An open letter to Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd
2009-Jul-18 Sat 6:31 am
Dear Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd,
"Kevin Rudd condemns 'barbaric' Jakarta bombing attacks"
"Kevin Rudd condemns act of murder in Jakarta"
I watched the television news last night, i watched the accounts of the latest ISLAMIST attacks in Jakarta, and i watched you, Australia's Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, denounce the 'terrorists' responsible for the damage and casualties.
As i watched that presentation, the feeling that overwhelmed me, particularly as i watched you, Kevin Rudd speak, was a feeling that you, Kevin Rudd, and the leaders of all other nations in this world, and the peoples of all those nations [many of them, at least], are living in a state of denial.
I know only too well, that many among us, wish to believe that ISLAM proper, is not responsible, for these repeated outrages, and for the daily acts of terrorism, perpetrated in ISLAM's name, by 'a small minority' of ISLAM's adherents.
And i know that moslems insist and assert, to us non-moslems, that ISLAM is a peaceful, tolerant religion.
But such assertions about ISLAM, are lies, they are falsehoods, which the philosophy of ISLAM itself, promotes, and fosters, to protect itself in this war.
A war, which ISLAM is conducting against all non-moslems.
The TRUTH is, that ISLAM is not a peaceful philosophy.
And ISLAM is not tolerant.
And that, ISLAM is a 'religion', in name only.
All moslems are taught from childhood, not to value the ethic of human equality.....
.....but they are taught that ISLAM, and moslems should have a [the!] superior status, in all societies.
This is TRUE.
Upon examination of the facts about ISLAM, the undeniable TRUTH is that ISLAM, is a death cult, and ISLAM is a 'religion', of war.
And, that ISLAM is, in effect, the political party of Allah, 'the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful'.
The TRUTH is that ISLAM is a political, fascist philosophy, masquerading as a 'religion'.
A cursory examination of the facts, about ISLAM, an examination of ISLAM's very own tenets, ISLAM's very own 'scriptures', and ISLAM's very own doctrines, DECLARES, OPENLY, AND CLEARLY, that ISLAM, and all devout moslems are in a state of un-ending warfare with the 'enemies' of Allah, that is, all 'unbelievers' [i.e. all non-moslems].
ISLAM's scripture and its history, all declare the same thing, that same TRUTH.
And ISLAM's 'religious' mantra is, that all those non-moslems [wherever moslems live with them!] must be subjugated [enslaved], and that those non-moslems who resist such subjugation, 'rightly' must be killed for their 'crime', against 'Allah's Cause' [the spread of ISLAMIC hegemony].
The Koran itself justifies such actions....
"Those who reject Allah, and hinder (men) from the Path of Allah, then die rejecting Allah,- Allah will not forgive them." those areas where ISLAM slowly [or quickly!] becomes politically, and numerically superior, and has the means, there is a 'religious' obligation upon all moslems to press ISLAM's [political] claims, using all 'justifiable' violence, to establish the sovereignty of Allah, and his followers, over the native peoples of that area.
Alternatively, in those areas where ISLAM is still politically weak, and where moslems are numerically weak, ISLAM seeks to deceive, and to culturally, and materially, weaken those non-moslem societies.
These doctrines [of ISLAMIC violence, and ISLAM's declared, and sought after hegemony over non-moslems] are clearly set out, within ISLAM's own 'scriptures', which are ISLAM's own foundation documents.
And it is undeniable that the Koran, and the Hadith [ISLAM's own foundation 'scriptures'], themselves, ARE THE SOURCE, and inspiration, of all ISLAMIC violence against all non-moslems in this world.
And i ask, why do scholars and politicians in the West deny this fact?
The Koran, and the Hadith [ISLAM's foundation 'scriptures'], themselves,
ARE THE SOURCE, and inspiration, of 'justified' moslem violence against all non-moslems.