As we all know alarmists have taken hold of the environment debate and turned it into a complete farce.
Even here they overstep their bound.
Having been locked out of a tpoic ad seemingly having no right of reply here is my latest contribution to the leis that get passed off as truth by hypocritical lying alarmists.
My thoughts on a self-proclaimed "experts" opinion.
Quote:1. Climate change is happening and humans are contributing to it.
But not much.
Quote:2. Temperatures are continuing to rise.
And fall...
Quote:3. The current climate change is not just part of a natural cycle.
Which is unproven twaddle...
Quote:4. Recent warming cannot be explained by the Sun or natural factors alone.
So lets JUST blame CO2... oh wait... man made CO2.
Quote:5. If we continue to emit greenhouse gases this warming will continue and delaying action will make the problem more difficult to fix.
If it is actually a problem at all.
Quote:6. Climate models predict the main features of future climate, and have successfully modelled past climate.
And are flawed and have been proven incorrect - GIGO.