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Posts: 6741
I agree wit Mr Hunt, that people should be encouraged to express their views openly, but my issue with Senator Fielding's approach was the dishonest way he presented himself as being open minded and that he was not an already avowed GW skeptic.
He should have been upfront about his stance, and said, I am a skeptic, I am impressed by denialist arguments, now see if you can change my mind.
We have got to the unforunate position where the denialists have been so successful with their campaigns of promoting confusion, and their dissemination of misinformation, that we are now seeing an equally unreliable group who are promoting Global Warming alarmism using similiar techniques.
That we even need to see PR firms brought in, to push the Global Warming side of the debate, shows how successful the denialist have become, and does not inspire confidence that they will do anything but undermine the credibility that real scientists have struggled to maintain throughout this whole messy saga.
If a projected warming range is stated as being 4 to 11 degrees Fahrenheit, then the PR folks will focus on the upper limit as if it is a given, when it is a worst case scenario, then they will leave out the Fahrenheit bit, and let people assume it is Celsius, and that type of deceptive ommission, to promote alarmism will just reinforce the denialists in their belief that the whole argument is wildly exaggerated.
I know it was the denialists whose successes inspired this kind of response, but it is not a worthy excuse to justify allowing PR bullartists to further confuse an issue already way too muddied with hype and hyperbole.