Soren wrote on Jul 26
th, 2009 at 12:15pm:
......Civilian muslims are scrupulously NOT targeted by western armies.
The mad jihadis are not soldiers and go about in civilian garb
, use their own people as human shield and above all, carry on with the clannish, tribal warfare with each other. More Philistines are killed by other Philistines tyhan by anyone else.
Moslems lack sincerity....
"Every body want to to go to Allah's paradise, but nobody wants to die!!"
When un-uniformed combatants, and non-combatants co-habit a civilian community, i think one term used to describe such combatants within a civilian community is, 'fish, swimming in the sea.'
Guerilla fighters, undeclared combatants, and insurgents, are 'fish' that swim in the sea, of a civilian community.
Under such 'combat' circumstances, will there likely be civilian casualties?
Yes, particularly if Allah's agents, the insurgents, indiscriminately explode bombs among civilians, in an attempt to kill a few non-moslem, enemy, combatants.
.....assuming the 'targets' are not always, the same people, i.e. enemy combatants
AND civilians!!!
But hey mama!......
" the words of Islamism's most influential thinker, Sayyid Qutb,
....."the death of those who are killed for the cause of God gives more impetus to the cause, which continues to thrive on their blood." ",,8802-2243871,00.html is to blame for the disproportionate civilian casualties, in places like Iraq, and Afghanistan?
Those who set the bombs among civilians, i.e. the insurgents, or their intended victims?
Jihadists, un-uniformed combatants, the warriors of Allah?
....or they the scared, 'worriers', of Allah?
A worrier of Allah, 'swimming in the sea' of people.