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UK Tourist Beheaded (Read 2035 times)
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Australian Politics

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UK Tourist Beheaded
Jul 24th, 2009 at 2:28pm
UK tourist Edwin Dyer 'beheaded'

The Daily Telegraph

June 05, 2009 08:42am

Edwin Dyer

Captured ... an undated image from IntelCenter shows hostage Edwin Dyer during his captivity in the desert / AFP
A BRITISH tourist kidnapped at a North African music festival four months ago has reportedly been beheaded by al-Qaeda terrorists.

Edwin Dyer was executed after Britain rejected demands for the release of fundamentalist cleric Abu Qatada and a multi-million dollar ransom.

He is said to have been killed on Sunday but details were only released yesterday.,,25590435-5014090,00.html
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ISLAM is a vicious [un-reformable] political tyranny, which has always murdered its critics, and it continues that practice even today.
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Australian Politics

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Re: UK Tourist Beheaded
Reply #1 - Jul 24th, 2009 at 7:35pm

This is something that curds my blood, it is so unfair to be helpless and have life ended this way.
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Re: UK Tourist Beheaded
Reply #2 - Jul 25th, 2009 at 8:44pm
Happy wrote on Jul 24th, 2009 at 7:35pm:
This is something that curds my blood, it is so unfair to be helpless and have life ended this way.

Not at all.

To all right minded, devout, REAL moslems,
this person [the victim] was as guilty as hell!

He was a non-moslem.

And according to ISLAM, no moslem should mourn, or regret, this persons spilt blood.

ISLAMIC doctrine on Kafir, which is being espoused within
moslem communities....

And, Anjem Choudary - a UK moslem community leader.
Here on YOUTUBE, he explains ISLAM, to the dumb Kuffar,

"...when we say innocent people, we mean muslims."
"....[not accepting ISLAM] is a crime against God."
"...If you are a non-muslim, then you are guilty of not believing in God."
" a muslim....i must have *hatred* towards everything which is non-ISLAM."
"...[muslims] allegence is always with the muslims, so i will never condemn a muslim for what he does."
"...Britain has always been Dar al Harb [the Land of War]"


ISLAMIC law texts declare whom moslems can
....'unbelievers', and especially 'unbelievers' who oppose the spread of ISLAM...

"Ibn 'Abbas reported that the Prophet said: "The bare essence of Islam and the basics of the religion are three [acts], upon which Islam has been established. Whoever leaves one of them becomes an unbeliever and his blood may legally be spilled......"...."

"Whoever......*becomes an unbeliever*.....his blood may legally be spilled."


The Koran instructs moslems, that,
"Fighting [against non-moslems] is prescribed for you, and [if] ye dislike it.....Allah knoweth, and ye know not."
[i.e.... fighting the non-moslems, to bring Allah's way, is an obligation.]

"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth...."

"O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him)."

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Aussie Muslim

Posts: 8353
Re: UK Tourist Beheaded
Reply #3 - Jul 26th, 2009 at 10:35am
This is something that curds my blood, it is so unfair to be helpless and have life ended this way.

Except when it's Muslims doing the dying right? Then it's fine, you couldn't give a flying franklins.

What's most despicable about innocents being killed, is the scumbags like yourself who brush off one group of innocents being killed as nothing, whilst another is so 'blood curdling'.
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Re: UK Tourist Beheaded
Reply #4 - Jul 26th, 2009 at 10:37am
abu_rashid wrote on Jul 26th, 2009 at 10:35am:
This is something that curds my blood, it is so unfair to be helpless and have life ended this way.

Except when it's Muslims doing the dying right? Then it's fine, you couldn't give a flying franklins.

What's most despicable about innocents being killed, is the scumbags like yourself who brush off one group of innocents being killed as nothing, whilst another is so 'blood curdling'.

When was the last muslim, civilian or fighter, beheaded by his captors, you bearded pinhead?
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Australian Politics

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Re: UK Tourist Beheaded
Reply #5 - Jul 26th, 2009 at 10:55am
abu_rashid wrote on Jul 26th, 2009 at 10:35am:
This is something that curds my blood, it is so unfair to be helpless and have life ended this way.

Except when it's Muslims doing the dying right? Then it's fine, you couldn't give a flying franklins.

What's most despicable about innocents being killed, is the scumbags like yourself who brush off one group of innocents being killed as nothing, whilst another is so 'blood curdling'.

The guy was a fricking tourist going to a music festival and they beheaded him as part of the great global jihad. That's what is kind of disturbing about it.

If some random muslim was killed going to a music festival by a white supremacist group, there would be millions of muslims rioting, turning over cars - Obama would be calling press conferences and sending in the national guard to find them.

But when its a Western das Englander, well, he deserved it right because Allan the Moon God says you can behead infidels.
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ISLAM is a vicious [un-reformable] political tyranny, which has always murdered its critics, and it continues that practice even today.
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Aussie Muslim

Posts: 8353
Re: UK Tourist Beheaded
Reply #6 - Jul 26th, 2009 at 11:01am
When was the last muslim, civilian or fighter, beheaded by his captors, you bearded pinhead?

Why restrict it to beheadings? Since most Westerners are cowards, they drop bombs from high up in the sky, or via remote controlled robots. Besides if Western soldiers capture Muslims, they usually rape them or do some other sick and twisted deviant thing with them, since they're so morally corrupt. Can't take too many videos or photos to send home to their warped and twisted friends and family after they've been beheaded can they? So why woiuld they behead them.

Anyway, my guess is, innocent Muslim civilians, somewhere in the world, right now are probably being incinerated by U.S or U.K bombs, it's pretty much a constant occurence, difference is, we don't have websites setup to count and cry about it. We lost count millions of corpses ago.

To deny it just ludicrous.

Muslims are being slaughtered constantly, and that's why sometimes they lash out and do stuff like this, cos they're sick to death of your bullying and violence and domination that you've been heaping onto them. You know for a fact the number of non-Muslims killed by Muslims in retaliation probably wouldn't even reach 1/10000th of the number of Muslims killed by non-Muslims.

So please save the sob stories.
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Re: UK Tourist Beheaded
Reply #7 - Jul 26th, 2009 at 12:15pm
abu_rashid wrote on Jul 26th, 2009 at 11:01am:
When was the last muslim, civilian or fighter, beheaded by his captors, you bearded pinhead?

Why restrict it to beheadings? Since most Westerners are cowards, they drop bombs from high up in the sky, or via remote controlled robots. Besides if Western soldiers capture Muslims, they usually rape them or do some other sick and twisted deviant thing with them, since they're so morally corrupt. Can't take too many videos or photos to send home to their warped and twisted friends and family after they've been beheaded can they? So why woiuld they behead them.

Anyway, my guess is, innocent Muslim civilians, somewhere in the world, right now are probably being incinerated by U.S or U.K bombs, it's pretty much a constant occurence, difference is, we don't have websites setup to count and cry about it. We lost count millions of corpses ago.

To deny it just ludicrous.

Muslims are being slaughtered constantly, and that's why sometimes they lash out and do stuff like this, cos they're sick to death of your bullying and violence and domination that you've been heaping onto them. You know for a fact the number of non-Muslims killed by Muslims in retaliation probably wouldn't even reach 1/10000th of the number of Muslims killed by non-Muslims.

So please save the sob stories.

That is crap of the usual stinking kind we have come to expect from you. Muslims are being slaughtered constantly by other muslims. Civilian muslims are scrupulously NOT targeted by western armies. The mad jihadis are not soldiers and go about in civilian garb, use their own people as human shield and above all, carry on with the clannish, tribal warfare with each other.  More Philistines are killed by other Philistines tyhan by anyone else. Far, far more Iraqis are killed by their compatriots than by the Coalition.

if Western soldiers capture Muslims, they usually rape them or do some other sick and twisted deviant thing with them

A pair of undies on your head does not mean you are raped. Humiliated, no doubt, but you are not raped.

And as a Muslim you should be last to bring up the topic of rape.

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Australian Politics

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Re: UK Tourist Beheaded
Reply #8 - Jul 26th, 2009 at 12:19pm
if Western soldiers capture Muslims, they usually rape them or do some other sick and twisted deviant thing with them

'Usually' because some idiots in a military police battalion were morons, who were charged, convicted, and hung out to dry? When do the Taliban and Al Quada charge their 'soldiers' for mistreating prisoners - they probably give them the Mohammed Medal of Courage the more barbaric the abuse is.
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ISLAM is a vicious [un-reformable] political tyranny, which has always murdered its critics, and it continues that practice even today.
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Gold Member

Posts: 21727
A cat with a view
Re: UK Tourist Beheaded
Reply #9 - Jul 26th, 2009 at 2:06pm
Soren wrote on Jul 26th, 2009 at 12:15pm:
......Civilian muslims are scrupulously NOT targeted by western armies.
The mad jihadis are not soldiers and go about in civilian garb
, use their own people as human shield and above all, carry on with the clannish, tribal warfare with each other.  More Philistines are killed by other Philistines tyhan by anyone else.


Moslems lack sincerity....

"Every body want to to go to Allah's paradise, but nobody wants to die!!"

When un-uniformed combatants, and non-combatants co-habit a civilian community, i think one term used to describe such combatants within a civilian community is, 'fish, swimming in the sea.'

Guerilla fighters, undeclared combatants, and insurgents, are 'fish' that swim in the sea, of a civilian community.

Under such 'combat' circumstances, will there likely be civilian casualties?

Yes, particularly if Allah's agents, the insurgents, indiscriminately explode bombs among civilians, in an attempt to kill a few non-moslem, enemy, combatants.
.....assuming the 'targets' are not always, the same people, i.e. enemy combatants AND civilians!!!

But hey mama!......

" the words of Islamism's most influential thinker, Sayyid Qutb,
....."the death of those who are killed for the cause of God gives more impetus to the cause, which continues to thrive on their blood." ",,8802-2243871,00.html

Who is to blame for the disproportionate civilian casualties, in places like Iraq, and Afghanistan?

Those who set the bombs among civilians, i.e. the insurgents, or their intended victims?


Jihadists, un-uniformed combatants, the warriors of Allah?
....or they the scared, 'worriers', of Allah?

A worrier of Allah, 'swimming in the sea' of people.

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« Last Edit: Jul 26th, 2009 at 2:42pm by Yadda »  

"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Aussie Muslim

Posts: 8353
Re: UK Tourist Beheaded
Reply #10 - Jul 26th, 2009 at 2:31pm
When un-uniformed combatants, and non-combatants co-habit a civilian community, i think one term used to describe such combatants within a civilian community is, 'fish, swimming in the sea.'

Guerilla fighters, undeclared combatants, and insurgents, are 'fish' that swim in the sea, of a civilian community.

Although it makes nice sanitised propaganda to pump out to people's TV's whilst they eat their dinner in front of the 6 o'clock news, the simple fact is that most civilians killed by the West were just innocents who had nothing to do with any fish in any sea (remember Afghanistan is landlocked)
, they were just innocents killed for no other reason than the Big cowboy superpower of the time wants to throw his weight around and dominate anyone who looks like they might step out of line.

There are ample cases of the Western soldiers slaughtering civilians who CLEARLY had nothing to do with the insurgents (who btw, are just people defending their own country, what a horrible crime), and in fact some of them were your allies. Like the case of Hajii Abdul Khaliq who is an elected member of the Karzai puppet government (ie. he's your ally). Australian troops opened fire on his car whilst he was travelling from his home in Oruzgan to the main hospital in Kandahar, killing his brother-in-law and wounding his wife and two of his children. He wasn't swimming in any sea (unless you take into account the West has turned the entire country in one warzone), he wasn't with the Talibaan, he was just innocently travelling in his car.

Now if it were your brother-in-law and your wife and two children killed and injured.... what would be your feelings? You don't think he feels a little like the family of the man killed in North Africa at the music festival? You don't think they have as much right to be upset? You don't feel they are as human as he and his family? I don't think you do... do you?

And until you stop treating them like faceless numbers, whose suffering and murder and torture and so on means nothing that you don't even recognise it exists.... this conflict will continue to grow. It will continue to grow because of attitudes like yours.
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Posts: 21727
A cat with a view
Re: UK Tourist Beheaded
Reply #11 - Jul 26th, 2009 at 3:15pm
Yadda wrote on Jul 26th, 2009 at 2:06pm:

Moslems lack sincerity....

.....and many lack the courage of their [declared] convictions.

Whine, whine, whine......

It is always....

"The nasty non-moslems are murdering us!"


The merciless Zionists are murdering our children!!!

Cutting through the ISLAMIST / HAMAS, PR c rap.......

Devout moslems are sponsors of, and are facilitating the murder of, moslems, and non-moslems, without distinction.....

Use children as troops, says cleric
By Luke McIlveen and staff writers
January 18, 2007
SYDNEY'S most influential radical Muslim cleric has been caught on film calling Jews pigs and urging children to die for Allah.
Firebrand Sheik Feiz Mohammed, head of the Global Islamic Youth Centre in Liverpool [Australia], delivered the hateful rants on a collection of DVDs called the Death Series being sold in Australia and overseas.
.........Sheik Feiz says in the video.
"We want to have children and offer them as soldiers defending Islam. Teach them this: There is nothing more beloved to me than wanting to die as a mujahid (holy warrior). Put in their soft, tender hearts the zeal of jihad and a love of martyrdom."
An Australian citizen born in Sydney who has spent the past year living in Lebanon, Sheik Feiz was exposed this week in a British documentary Undercover Mosque.
......"The peak, the pinnacle, the crest, the highest point, the pivot, the summit of Islam is jihad," he declares in the film, before denouncing "kaffirs" (non-Muslims).
"Kaffir is the worst word ever written, a sign of infidelity, disbelief, filth, a sign of dirt.",23599,21074839-2,00.html

"Just walk up to those nice Kuffar soldiers, and press this button.",

June 24, 2007
The Taliban's 6-year-old suicide bomber
The boy was spotted after appearing confused at a checkpoint. The vest was defused and no one was hurt.
"They placed explosives on a six-year-old boy and told him to walk up to the Afghan police or army and push the button," said Captain Michael Cormier, the company commander who intercepted the child, in a statement. "Fortunately, the boy did not understand and asked patrolling officers why he had this vest on.",,2109574,00.html

7 November 2007
Afghanistan mourns bomb victims
......President Karzai said about 35 people had been killed - most of them children, teachers and MPs - while the provincial governor told the BBC there had been 41 deaths.
......But our correspondent says many questions remain, including that of responsibility.
The Taleban have denied that they carried out the attack, but they and al-Qaeda are the only ones known to use suicide bombs in Afghanistan so far.

No matter the cost in blood, the moslem Jihad against non-moslems, must continue.....

.....with the Jihad consisting of moslem lies, moslem 'victimhood', moslem propaganda, moslem deception, and moslem violence.

All inspired, and encouraged, by the doctrines, and the 'holy' texts of ISLAM.

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« Last Edit: Jul 26th, 2009 at 3:23pm by Yadda »  

"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Australian Politics

Posts: 2241
Re: UK Tourist Beheaded
Reply #12 - Jul 26th, 2009 at 3:16pm
And until you stop treating them like faceless numbers, whose suffering and murder and torture and so on means nothing that you don't even recognise it exists.... this conflict will continue to grow. It will continue to grow because of attitudes like yours.

Yes Islam will be our friends as soon as we do everything that they want us to.

Pull the other one, it plays jingle bells.
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ISLAM is a vicious [un-reformable] political tyranny, which has always murdered its critics, and it continues that practice even today.
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Australian Politics

Posts: 2241
Re: UK Tourist Beheaded
Reply #13 - Jul 26th, 2009 at 3:30pm
Abu Rashid is one of the best advertisements for the threat posed by Islam, and its lack of loyalty to our way of life, our values, our principles, and its complete antipathy to the national interest.

His treasonous statements that seek to excuse or minimise the barbaric acts of this country's enemies are demonstrable of his lack of loyalty to this country, its constitution, its laws, its values and policies.

Well done Abu. You need to some better Al Taqiyya lessons. I guess its to your credit that you don't do a Keysar Trad and say ' We support freedom and democracy,'
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ISLAM is a vicious [un-reformable] political tyranny, which has always murdered its critics, and it continues that practice even today.
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Australian Politics

Posts: 2241
Re: UK Tourist Beheaded
Reply #14 - Jul 26th, 2009 at 3:32pm
There are ample cases of the Western soldiers slaughtering civilians who CLEARLY had nothing to do with the insurgents (who btw, are just people defending their own country, what a horrible crime), and in fact some of them were your allies. Like the case of Hajii Abdul Khaliq who is an elected member of the Karzai puppet government (ie. he's your ally). Australian troops opened fire on his car whilst he was travelling from his home in Oruzgan to the main hospital in Kandahar, killing his brother-in-law and wounding his wife and two of his children. He wasn't swimming in any sea (unless you take into account the West has turned the entire country in one warzone), he wasn't with the Talibaan, he was just innocently travelling in his car.

How do you know what happened? You weren't there - where's the video?
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ISLAM is a vicious [un-reformable] political tyranny, which has always murdered its critics, and it continues that practice even today.
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