Calanen, as has been noted enough times, I couldn't care what he writes, he has absolutely no authority in my religion whatsoever, so even if it's in all his books, it's irrelevant to the vast vast bulk of Muslims.
And even with that in mind, I very much doubt that's what he wrote. I've seen people bring his quotes before, which these claims have obviously been fabricated from, and all he said was if someone committed bestiality, he'd be unclean, and would have to purify himself. Nowhere did he state it's permitted, or even that it's not punishable by Shari'ah. The offender though would need to shower immediately.
It's akin to saying if someone said that a thief must give back property he stole after being caught, therefore he permits theft, just garbage really. I can't believe anyone is so intellectually deficient as to draw such a simple minded conclusion. Actually I can... knowing you guys.