Quote:Well, 'Muslim' is not a country.
"Jewish" is not a country either, didn't stop you from stating this:
Quote:Israel is jewish. Has always been jewish.
Perhaps you should learn how to be at least a little consistent in your arguments, to avoid further embaressment?
The simple fact is that Omar Bin al-Khattab (May God be pleased with him) opened that land (known as Bilad ash-Sham in Arabic) to the ISLAMIC Caliphate, and it remained part of the Islamic Caliphate for 1200 years until the British arrived. You can try and toy with the semantics all you like, these are the historical facts.
Also a historical fact is that the Jews did have two brief kingdoms there, that lasted less time than the Islamic Caliphate, and also they ruled as subordinates to other foreign powers for brief periods of time also. Also historical fact is that they murdered en masse the Phillistines and Canaanites and others who lived there when they arrived there. They are by no means the original inhabitants of the land, just one group who happen to be there at certain point in history. If they (and this story) weren't in your holy book, you wouldn't give them a second look, simple. Anymore than yo'd consider Macedonians the rightful inhabitants of Afghanistan, simply because one of their leaders conquered it and happened to live there for some time.
Quote:And they have never had any other country but Israel
Bzzt, wrong! They had a kingdom in Khazaria too.
Quote:The Muslims are takeover merchants and are peeved that the landlord has returned and is not going to be intimidated by the toughies.
Sorry, but they were not there when Muslims arrived, and didn't even make any effort to claim it as their land until after 1200 years after we were there. Also many of the modern day Palestinians show genetic markers which trace them to that land long before the 1200 year arrival of Islam. There are Greek/Romans, Ghassanid Arabs, Hebrews etc. that are all ancestors of modern day Palestinians.
Just a question, if the Japanese rocked up in Australia and claimed "This was our historical homeland, which was mentioned in our Shinto texts, sure we weren't here when you arrived, but we were there about 400 years before that, we're taking our homeland back, you have to move to other Western countries" what would be your response? Consider it honestly, and then you will have understood the situation of the Palestinians. Just to make it a little more authentic, imagine it happened in the year 2988 (ie. 1200 years after 1788). We both know if it happened today, there'd be massive bloodshed, if it happened after we'd spent about another 1000 years settling in here, solidifying our attachment to this land, then I'm sure you can extrapolate...