'Palestinian' land?
Could you answer some basic questions about the country of Palestine:
1. When was it founded and by whom?
2. What language did the Palestinians speak?
3. What writing [script] did they use?
4. What manuscripts did they leave?
5. What was their religion?
6. Where are their temples?
7. What monuments attest to their existence?
8. What were its borders?
9. What was the name of its capital?
10. What were its major cities?
11. What constituted the basis of its economy?
12. What was the name of the currency that they used?
13. What was its form of government?
14. What achievements have they accomplished?
15. What other peoples did Palestine interact with?
16. Where can one find any [historic] records, wherein the country of Palestine and its people are mentioned?
17. What archaeological sites can one name?
18. Where can one find the recorded history of these people?
19. Whom did they conquer?, or, were conquered by?
20. Was Palestine ever recognized by a country whose existence, at that time or now, leaves no room for interpretation [or doubt]?
21. What was the prevalent religion of the country of Palestine?
22. Can anyone name at least five Palestinian leaders before Arafat?
23. Finally, since there is no such recognised country today, what caused its demise and when did it occur?
Further, why did these proud 'Palestinians' between 1948 and 1967, passively, allow themselves to be occupied by the Jordanians in the 'West Bank', and by the Egyptians in Gaza?
And then, only after 1967, why did these 'Palestinians' suddenly determine that they too, must be an independent nation?
The Q's above, are sourced from,
Part 142 - Palestine and Palestinians
Part 072 - Promised Land in the Quran
www.YOUTUBE.com/watch?v=cS__tSFa4hcPart 146A - Two States - Israel and Palestine
www.YOUTUBE.com/watch?v=_-HkGLs-KVUPart 146B - Two States - Israel and Palestine
www.YOUTUBE.com/watch?v=-tpcPbZ9NM0Part 146C - Two States - Israel and Palestine
www.YOUTUBE.com/watch?v=WOg5_qUsS10Enmity for Israel / Jews on display,
"...know that they are muslims, and know who their enemies are"Muslim Sesame Street V - Pepsi Cola, the Apes, Pigs and Jews
www.YOUTUBE.com/watch?v=nhbHVEGnYD8Farewell Israel
"Palestinian land" = = 'The East Bank',
and 'The East Bank' = = Jordan
If ALL of the worlds media, under prompting from 'Palestinians', refer to
Judea and Samaria as 'The West Bank', then why don't Jordanians, and for that matter the 'Palestinians', properly refer to Jordan, as 'The East Bank'?
Even the name,
, itself, reveals that the Jewish people have an ancient, proper, and legitimate claim to that land.
You may wish to read Psalms 83,
www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Psa/Psa083.html#topand Ezekiel 35,
www.blueletterbible.org/Bible.cfm?b=Eze&c=35and Ezekiel 36:5 ,
those bible texts speak *directly* to those ppl who call themselves 'Palestinians',
In the context of Psalms 83, and Ezekiel 35,
Idumea = = Edom = = Jordan = = 'Palestinians'