics, supporting its growth and defense financially, even migrating to non-Muslim lands for the purpose of spreading Islam. But violent jihad is a constant of Islamic history. Many passages of the Qur'an and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad are used by jihad warriors today to justify their actions and gain new recruits. No major Muslim group has ever repudiated the doctrines of armed jihad. The theology of jihad, which denies unbelievers equality of human rights and dignity, is available today for anyone with the will and means to bring it to life.

Jihad Watch is dedicated to bringing public attention to the role that jihad theology and ideology plays in the modern world, and to correcting popular misconceptions about the role of jihad and religion in modern-day conflicts. We hope to alert people of good will to the true nature of the present global conflict.

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« Last Edit: May 23rd, 2009 at 12:57pm by Happy »  
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