locutius wrote on May 28
th, 2009 at 9:15am:
Amadd wrote on May 27
th, 2009 at 5:26pm:
You mean you really do think the earth is only 5,000 years old Yadda?
That's stunning
Yes, I thought Yadda was joking, but apparently not.
Your Bart Simpson toast relic reminds me of the Blackadder "Archbishop" episode
Edmund then got to his explaining their stock of relics, including Shrouds from Turin, wine from the marriage at Cana, splinters from the True Cross and artefacts created by Jesus as a carpenter. Bishop Percy complained that all of these were obviously fake and would not allow people to tell them apart from real relics. Archbishop Edmund stated that this was the point.
Bishop Percy revealed his own relic, a finger of Jesus, which he asserted to be genuine until Baldrick proceeded to explain to him that those were on sale in boxes of ten. Also available were the noses of Jesus, Saint Peter, and Saint Francis of Assisi, and the breasts of Joan of Arc. (Joan was not canonised by the Roman Catholic Church in real history until May 16, 1920). locutius,
Thank you for that reference to Blackadder sketches.
It serves my point, quite well.
, in fact.
"47-million-year-old fossilised skeleton of a monkey."
is a 'scientific'
religious relic
'Science' claims that the particular fossil, has an age of 47million years.
As i said above, and repeat here, this '47 million years', is pure supposition.
No one, can
PROVE the age of that fossil!
150 years ago, contemporary 'science' supposed that cholera was spread on night airs of London, on vapours.
Later it was established that the London cholera epidemics were spread through contamination of London's [ground] water supply.
About 150 years ago, 'science' insisted that the thought that doctors were the cause of the death of many post natal mothers in Europe, BECAUSE THE DOCTORS DIDN'T WASH THEIR HANDS BETWEEN EXAMINATIONS, was ridiculous.
Later the connection between the transmission of infection, and unwashed hands of [the] doctors, was proven.
Science only postulates its current understanding, and hypothesises [i.e. theories].
If you travelled back in time 500 years, and told a community of ppl in the UK, that a Jumbo jet weighing 400 tons, could fly through the air, you would have been burnt at the stake as a witch!
Take it as read,
mankind is not the font of all knowledge and wisdom!
We [mankind] are proud, arrogant,
puffed up with our own self importance
Do you think that the minds, of some ppl who live today, are any less 'closed', than the minds of ppl who lived 500 years ago?
"All Aboard the Athiest bus"http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1225016818/10#10