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Children used as suicide bombers - Taliban (Read 2120 times)
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Children used as suicide bombers - Taliban
Jul 30th, 2009 at 8:35pm
Seems those devout Muslims the Taliban have been kidnapping and brainwashing children to uses as suicide bombers.  Go Islam!

Boys 'saved from being suicide bombers'

PAKISTANI security forces fighting Taliban militants in and around the Swat Valley have rescued nearly a dozen boys brainwashed into becoming suicide bombers, according to officials.

A senior security officer in North West Frontier Province said nine boys were found during raids, while two more had voluntarily surrendered, and a army commander in Swat spoke of more being handed over by their families.

"They have been brainwashed in such a way that they even call their parents infidels," Bashir Bilour, senior minister in the provincial Government, said.

Mr Bilour said the boys were shown films about oppression of Muslims in the Palestinian Territories and Indian-held Kashmir, and were given purported religious instructions to convince them that they would go to heaven if they killed enemies of Islam.

Brigadier Tahir Hameed, an officer leading military operations in Mingora, Swat's main town, said the Taliban had forced many families to let them take their boys.

He said some had since returned to their parents, who in turn handed them over to the authorities because of their brainwashed state.

The Government was working out how to rehabilitate the boys, aged between nine and 18.

The Taliban has regularly claimed responsibility for suicide attacks carried out by boys both in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Pakistani security forces have shown Western journalists locations where children were said to have been trained, although there was no independent corroboration available.

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Re: Children used as suicide bombers - Taliban
Reply #1 - Jul 30th, 2009 at 8:42pm
200 would-be child suicide bombers saved
Wed, Jul 29, 2009

ISLAMABAD - Pakistani forces have freed 200 children, aged between six and 13, who were being trained by the Pakistani Taliban to be suicide bombers.

The children - rescued from the Swat Valley, of which the military has wrested control from militants - had been brainwashed "in a way that, now, they even want to kill their parents", officials said.

They are said to be so thoroughly indoctrinated that they consider all outsiders to be infidels.

Recent reports have indicated that Pakistani Taliban chief BaitullahMehsud has been buying children by offering fat sums of money, to create an underage suicide corps.

These recruits offer various advantages to their commanders: They are easily influenced and less likely to be caught, so they would be more likely to reach their targets.

In some cases, the children are simply kidnapped.

Senior North-West Frontier Province Minister Bashir Bilour said that when some of the recently- freed children were returned to their parents, the latter were initially pleased.

But, a few days later, the parents went back with complaints that the boys were threatening to kill them.

"(The children) were told that the Pakistani Army has become an enemy of Islam, as it is fighting for Christians and Jews," said a senior official involved in the interrogation of potential suicide bombers who have been captured.

The security forces are keeping the would-be junior murderers in Mardan town, where they are to be mentally rehabilitated so that they can become normal citizens.

United States officials quoted by the Washington Times newspaper said earlier this month that Mehsud was paying US$7,000 (SGD10,000) to US$14,000 for each child recruit.

The actual price depended on how quickly a bomber was needed and how close the child is expected to get to the target, they said.

Mehsud is also said to be producing suicide bombers assembly- line style, so they can be sold or used in bartering with militants such as Afghan Taliban chief Mullah Omar.

The use of mini-murderers is "the grim reality of the Taliban Frankenstein that now threatens to overwhelm the Pakistani state", Mr Bruce Riedel, a Brookings Institution scholar who helmed a review of US-Pakistan- Afghanistan strategy, was quoted as saying by the Times.

--The Nation(Pakistan)/ANN
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: Children used as suicide bombers - Taliban
Reply #2 - Jul 30th, 2009 at 9:07pm
Sounds a bit like the 6yo. boy NATO claim they found with a suicide vest on... but of course they can't reveal where, when or what his name is... and it just conveniently happened at a time when NATO were under fire for killing too many civilians... but it's all 100% true right.

As they say, first casualty of war...
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Re: Children used as suicide bombers - Taliban
Reply #3 - Jul 30th, 2009 at 9:24pm
abu_rashid wrote on Jul 30th, 2009 at 9:07pm:
Sounds a bit like the 6yo. boy NATO claim they found with a suicide vest on... but of course they can't reveal where, when or what his name is... and it just conveniently happened at a time when NATO were under fire for killing too many civilians... but it's all 100% true right.

As they say, first casualty of war...

What, are you calling Senior North-West Frontier Province Minister Bashir Bilour a lying Paki bastards?

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Re: Children used as suicide bombers - Taliban
Reply #4 - Jul 30th, 2009 at 9:31pm
We already know you are brainwashed Ben Booby...  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: Children used as suicide bombers - Taliban
Reply #5 - Jul 30th, 2009 at 9:41pm
What, are you calling Senior North-West Frontier Province Minister Bashir Bilour a lying Paki bastards

Well, he's a loyal employee of the USA... so we couldn't expect too much truth to come out of his mouth could we? He's had the best training possible for excreting bovine faeces from his oral cavity.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Children used as suicide bombers - Taliban
Reply #6 - Jul 30th, 2009 at 9:46pm
abu_rashid wrote on Jul 30th, 2009 at 9:07pm:
Sounds a bit like the 6yo. boy NATO claim they found with a suicide vest on... but of course they can't reveal where, when or what his name is... and it just conveniently happened at a time when NATO were under fire for killing too many civilians... but it's all 100% true right.

As they say, first casualty of war...

It's the first casualty of peace, war, and you couldn't lie straight in bed. All war is deceit, and you are at war permanently against anything that won't submit to Islam.

I'll never submit and there are plenty more like me. The thin cloak of multiculturalism is wearing, very very thin. When it folds, and it will, you and others like you will be caught out in the open.

The six-year-old suicide bomber 'sent by Taliban to blow up Americans'

Last updated at 13:53 26 June 2007

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The story of a 6-year-old Afghan boy who says he thwarted an effort by Taliban militants to trick him into being a suicide bomber provoked tears and anger at a meeting of tribal leaders.

The account from Juma Gul, a dirt-caked child who collects scrap metal for money, left American soldiers dumb-founded that a youngster could be sent on such a mission. Afghan troops crowded around the boy to call him a hero.

juma gul

Juma Gul says he thwarted an effort by Taliban militants to trick him into carrying out a suicide bombing against US troops

Though the Taliban dismissed the story as propaganda, at a time when US and NATO forces are under increasing criticism over civilian casualties, both Afghan tribal elders and US military officers said they were convinced by his dramatic account.

Juma said that sometime last month Taliban fighters forced him to wear a vest they said would spray out flowers when he touched a button. He said they told him that when he saw American soldiers, "throw your body at them."

The militants cornered Juma in a Taliban-controlled district in southern Afghanistan's Ghazni province. Their target was an impoverished youngster being raised by an older sister - but also one who proved too street-smart for their plan.

"When they first put the vest on my body I didn't know what to think, but then I felt the bomb," Juma told The Associated Press as he ate lamb and rice after being introduced to the elders at this joint US-Afghan base in Ghazni.

"After I figured out it was a bomb, I went to the Afghan soldiers for help."

afghan boy

Afghan boy, Juma Gul, 6, has lunch with brother Dad Gul at a US-Afghan military command centre in Andar district, Ghazni province, west of Kabul

While Juma's story could not be independently verified, local government leaders backed his account and the US and NATO military missions said they believed his story.

Abdul Rahim Deciwal, the chief administrator for Juma's village of Athul, brought the boy and an older brother, Dad Gul, to a weekend meeting between Afghan elders and US Army Colonel Martin P Schweitzer. Schweitzer called the Taliban's attempt "a cowardly act."

As Deciwal told Juma's story, 20 Afghan elders repeatedly clicked their tongues in sadness and disapproval. When the boy and his brother were brought in, several of the turban-wearing men welled up, wiping their eyes with handkerchiefs.

"If anybody has a heart, then how can you control yourself (before) these kids?" Deciwal said in broken English.

Wallets quickly opened, and the boys were handed US$60 in American and Afghan currency - a good chunk of money in a country where teachers and police earn US$70 a month.

Afghan officials described the boys as extremely poor, and Juma said he is being raised by his sister because his father works in a bakery in Pakistan and his mother lives and does domestic work in another village.

"I think the boy is intelligent," Deciwal said. "When he comes from the enemy he found a checkpoint of the ANA (Afghan National Army), and he asked the ANA: 'Hey, can you help me? Somebody gave me this jacket and I don't know what's inside but maybe something bad.'"

Lt Col George Graff, a father of five who attended the meeting, also teared up. "Relating to them as a father and trying to fathom somebody using one of my children for that kind of a purpose, jeez, it just tore me up," said Graff, a National Guard soldier from St. George, Utah.

"The depths that these people will go to get what they want, which is power for themselves - it's just disgusting."

juma gul

Juma Gul, 6, claims he was strapped to a suicide vest by the Taliban. Now he is safe with tribal elders.

A Taliban spokesman, Qari Yousef Ahmadi, denied the militant group uses child fighters, saying it has hundreds of adults ready for suicide missions.

"We don't need to use a child," Ahmadi said by satellite phone. "It's against Islamic law, it's against humanitarian law. This is just propaganda against the Taliban."

However, a gory Taliban video that surfaced in April showed militants instructing a boy of about 12 as he beheaded an alleged traitor with a large knife. UN officials condemned the act as a war crime.

Fidgety but smiling during all the attention, Juma said he had been scared when he was surrounded by Taliban fighters. He cupped his hands together to show the size of the bomb, then ran his hands along his waist to show where it was on his body.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Children used as suicide bombers - Taliban
Reply #7 - Jul 30th, 2009 at 9:48pm
abu_rashid wrote on Jul 30th, 2009 at 9:41pm:
What, are you calling Senior North-West Frontier Province Minister Bashir Bilour a lying Paki bastards

Well, he's a loyal employee of the USA... so we couldn't expect too much truth to come out of his mouth could we? He's had the best training possible for excreting bovine faeces from his oral cavity.

Isn't he a muslim?
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Australian Politics

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Re: Children used as suicide bombers - Taliban
Reply #8 - Jul 30th, 2009 at 9:52pm
but of course they can't reveal where,

Yes it is a shame but this is classified information. I can reveal my own classified source, the DAILY FRICKING MAIL pinhead!


Abdul Rahim Deciwal, the chief administrator for Juma's village of
brought the boy and an older brother, Dad Gul, to a weekend meeting between Afghan elders and US Army Colonel Martin P Schweitzer. Schweitzer called the Taliban's attempt "a cowardly act."

Read more:

when or what his name is...

Afghan boy,
Juma Gul
, 6, has lunch with brother Dad Gul at a US-Afghan military command centre in Andar district, Ghazni province, west of Kabul

Read more:

and it just conveniently happened at a time when NATO were under fire for killing too many civilians... but it's all 100% true right

Yes it is. But you are holding true to form by attempting to spin your own propaganda to deflect this.

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Aussie Muslim

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Re: Children used as suicide bombers - Taliban
Reply #9 - Jul 30th, 2009 at 10:05pm
At the time they refused to reveal any details, and the Guardian said they were unable to independantly verify it.

So now... one month later, they managed to pay some street kid to come and take some pretty pictures drinking mirinda... Yeh I'm fooled. The only ones exploiting young Afghan kids here are the NATO-led propagandists, so they can deflect any and all attention away from their gross misddeds against Afghan civilians.
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« Last Edit: Jul 30th, 2009 at 10:17pm by abu_rashid »  
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Re: Children used as suicide bombers - Taliban
Reply #10 - Jul 30th, 2009 at 10:18pm
Taliban using children as part of ‘Jihad’

* 14-year-old boy recruited by Taliban in Swat recalls recruitment
* Intelligence reports estimate more than 5,000 children trained so far

Daily Times Monitor

LAHORE: The Taliban are using children bought from poor families or recruited from madrassas to launch suicide attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan, a report said on Wednesday.

Qari Abdullah, a Taliban commander in charge of child recruitment, told Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, writing for the Independent, that children as young as five and six years old were being recruited from poor families.

“The kids want to join us because they like our weapons. If you’re fighting, then God provides you with the means to win. Kids themselves are tools to achieve God’s will. And whatever comes your way, you sacrifice it,” he said.

Describing a Taliban propaganda video, Sharmeen recalled 25 shalwar kameez-clad children appearing in the video.

“They sat cross-legged on the ground rocking back and forth reciting the holy Quran. A white bandana tied across their forehead” inscribed with the Kalmah, she wrote.

She wrote the children had been filmed in an empty compound, adding that three children, armed with automatic guns, sat in one corner and kept watch.

“Their teacher, dressed in brown military fatigues walked around reading aloud from a book titled ‘Justifications for suicide bombing’. He made a list on the white board titled ‘Reasons for killing a spy’,” she added, writing that the text on the screen read “Preparing suicide bombers”.

Sharmeen recalled that in another chilling video, three boys spoke about their desire to become suicide bombers. She writes, “The video introduces Zainullah, who later blows himself up and kills six, Sadique, who blows himself up and kills 22, and Masood who kills 28.” She wrote that the video contained footage of their attacks and in the background a young child sang “if you try and find me after I have died, you will never find my whole body, you will find little pieces”.

Disturbing tale: Hazrat Ali, a 14-year-old boy from a poor farming family in Swat, was recruited by the Taliban from the local Islamic school.

“They first call us to the mosques, and preach to us. Then they take us to a madrassa and they teach us things from the Quran. They teach us to use machine gun, Kalashnikov, rocket launchers, grenades, bombs. They ask us to use them only against the infidels. Then they teach us how to do a suicide attack,” Ali said.

Ali said he longed for the day when his turn would come to be a suicide bomber. “There are thousands of us. The Taliban now have the power to defeat the army,” he added.

There are 80 million children in the country, more than a quarter of whom lived below the poverty line.

High number: According to intelligence estimates, more than 5,000 child suicide bombers between the ages of 10 and 17 have been trained by the Taliban so far. Most of them are dispatched to Afghanistan to target international troops and Afghan security forces, but some are deployed for strikes inside Pakistan. On April 6, a child suicide bomber blew himself up at a Shia mosque in the Chakwal district, killing 26 people and injuring more than 50.

It has also been reported that Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan chief Baitullah Mehsud was buying children as young as seven to carry out suicide bombings. The price for a child bomber is between $7,000 and $14,000, an official requesting anonymity said.

The Pakistani government has offered a reward of about $615,300 for information leading to Mehsud’s capture.\07\30\story_30-7-2009_pg7_14
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: Children used as suicide bombers - Taliban
Reply #11 - Jul 30th, 2009 at 10:23pm
Well, since it's in a Western propaga... err I mean independant Western media source, then it's gotta be correct. Because they'd never lie, to soothe their people's consciences for being responsible for murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in some far flung country...
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Australian Politics

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Re: Children used as suicide bombers - Taliban
Reply #12 - Jul 30th, 2009 at 10:28pm
Children receiving terrorist training:

Child Suicide bomber at Israeli checkpoint:


Muslims glorify suicide bombing? Never. They would never expose their children to such things.

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Re: Children used as suicide bombers - Taliban
Reply #13 - Jul 30th, 2009 at 10:44pm
It's called total denial Calanen...  the brainwashed can't face reality, he'll probably blow himself up one day.  Much easier to believe the paranoid delusions of Islamism.
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Re: Children used as suicide bombers - Taliban
Reply #14 - Jul 30th, 2009 at 11:06pm
Grendel wrote on Jul 30th, 2009 at 10:44pm:
It's called total denial Calanen...  the brainwashed can't face reality, he'll probably blow himself up one day.  Much easier to believe the paranoid delusions of Islamism.

It is an important lesson in the mindset of Islam:

'Never back down, ever,'

So there is no point in discussing things with muslims, they never make even the slightest concession, they will just jump from excuse to new excuse. Realise this is their mindset, and you are a long way to understanding them.

While we constantly have people 'supposedly' on our side criticising our society, they almost have no one criticising them. There are a number of reasons for this, the first is that being a muslim that criticises other muslims may lead to you being killed - the second is this idea of never take a backward step, die on the battlements, concede nothing to infidels ever.

But it's never Abu I would try to convince. I couldn't convince him at gun point. It's the lurkers watching I want to convince by slaying his arguments. Abu will never agree with anything I say, no matter how reasonable, well argued, coherent, well sourced, proven and legitimate.

Remember that, and you have learnt lesson 1 of understanding Muslims.
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ISLAM is a vicious [un-reformable] political tyranny, which has always murdered its critics, and it continues that practice even today.
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