From my own perspective,
It is the intention of moslems, living among non-moslems,
to demand from non-moslems, to show to the moslem community a
higher, social 'respect'.
That is an ISLAMIC doctrine, which is PROMOTED within the umma, to demand from non-moslems, a
higher 'respect' for ISLAM, and moslems.
And the appropriate tool, to engender a
higher 'respect' for ISLAM is to engender a palpable fear among non-moslems, for moslems.
A terror.
And the
opportunistic rape of non-moslem women, by young moslem men, is a 'tool'
which is being used to enable that, feeling of terror, among non-moslem women, and the non-moslem community generally.
Hilali's comments [after-the-event], demonstrated that [in the mind of the moslem community] there was clearly some sort of 'provocation' to rape, which is being constantly exhibited by non-moslem women.
And Hilali's comments,
in his mosque sermon, describing non-moslem women as 'catmeat' [
because they do not dress as ISLAM requires], while not
overtly encouraging rape, clearly is intended to blame shift.
So, this [Hilali's argument] establishes in the mind of the moslem community, that moslem rapists are less culpable [less blameworthy],
BECAUSE THE 'RAPISTS' WERE 'PROVOKED' BY NON-MOSLEM WOMEN.And again, here, we have another example of expressed moslem 'victimhood'.
Whenever moslems are 'revealed' to be acting in a clearly, unconscionable way, the blame and responsibility, for any actions, is always shifted away from moslems, and away from the moslem community.i.e.
"The non-moslems clearly provoked us.
And after we were provoked, now they punish us!!
The non-moslems are always unjust to moslems!
They are 'racist', against moslems!"So, in the mind of the moslem community, non-moslem women should wear clothing which is appropriate to moslem women.
Its called, slow ISLAMISATION.
Why is the ISLAMIC rape of non-moslem women, broadly, provisionally 'tolerated' by moslem communities?
And it is, from my perspective.
Because quintessentially, ISLAMIC rape, is another means of instilling the fear of moslems, among non-moslems.
ISLAMIC rape, is a form of terror, and this behaviour clearly falls under the auspice of
the obligation on moslems to Jihad, against individual non-moslems and also non-moslems communities.
Terrorising 'unbelievers' is the objective.Rape is one 'tool', in that objective.
Inside the sect that loves terror
August 07, 2005
A Sunday Times reporter spent two months as a recruit inside the Saviour Sect to reveal for the first time how the extremist group promotes hatred of “non-believers” and encourages its followers to commit acts of violence including suicide bombings.
The reporter witnessed one of the sect’s leading figures, Sheikh Omar Brooks, telling a young audience, including children, that it was the duty of Muslims to be terrorists and boasting, just days before the July 7 attacks, that he wanted to die as a suicide bomber.
After the [London] attacks that claimed 52 lives, another key figure, Zachariah, justified them by saying that the victims were not “innocent” people because they did not abide by strict Islamic laws.
.....Speaking to a group of teenagers and families, he declared it was imperative for Muslims to “instil terror into the hearts of the kuffar” and added: “I am a terrorist. As a Muslim of course I am a terrorist.”
......In public interviews Bakri condemned the killing of all innocent civilians. Later when he addressed his own followers he explained that he had in fact been referring only to Muslims as only they were innocent: “Yes I condemn killing any innocent people, but not any kuffar.”
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2087-1724541,00.htmlIn 'promoting' ISLAM to the whole world,
Terror - is the objective!
Terror - is the 'method'!The rape of non-moslem women is a tool, to empower the spread of that terror [fear of moslems], among non-moslems.