Amadd wrote on Dec 4
th, 2009 at 1:09am:
Quote:Are men still chivalrous and respectful to women/females, do they essentially respect women for who they are
No, that would be disrespectful wouldn't it?
Men must treat women as their equals, therefore they must compete with them as they do their male counterparts. This means being disresctful at every turn, otherwise it would be disrespectful to women to treat them differently wouldn't it?
And btw, there's still a lot of blood and guts that needs to be spilled to catch up with men's sacrifices, so you go girl and start some wars.
Us blokes will be sitting on the couch watching it on TV. We may even sit some
OGO on the shelf and bag a few female Yankee soldiers that travel to our shores. That'd be nice
OGO ? I could Google it I guess..
Mens sacrifices ,er mention one or two just to clue me in maddy..sacrfices like going to war, yes that I understand..but out here its a level playing field in so much as we control our environment by our actions that largely effect outcomes relating to our selves, so Im not sure exactly what 'sacfrices' you mean..
Could you elaborate for me ..?
Then we can discuss, if you still want to.
I suspect I know where you were going with this and in that case I
mostly agree...but still not that clear
Im not into
yankee female soldiers, the males are very nice tho'.