Essentialy you need some sortof drug to be competitive in sports. Be in painkillers to numb the sore as all hell muscles from training, or steroids to buffup and improve ability..
To say that the sports themselves demand people use peformance enhancements is absurd. It's individual abuse backed by peer preassure, and low self-esteem. The sports viewer is none the wiser to what you do or don't do. The reason people take steroids and such is because when they don't, they feel as though they're letting their whole team down. Like it's their fault they lost, and how if they were just a little bit better, the coach would be proud of them, they'd get the highscore, and move on up.
It's like that with everything. People take steroids for the same reason people become annorexic, or become addicted to plastic surgery, or become workaholics. They become engrossed with "things could be better", rather then just chilling and accepting the way things are and occassionaly going the extra mile without pushing yourself too hard.
So instead, we treat the atheletes who
DO abuse steroids as villains. As if somehow they did it on purpose to swindle the masses. They're liars, theives, cheaters, and scumbags. All because they fealt inadequite and needed drugs to perform better. Would people get this upset about someone taking Viagra because they didn't think they could make a woman orgasm without it?
When you get down to it, people should not be punished for doing steroids, but the people who compell them too should. It's not the steroids that are bad, but the sortof feelings and abuse that takes place that leads to it's use. An athelete who takes stories is being emotionaly abused by someone, if only himself.