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Against competitive sports (Read 2299 times)
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Against competitive sports
May 19th, 2009 at 8:53am

I have this thing, where I don't like competitive sports.

This is one of the reasons why. more may follow.

THE Belgian bodybuilding championships have been called off after all the competitors fled in a panic when testers from the anti-drugs agency showed up.

"I have never seen anything like it and hope never to see anything like it again," said anti-doping official Hans Cooman.
He said some bodybuilders just grabbed all their gear and ran off when he came into the room.

Twenty bodybuilders were entered in the weekend competition.

"The sport has a history of doping and this incident didn't do its reputation any good," Cooman said.

Belgium's bodybuilding federation did not dispute the facts but said it could not explain why the competitors had suddenly rushed off.

"There is only one conclusion I can think of and that is doping," Cooman said.

During in-competition testing of bodybuilding events last year, the doping authorities of northern Belgium's Flanders region found 75 per cent of the competitors tested positive for doping, with most showing excessive levels of anabolic steroids.

Cooman said he would report the case to the Flemish disciplinary committee, which will have to decide whether it can sanction competitors who refused to be tested.,23739,25505041-5013016,00.html

Competitive sports are not inclusive. They are often a case of being "second is the first loser."
Many people are put off sports by the hardened competitive edge shown.

As there can only be one winner, it means most people are losers by competing.
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Against competitive sports
Reply #1 - May 19th, 2009 at 11:39am
Care for a cup of cement Sprint?

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Re: Against competitive sports
Reply #2 - May 19th, 2009 at 12:31pm

no thanks amadd, it's too gritty for me.

A nice hot water with a twist of fresh lime is ideal though Smiley
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Against competitive sports
Reply #3 - May 19th, 2009 at 12:34pm
Yes I can just imagine all those 5 y'olds doping up before the 3-legged race.

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Re: Against competitive sports
Reply #4 - May 19th, 2009 at 12:35pm

that's what red cordial is all about

Smiley Smiley Smiley
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Against competitive sports
Reply #5 - May 19th, 2009 at 12:38pm
OMG...  I didn't realise it was so wide-spread
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Re: Against competitive sports
Reply #6 - May 19th, 2009 at 1:02pm
But I do agree with you Sprint that a lot of sports have a "win at all costs" mentality, and I suppose that's what often makes a winner.

However, there's a lot of sportspersons that are just trying to improve on their past performances without the need to go outside of the rules. They're the ones that I think get the most out of their sport.

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Re: Against competitive sports
Reply #7 - May 19th, 2009 at 1:26pm

grendel - hahahha

amadd - it's often how the winners do win.
For the competitive peo0le, it is the score on the board that counts.
As long as theirs is above everyone elses, that is good.

I've been involved with many kids sports. Competitive coaches are terrible for kids .
I've seen teams disbanded cause of the coachs competitiveness.
Seen them rant and rave, one I suggested (as a coach) to the parents we forfeit every game against, the spirit was so bad.

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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Against competitive sports
Reply #8 - May 19th, 2009 at 3:15pm
Well the attitude is usually cultural..  like many Americans for example...  they have a culture of adoration for winners only...   for them it's not a matter of how you play the game its a matter of coming first.

Sports don't have an attitude...  people do.

Columbians shoot players from losing teams.

Iraq under the Husseins used to put their football team players in gaol and torture them if they didn't come up to "standard".

The Eastern block embraced a drug culture for performance enhancement, which put pressure on other countries and individuals to follow suit.

But at a level that encompasses the vast majority of the worlds population we have no drug culture or win at all cost attitude only a minority of individuals cheat etc...  the rest enjoy their sport for what it is and what it was meant to be.  Fun, enjoyment, activity, exercise.
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Re: Against competitive sports
Reply #9 - May 19th, 2009 at 8:06pm
all sports are fun if they are not..parents need to leave kids to have fun

the over zealous ruin sport.
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&&Jade Rawlings on Cousins " He makes our team walk taller..a very good team man , Ben Cousins"
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Re: Against competitive sports
Reply #10 - May 20th, 2009 at 3:49pm
oceanz wrote on May 19th, 2009 at 8:06pm:
all sports are fun if they are not..parents need to leave kids to have fun

the over zealous ruin sport.

I would be happy if sport was seen as fun activity too.

Besides unnecessary emotional strain, not mentioning illegal activities elite sport is down right dangerous to health.

Our Lisa Curry-Kenny damaged her heart muscle.
Too early engagement in weights regime bends bones.

Not to mention joints, lungs, eyes plus many more.
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Re: Against competitive sports
Reply #11 - May 20th, 2009 at 9:30pm
whilst i believe sports and exercise are very good things, in and of themselves, i don't
endorse the way sports are promoted or presented.
yes, some make millions out of them, but like most things these ppl are exceptions.
it's really large scale entertainment now, and there are enough dumb f*cks around to make it viable.
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Jim Profit
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Re: Against competitive sports
Reply #12 - May 24th, 2009 at 1:52am
Essentialy you need some sortof drug to be competitive in sports. Be in painkillers to numb the sore as all hell muscles from training, or steroids to buffup and improve ability..

To say that the sports themselves demand people use peformance enhancements is absurd. It's individual abuse backed by peer preassure, and low self-esteem. The sports viewer is none the wiser to what you do or don't do. The reason people take steroids and such is because when they don't, they feel as though they're letting their whole team down. Like it's their fault they lost, and how if they were just a little bit better, the coach would be proud of them, they'd get the highscore, and move on up.

It's like that with everything. People take steroids for the same reason people become annorexic, or become addicted to plastic surgery, or become workaholics. They become engrossed with "things could be better", rather then just chilling and accepting the way things are and occassionaly going the extra mile without pushing yourself too hard.

So instead, we treat the atheletes who DO abuse steroids as villains. As if somehow they did it on purpose to swindle the masses. They're liars, theives, cheaters, and scumbags. All because they fealt inadequite and needed drugs to perform better. Would people get this upset about someone taking Viagra because they didn't think they could make a woman orgasm without it?

When you get down to it, people should not be punished for doing steroids, but the people who compell them too should. It's not the steroids that are bad, but the sortof feelings and abuse that takes place that leads to it's use. An athelete who takes stories is being emotionaly abused by someone, if only himself.
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But I still believe there's something left for you and me.
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Coral Sea
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Re: Against competitive sports
Reply #13 - Jun 11th, 2009 at 1:28am
Is this thread a joke?  Is the OP actually opposed to competition and victory?  Shocked
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"General, these are American regulars. In a hundred and fifty years they have never been beaten. They will hold."&&-- Col. Preston Brown, C/S, 2nd Division, the Marne, June 1, 1918
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