malice aforethought = = Law the intention to kill or harm, held to distinguish unlawful killing from murder.FACT #1,
ISLAM is not a peaceful, tolerant religion.
FACT #2,
Moslems are lying deceivers.
FACT #3,
Many non-moslems are living in denial of what ISLAM is.
Every moslem in Australia [and indeed, every moslem on the planet], by self declaring as a moslem, is self declaring a criminal intent [by our laws] against local non-moslems.
ISLAM is a criminal compact among moslems, to wage a violent 'religious' war against non-moslems ['unbelievers'].
All cognisant moslems themselves, know this to be true, and, deny and hide this criminal intent from their non-moslem host communities.
In those areas where ISLAM and moslem communities are still politically weak, and where moslems are numerically weak, moslems seek to deceive, and to culturally, and materially, weaken non-moslem societies.
Such a base betrayal and deception, among humans, is more commonly called treachery.
Moslems within non-moslem host communities are engaged in a war of attrition.
In those places where circumstances do not yet allow moslems to subjugate non-moslems, moslems 'struggle' ['Jihad'] to gain influence within non-moslem cultural and government institutions, where they seek to undermine those institutions, and promote ISLAMIC 'values', and an approximation of Sharia law, and will seek to promote the influence of fellow moslems within those institutions.
Alternatively, in those areas where ISLAM slowly [or quickly!] becomes politically, and numerically superior, and where the moslem community has the means, there is a 'religious' obligation upon all moslems to press ISLAM's [political] claims, using all 'justifiable' violence, to establish the sovereignty of Allah, and his followers, over the native peoples of that area.
Basically, fundamentally, all ISLAMIC doctrine translates as enmity, and encourages [criminal] violence, towards ALL non-moslems.
Koran 9:29
All moslems readily accept their enmity against non-moslems, because ISLAM itself declares that non-moslems who reject ISLAM, are not to be regarded as human beings.
Non-moslems who reject ISLAM, are to be regraded as sub-humans, for whom moslems should have no pity, but only enmity.
Koran 8:20-22
Koran 5:59-60
Koran 47:33-35
Based solely upon ISLAMIC texts [i.e. the Koran and Hadith, which form and guide all moslem 'religious' beliefs] it can be determined, demonstrated, and proven, that good moslems are obligated by their 'faith', to have an extreme enmity with all non-moslems who reject ISLAM.
Koran 9:123
Koran 5:51
And those are doctrines which every moslem MUST follow, and support, to remain a moslem.
All cognisant moslems themselves, know and believe these things, and hide their own awareness of those obligations to their 'faith', from their non-moslem host communities.
Moslems spread this message of their 'faith', of total enmity towards non-moslems, within moslem communities.
But moslems will treacherously deny this to non-moslems.
But the facts of what ISLAMIC texts encourage, and require of moslems,
cannot be denied.
Who is a moslem?
A moslem believes, "There is no god but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet."
What do ALL real moslems believe?
All moslems believe that Sharia law is Allah's perfect, just law, and that all mankind must be made subject to Sharia law.
All moslems believe that Sharia must spread all over the world, and replace all other man-made laws.
All moslems believe that they are obligated by their religion to lie to, and deceive, 'unbelievers', when those lies and that deception can materially help the spread of ISLAM [Sharia law].
All moslems believe that moslems are superior to 'unbelievers'.
All moslems believe that it is a crime to kill innocent human beings.
All moslems believe that moslems are innocent human beings.
All moslems believe that unbelief [in ISLAM] is a crime, an insult [committed by non-moslems] against their god, Allah.
All moslems believe that all 'unbelievers' who have rejected ISLAM are 'guilty' people.
All moslems believe that 'unbelievers' who reject ISLAM have no right to live.
All moslems believe that 'unbelievers' who oppose ISLAM and the spread of Sharia have no right to live.
A moslem who ceases to believe these things [above] ceases being a moslem, relinquishes their right to live, and deserves to die.
That is not my claim, but ISLAM's own assertion.
"...If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him." itself, has very definitive things to say, about who is a moslem, and what the obligations of a moslem are.
These things cannot be denied.
But moslems WILL deny them.
Because moslems are bare faced liars.
Moslems can tell bare faced lies to 'unbelievers', because they experience no shame, or guilt,
...only pride in ISLAM.