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I saw this picture of a child taken about 100 years ago, and started thinking that now that he has lived his life, we can know whether he led a good life, or a bad life, but if we had god-like powers of omniscience, we would know this from the start, and if we did, what choices would we make about his life?
Now as a child his potential is virtually unlimited, he could grow up to be a great scientist who finds a cure for cancer that rids the world of that terrible disease, but another child is born who will cause a fatal accident that sees them both die in their teens, and no cancer cure is then ever found. So, should we kill the other child first, to prevent the tragic loss of this great mind, and it's subsequent discoveries?
Alternately, this child grows up to be a violent mass murderer, whose life brings great suffering and misery to many people, should we prevent the doctors from administering life saving medicine to him when he gets dangerously ill as a small child, and so dies before he grows up to commit evil acts?
Just how relative is morality? Are any morals ever absloutely wrong, like killing for instance?
Is committing violence against many, more morally wrong, than committing violence against an individual?
In war time we see mass killings as necessary, and acceptable, and rationalise them as pro-active self defense, like the hiroshima bombing for an example, but just how do these sorts of actions stack up with religious teachings about morality?
Anyway, here is a photo of a kid now dead, would you be able to walk up and club his brains out if you knew he was going to be bad?
Would you kill someone else to prevent his death if you knew he was going to be a great man?
I do not know what I would choose, I guess being a god would be a pretty tough gig.