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Posts: 6741
You must have missed the bit where I wrote that I thought their protest was idiotic, and counter productive Ammad?
Just one more sick thing about racism is it's ability to try and justify the unjustifiable, to say that if these Indians don't like it here, they should go home, is grossly offensive, as well as inordinately stupid, because it carries the message that these indian students should be accepting of any behaviour they are subjected to without complaint, or just p1ss off home. It totally ignores the fact that they are concerned for their health and safety, because we do have some criminal, moronic, racist, scum, who are targeting these students for attack, and that is unacceptable by any standard of decency.
If people do not get the message that racism is wrong, and totally unacceptable, then we will just see more racists in our society, not less, which is what we should be trying to achieve.
That is why we should always be vigilant to teach our kids that racism is wrong, rather than exposing them to a society where too many choose to unjustly blame people from other cultures for problems they face.
When we address issues with other cultures they should be dealt with on the actual merit of the behaviour, and not just used to try and stereotype whole cultures as being one thing or another, because all cultures are made up of individuals, and all individuals deserve the chance to be respected, until they do something to lose that.
Even then, if they do display behaviour that is unacceptable, target the group that is displaying the bad behaviour, but do not unfairly include all the others who may share their cultural heritage, that are not a part of the bad behaviour.
Just think how we felt about that idiot Sol Trujillo, labelling Australia as a racist nation, which was a stupid racist comment to make, we certainly have some racists whose behaviour we do not like, but generally we are a generous and open nation, and we should be proud of that, and continue to improve that by openly, and forcibly letting all people know, that racism is not acceptable in "OUR" culture.
We will do that by not being racist, and not tolerating racist behaviour, to stop being racist, and trying to justify it by saying other countries are racist too. We are not responsible for them, we are responsible for ourselves, and it is up to all of us to make those changes in ourselves, and in our homes and in our communities, by never accepting racism as anything but wrong, and never acceptable.