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Indians want special treatment (Read 11536 times)
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Re: Indians want special treatment
Reply #30 - Jun 4th, 2009 at 12:08am
Soren...  the stupidity of assessing eligibility on an aggregate score is mind boggling.

people should not be restricted in such a fashion.

I could for example do all the easiest courses available at high school and have a very high aggregate mark, but not have any aptitude (or interest) or ability for some restricted Uni courses.  Arbitrarily putting a mark on marks is abject stupidity.
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Re: Indians want special treatment
Reply #31 - Jun 4th, 2009 at 10:39am
mozzaok wrote on Jun 3rd, 2009 at 10:20pm:
Too many foreigners competing for our universities drives up the fees for ordinary Australians.

The problem is not that the Indian students are causing trouble, it is the racists who are causing trouble, and unfortunately for us, they are home, which shows what an offensively stupid statement Grendel made, and you supported.

It is quite possible the racists stamp could be simple overreaction and smart play of our political correctness.

But on the other hand I would love to have no criminal activity in Australia.
Here some heavy punishment, irrespective of age would be smart move.
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Re: Indians want special treatment
Reply #32 - Jun 4th, 2009 at 10:45am
Happy wrote on Jun 4th, 2009 at 10:39am:
mozzaok wrote on Jun 3rd, 2009 at 10:20pm:
Too many foreigners competing for our universities drives up the fees for ordinary Australians.

The problem is not that the Indian students are causing trouble, it is the racists who are causing trouble, and unfortunately for us, they are home, which shows what an offensively stupid statement Grendel made, and you supported.

It is quite possible the racists stamp could be simple overreaction and smart play of our political correctness.

But on the other hand I would love to have no criminal activity in Australia.
Here some heavy punishment, irrespective of age would be smart move.

Are you Asian happy?
Not that there is anything wrong with that, I'm just curious what you think from that perspective.
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Re: Indians want special treatment
Reply #33 - Jun 4th, 2009 at 11:18am
You could not be more wrong on this point Ammad, the exact opposite is true.
The high fees being paid by foreign students support the universities, allowing them to have much lower fees for aussie students.

My wife is a university teacher.

Has your wife given you a head massage lately Mozz? Because I think she secretly drilled some holes in your head and massaged your brain.

Your coming from a purely capitalistic viewpoint. Yes the costs should come down if there are enough universities  to compete with the exisiting facilities; I don't see this happening.
If places are limited, the cost goes up - that's just simple economics.

This is the problem when every base requirement of a society is privatised, the society itself becomes worthless and profit becomes God.
The cost for a student these days probably counts for the largest loan they will ever make next to a home loan. Most average aussies just can't afford it anymore and many women are prostituting themselves for an education.

We are now so reliant on input from overseas students that the only possible result is that it will continue to get harder for Australian students.

JENNY MACKLIN: We want Australian students to be treated better than international students. Overseas students' parents aren't here paying taxes, the students aren't going to stay in Australia and contribute to our country. They should pay full fees. Labor does not want to see Australian undergraduates paying $100,000 to go to university.

"At Sydney University, Australian fee-paying applicants are up by 21 per cent.

But union representatives say there is a growing division between full-fee students, who are able to enter university courses using a lower university admission index rank as long as they have the funds to pay, and those who gained entry by academic ability alone."

The Guardian January 29, 2003
Uni students battle rising fees

by Peter Mac

Australian students face rising academic fees. This year student debt will
probably soar by almost $1 billion to $9.057 billion. The Department of
Education, Science and Training (DEST) predicts the debt will grow by $2.5
billion by 2006.....

So what is their debt now I wonder?
They'll be slaves for the rest of their lives trying to pay for a right that our forefathers once fought for.i

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Australian Politics

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Re: Indians want special treatment
Reply #34 - Jun 4th, 2009 at 11:36am

Amadd wrote on Jun 4th, 2009 at 11:18am:

JENNY MACKLIN: We want Australian students to be treated better than international students. Overseas students' parents aren't here paying taxes, the students aren't going to stay in Australia and contribute to our country. They should pay full fees. Labor does not want to see Australian undergraduates paying $100,000 to go to university.

Looking at the number of Pakistani and Indian GPs and doctors in Australia, somehow I think this statement is partially incorrect.
Obviously I can be incorrect too, as this is only my impression.
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Re: Indians want special treatment
Reply #35 - Jun 4th, 2009 at 11:41am
Looking at the number of Pakistani and Indian GPs and doctors in Australia, somehow I think this statement is partially incorrect.
Obviously I can be incorrect too, as this is only my impression.

It just shows how much we are prepared to whore our nation.
Whether they've completed their schooling here or abroad, the fact is that we're not getting enough of our own through universities to cater for our own requirements.

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Re: Indians want special treatment
Reply #36 - Jun 4th, 2009 at 11:50am
Amadd wrote on Jun 4th, 2009 at 11:41am:
It just shows how much we are prepared to whore our nation.
Whether they've completed their schooling here or abroad, the fact is that we're not getting enough of our own through universities to cater for our own requirements.

I am afraid that besides financial side of studies past “free uni era”; partial blame can be put on local kids not that interested in difficult studies.

Somehow “have it all generations” seem to have dropped the zest for life aimed at academic achievement and replaced it with zest for getting out of mind experiences using all sort of special aides.
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Re: Indians want special treatment
Reply #37 - Jun 4th, 2009 at 12:04pm
I must also admit to be disappointed to see you support Grendels idiotic statement of , "if they don't like it go home", as if they should be expected to like being racially vilified, and subjected to physical assaults and robberies.

The problem is not that the Indian students are causing trouble, it is the racists who are causing trouble, and unfortunately for us, they are home, which shows what an offensively stupid statement Grendel made, and you supported.

Yes I must be supporting Grendel because I have a long history of doing that don't I?  Grin

This racism garbage is a real sickness in western media and politics.
What we're really doing is sacrificing ourselves for the furtherment of others.

How about our governments stop attacking poor defensless nations? Aren't they being racist?
And why don't they get off Kim Jong Sick's back those racist pricks?

So why should I want to put up with these spoiled brats holding up our CBD for 20 hours where not even our unions would get away with it?
This type of inequity actually fuels racial tensions.
They may be used to being treated like royalty back home, but here they are Joe average.

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Re: Indians want special treatment
Reply #38 - Jun 4th, 2009 at 12:21pm
We should be promoting our universities, overseas, we should be aiming to be the provider of choice, for a top class education for the whole asian region.

We need to develop as more than a bloody quarry for the asian region, by providing world's best education services, that people are willing to pay for.

The more money they make from international students, the better able they will be to provide those same, world's best services to aussies, and we will be developing a vital industry for our future that does not include selling off our assets, but by selling a great product that we have developed.

Building up our credentials in this area is important, and how we treat these "customers" who use our "business" should be important to all aussies who do not want us to forever be reliant on minerals for earning income for our nation.

So I think it is in all our interests to learn to put down racist sentiments when we hear them, and recognise that we are part of a larger region, and need to develop and promote respectful attitudes, and relationships with all the people of our region.
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Re: Indians want special treatment
Reply #39 - Jun 4th, 2009 at 12:23pm
I am afraid that besides financial side of studies past “free uni era”; partial blame can be put on local kids not that interested in difficult studies.

Somehow “have it all generations” seem to have dropped the zest for life aimed at academic achievement and replaced it with zest for getting out of mind experiences using all sort of special aides.

Of course they're going to experiment with all types of things Happy, but the fact is, there is still a mass shortage of available and affordable university places for Australians. There is more of a demand for further education than at any other time in this country's history.

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Re: Indians want special treatment
Reply #40 - Jun 4th, 2009 at 12:27pm
We need to develop as more than a bloody quarry for the asian region, by providing world's best education services, that people are willing to pay for.

The more money they make from international students, the better able they will be to provide those same, world's best services to aussies, and we will be developing a vital industry for our future that does not include selling off our assets, but by selling a great product that we have developed.

That's fine as long our own citizens can have affordable education, otherwise what are we doing? ..Yes thats right, we're selling off our assets.
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Re: Indians want special treatment
Reply #41 - Jun 4th, 2009 at 12:53pm
You must have missed the bit where I wrote that I thought their protest was idiotic, and counter productive Ammad?

Just one more sick thing about racism is it's ability to try and justify the unjustifiable, to say that if these Indians don't like it here, they should go home, is grossly offensive, as well as inordinately stupid, because it carries the message that these indian students should be accepting of any behaviour they are subjected to without complaint, or just p1ss off home.
It totally ignores the fact that they are concerned for their health and safety, because we do have some criminal, moronic, racist, scum, who are targeting these students for attack, and that is unacceptable by any standard of decency.

If people do not get the message that racism is wrong, and totally unacceptable, then we will just see more racists in our society, not less, which is what we should be trying to achieve.

That is why we should always be vigilant to teach our kids that racism is wrong, rather than exposing them to a society where too many choose to unjustly blame people from other cultures for problems they face.

When we address issues with other cultures they should be dealt with on the actual merit of the behaviour, and not just used to try and stereotype whole cultures as being one thing or another, because all cultures are made up of individuals, and all individuals deserve the chance to be respected, until they do something to lose that.

Even then, if they do display behaviour that is unacceptable, target the group that is displaying the bad behaviour, but do not unfairly include all the others who may share their cultural heritage, that are not a part of the bad behaviour.

Just think how we felt about that idiot Sol Trujillo, labelling Australia as a racist nation, which was a stupid racist comment to make, we certainly have some racists whose behaviour we do not like, but generally we are a generous and open nation, and we should be proud of that, and continue to improve that by openly, and forcibly letting all people know, that racism is not acceptable in "OUR" culture.

We will do that by not being racist, and not tolerating racist behaviour, to stop being racist, and trying to justify it by saying other countries are racist too.
We are not responsible for them, we are responsible for ourselves, and it is up to all of us to make those changes in ourselves, and in our homes and in our communities, by never accepting racism as anything but wrong, and never acceptable.
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Re: Indians want special treatment
Reply #42 - Jun 4th, 2009 at 1:17pm
It totally ignores the fact that they are concerned for their health and safety, because we do have some criminal, moronic, racist, scum, who are targeting these students for attack, and that is unacceptable by any standard of decency.

Can you name one attacker, their racial identity, and their motive for the attack?

Just one.
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ISLAM is a vicious [un-reformable] political tyranny, which has always murdered its critics, and it continues that practice even today.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Indians want special treatment
Reply #43 - Jun 4th, 2009 at 1:30pm
mozzaok wrote on Jun 4th, 2009 at 12:53pm:

Just think how we felt about that idiot Sol Trujillo, labelling Australia as a racist nation, which was a stupid racist comment to make, we certainly have some racists whose behaviour we do not like, but generally we are a generous and open nation, and we should be proud of that, and continue to improve that by openly, and forcibly letting all people know, that racism is not acceptable in "OUR" culture.

We will do that by not being racist, and not tolerating racist behaviour, to stop being racist, and trying to justify it by saying other countries are racist too.
We are not responsible for them, we are responsible for ourselves, and it is up to all of us to make those changes in ourselves, and in our homes and in our communities, by never accepting racism as anything but wrong, and never acceptable.

But I must say that I have my doubt about truth in this statement.

Currently we have preferential treatment of the Race of those who came to Australia 30,000 years ago.

Children get “shoe money” just for appearing at school
Teachers have higher rate of pay just based on race.
They can secure special low interest loan.
And on and on and on…

Yes it was not always that way, but talking that racism in not acceptable in Australia NOW with this preferential treatment irrespective of reason is blatant sorry lie.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Indians want special treatment
Reply #44 - Jun 4th, 2009 at 1:46pm

4 Jun. 09

A Senate Committee has heard fresh evidence of Central Australia's high stabbing rates.
Alice Springs' high stabbing rates saw the town dubbed "the stabbing capital of the world" two years ago.
Things have improved, but the Senate Select Committee on Men's Health wants medical trauma treatment reformed in Central Australia.
It has heard evidence that the Alice Springs Hospital treats two and a half times the number of stabbing cases as Sydney's Royal Prince Alfred each year.
The committee's report notes the "shocking statistic" and calls for improved trauma treatment in Central Australia.
The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons told the committee that violence and road crashes create a 25 per cent gap between the health of Aboriginal people and other Australians.

Partially on topic.

Are there any universities in Alice Springs?
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