Gold Member

Posts: 6741
Well I feel sorry for any people who are targeted for racial reasons, but the protest is a silly over reaction, and the whole racist slur against all aussies is unfair.
We are probably not the least racist country in the world, but we surely would be better than very many, and we are improving. The thing about this particular brand of racism, is that it is not sytemic, but rather random attacks by individual dickheads, who have xenophobic tendencies, because of their ignorance, and social situation, which makes the Indian's protests pretty meaningless, as far as achieving any positive outcomes, and downright inflammatory in drawing more attention onto them from the idiot racists we do suffer.
It is unfortunate that some of the less capable construe both valid, and invalid criticisms of various racial groups, as validation for racist ideology, and lack the ability to discern what is fair, and what is not.
That was why people like Pauline Hanson, were a negative influence on aussies, because whether she was racist or not, her comments were interpreted by racists, as validation of their views, and they should not be getting any validation from any quarter, they should be being ostracised and made to feel like the pariahs that they are, because racist views inevitably lead to racial conflict, just like these Indian students are being subjected to, and aussies should be better than that.