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« Last Modified by: muso on: Jun 16th, 2009 at 10:31am »

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Astroturfing at its best (Read 6361 times)
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Re: Astroturfing at its best
Reply #30 - Jun 16th, 2009 at 12:34pm
What am I denying loc?
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Re: Astroturfing at its best
Reply #31 - Jun 16th, 2009 at 12:42pm

the world is flat Columbus, sail too far and you will fall off the edge.  Scientific Concensus 1492.

I don't think they were trying to "defraud the world's policy-makers" either.  Nor the general population...

But ah...  they were wrong.

I'd be quite happy to cut CO2 levels just on a "pollution" basis.  But don't try to tell me that global warming is driven by man and will be catastrophic and  not have the proof to back it up.
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Re: Astroturfing at its best
Reply #32 - Jun 16th, 2009 at 1:19pm
I do not believe you Grendel.
The fact of the matter is that you have firmly wedded yourself to the denialists arguments and their ongoing campaign of misinformation, so much so that you refuse to even examine refutation of the silliest denialist claims, and repeat them ad infinitum, even after they have been thoroughly discredited.

That is wilfull ignorance.
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Re: Astroturfing at its best
Reply #33 - Jun 16th, 2009 at 1:56pm
Grendel wrote on Jun 16th, 2009 at 12:42pm:

the world is flat Columbus, sail too far and you will fall off the edge.  Scientific Concensus 1492.

Actually no.
again. That was more religious edict than scientific consensus. Columbus was inspired by 'scientists' who dared to think otherwise. If you disagreed with the religious position back then it was more a question of whether you valued your theory better than certain bodily extremities.

The Ancient Greeks knew that the Earth was approximately spherical. So did the Arabs who taught Columbus navigation.  
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« Last Edit: Jun 16th, 2009 at 2:06pm by muso »  

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Re: Astroturfing at its best
Reply #34 - Jun 16th, 2009 at 3:09pm

Mozz unless you believe Muso I am neither willful nor ignorant.

I find it sad you continually abuse my good nature on subjects you are blinkered on.

Show me the money Mozz and I'll be only too happy to agree.
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« Last Edit: Jun 16th, 2009 at 5:01pm by Grendel »  
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Re: Astroturfing at its best
Reply #35 - Jun 16th, 2009 at 3:22pm
I will be happy if you just stop repeating discredited misinformation as if it is some new revelation.

You still refuse to even look at how it is discredited, so it really is difficult to see how anyone can show you the money, because scientific evidence is not a currency you deal with.
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Re: Astroturfing at its best
Reply #36 - Jun 16th, 2009 at 3:51pm
But its not discredited
its merely dismissed
by Muso
who seems to be your world authority on all things climate  Cheesy
at least I quote scientists

and just because I didn't look at 1 of musos bandwidth eaters doesn't mean I'm not widely read on stuff you know...  thats closed eyes hands over ears lalala stuff you are spouting now.
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Re: Astroturfing at its best
Reply #37 - Jun 16th, 2009 at 7:11pm
Did u check out the link to skeptic sciences I posted earlier, which deals with what you are putting forward?

Thought not.
Nuff said.

If you want to discredit the denialist debunkers, go to 'realclimate' and go through their list of debunked denialist claims.
They have it in both laymen, and scientific terms, and provide links to research papers that support their position.
So see your denialist claims, see them refuted by scientists, then show them where they are wrong, then come back here and tell me about your victory.

It's not going to happen is it?
I half wonder if you really do recognise the amount of BS in the denial case, but because you are so wedded to it, you must try to just ignore that fact.

These sites are both easy to understand, and will patiently explain it to you, if you really want to learn, and you may be able to convince them of the scientific merit of a denialist argument, good luck.
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Re: Astroturfing at its best
Reply #38 - Jun 16th, 2009 at 7:37pm
There's no use me putting forth what I think Mozz...  you just disbelieve me I'm not a climate scientist.

Yet when I put forth dissenting opinions from other people and scientists which BTW proves I'm not the only one who thinks differently on the subject you ignore it as if it is irrelevant and wrong.  Oh dear.

I see both sides refuting the other Mozz... You just see one side as being right.  Yet you don't know if they are...  you take it on faith like a religion.  You believe...

I wouldn't touch realclimate with a barge pole even though I have read stuff there many times before.  (Yes it is that biased).

For every site you cite so can I...  for every scientist you quote so can I...

Unlike you I am happy to admit that there is no concensus and no proof.

I'm still waiting for the proof.  And its a bit like "Waiting for Godot" mozz.

I know the IPCC has been wrong.
I know that Gore's film was erroneous.
I know Gore has a belief in an old teachers theory for his belief.
I know the models are flawed.
I know the IPCC base their conclusions on this modelling.
I know there is a downward trend in global temperatures and has been for the best part of a decade so far.
I know climate is vastly complicated and we don't understand it all yet.
I believe that before man can control weather he'll be spending an awful long time adapting to it.
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Re: Astroturfing at its best
Reply #39 - Jun 16th, 2009 at 8:05pm
OK, provide one of your myths that was debunked on real climate, then show me a link to the skeptics proving the debunking invalid.

Even one false debunking will strengthen your case significantly.

Even one example of scientists agreeing with the original denialist claim, rather than the debunking of the claim, will illustrate your point.

I have never seen one, and I too have looked at denialist sites, and real climate scietist sites as well.

I have plenty of bandwidth, and when you post your new(rehashed) claims, I look them up, see what the spruikers say, then see what the scientists say.

So far I have always found the scientists far more convincing, and they even cite real data from peer reviewed science journals, an extraordinary example not followed by denialists.
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Re: Astroturfing at its best
Reply #40 - Jun 16th, 2009 at 8:34pm
I cant believe you.

You think an Inconvenient truth is 100% true.
You never heard that the IPCC models were flawed.(wrong)

Thats just 2 things that nearly every literate person would know.

Google it do your own work like I do.
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Re: Astroturfing at its best
Reply #41 - Jun 16th, 2009 at 9:37pm
You do yourself no favours Grendel, when you refuse to look at these sites, they are balanced, and give credit, and a fair hearing to people who have valid points to make, even skeptics, if they deserve credit, receive it.
Of course there will be errors, and no sensible person denies that, it is not the errors that are contentious, it is the deliberate misinformation campaigns that upset people.

You will see many cogent and relevant replies from people who agree with you that aspects of Global Warming are ridiculously over hyped, but it does not lead them to wish to throw the baby out with the bath water, just to help improve everyones knowledge and understanding.
They will say when a graph is poorly plotted, and the people who overhype the Warming side of the argument are roundly condemned if seen to do so, it works both ways.

The one aspect we can totally agree on is that we have much more work to do, to come to a better understanding of all the influences which effect our climate, so keeping denialist rubbish out of the mix is better for everyone, because it just detracts from the credibility of real scientists who do have real issues to raise, that sometimes support current ideas, and sometimes do not.

I am not saying that all climate scientists always get it right, or that some ongoing revision will not be needed, just that it should be contained to a more objective line of enquiry, rather than just having people trying to disprove the whole theory as a fraud, which is just ridiculous.
Flawed, quite possibly, but honestly flawed, and we need the same honesty from skeptics, and that is not what we are seeing.
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Re: Astroturfing at its best
Reply #42 - Jun 16th, 2009 at 10:02pm
Honestly wake up to yourself.
Its not about you lied no you lied...  who told the most lies.

I've put up heaps of links and articles and quotes and obviously you haven't read a single one.

If you think realclimate is balanced and unbiased think again.

The people you ignore don't try to do anything except tell you the truth as they see it.  There's no conspiracy you know even though your side of the debate has tried to claim so.

I could provide you with a comment from Hansen one of the glowing lights of your side.  It's sad and pathetic at how low the man will sink.  How alarmist and obsessive he is.  How he refuses to admit he could be wrong when patently he has been.

So how about you list these valid points from the skeptics you claim to know?

Sounds to me those balanced critics are just like me Mozz...  then time you gave me some credit eh.
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Re: Astroturfing at its best
Reply #43 - Jun 17th, 2009 at 9:23am

Grendel wrote on Jun 16th, 2009 at 10:02pm:
If you think realclimate is balanced and unbiased think again.


There are some variables that work against us and we rather have to look for additional heat to compensate:

All radioactive material dispersed throughout our planet with passing time gives off less and less heat.

Crust of our planet gets thicker and so called "unlimited geothermal energy" in fact is limited and despite crust being good insulator, that heat permeates toward the surface and radiates to disappear into the abyss.

There are some valid points that actually our planet also shrinks because of cooling core (some of the Earth’s tremors could be attributed to that), and marginally but our planed this way receives just a tinier amount less of Solar radiation due to reduced total surface area.

There is also reflection that depending on colour of our planet can change.

There are also tiny pollution and dust particles that prevent solar radiation reaching surface our planet on top of preventing excess heat leaving us.

Obviously computer models take more factors into account, but I just cannot see the accuracy needed for such a certainty displayed by various models authors.

As for me, I don’t know who is right, and I would just in case reduce impact of human race and concentrate on both phenomena rather than just on global warming alone.

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Re: Astroturfing at its best
Reply #44 - Jun 17th, 2009 at 11:52am
ahhhh... you did read everything didn't you happy?
Not sure why you quoted me.
You do realise that "realclimate" is a website pushing AGW don't you?
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« Last Edit: Jun 17th, 2009 at 11:59am by Grendel »  
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