Gold Member
Posts: 6741
Poor Abu, stuck living in a fantasy ideal of how he thinks Islam could be practised.
He believes the false history of Islam's golden age, which conveniently ignores the despotic violence used to coerce populations to contribute to this claimed golden age, and dreams that it may return to provide a new golden age of Islam again.
To persist in maintaining this fantasy, he needs to disregard all the evidence of immoral and violent behaviour that we see in the world's current Islamic nations, and he does this by saying they are all symptoms of western corruption. Only the most self deluding person could maintain that false claim, while totally ignoring the evidence of their own eyes and ears.
Any muslim who commits any misdeed is discounted as either; a) "not a true muslim", or b)"a western influenced puppet".
The glaring truth, and obvious conclusion to be drawn from seeing the same types of behaviours acted out across some quite diverse cultures is that Islam is the common factor they share. Islam is the code they use to justify the behaviours to themselves, whether rightly or wrongly is an interpretive question that Islam itself can never answer, because each is free to interpret the books of Islam as they personally see fit, without direction from any universally recognised Islamic authority.
This lack of authority sees the terrorists as free to use Islam as their justification for violence, as the pedophile or polygamist who uses it's teachings to justify their sexual deviancies.
The four corners show last night which highlighted the misuse of boys in afghanistan by high ranking muslim officials, showed just how impotent Islam is in protecting the weak and powerless, which is not surprising for a doctrine developed by someone who preyed upon the weak and indulged their own sexual deviancies at every opportunity.
These muslim perverts even made the pedophile clergymen of the catholics look positively benevolent by comparison.
One day people like Abu may come to realise that their hopes and dreams for Islam just do not match the reality of what it is, or ever can be, and for the sake of the weak and exploited, the sooner that day comes the better. When they take off their rose coloured glasses, and see Islam for what it is, they can start to put their energies into trying to change it for the better.