mozzaok - it's a bit esoteric, but there seems to be a line of thought behind it.
In entirely my own thoughts
the first one (lamentations - a depressing book) is a prophecy about Jesus's grim future.
the second - (ezekiel - one of the classic OT prophets) extols Jesus to speak out against Israel. Which he did.
The third (ezekiel again) is why jesus should speak out against Israel.
Israel here may mean the jewish religion, the country or individuals.
4th - gives us advice on a way for us to avoid having Jesus speak out against us. A way to avoid wickedness being inside us, when we started out blameless.
5th - "Seek me and live" gives directions to overcoming internal wickedness
6th - shows what some experience when some people experience Gods presence. ("I have sinned....")
7th - is a person making their choice to continue to seek God and relying on Gods ways to help him/her.
There's really quite a journey in those ones.
funny they have all come from the latter 1/2 of the OT.
Nice there is no "religion" in it.
I've no idea if there is anymore to follow. But I liked this one.
We will see.
Take care