Soren wrote on Feb 26 th, 2010 at 7:56pm: Karnal wrote on Feb 26 th, 2010 at 9:02am: Soren wrote on Feb 25 th, 2010 at 5:47pm: Karnal wrote on Feb 25 th, 2010 at 4:01pm: I might be wrong, but along with philosophers like Habbermas, I see the purpose of dialogue to come to a united - not divided - point of view. Genious. The 'communicative action' of blowing up bars in Bali, trains in London, Madrid, India, flying planes into New York buildings is actualy communicating to me that these fvckers are past dialogue. Are you interpreting it differently? Like they are friends at heart whose grievances we haven't accommodated yet? Sounds like such "liberal appeasement" makes you froth at the mouth, dear. However, none of the Muslims I've met have blown up anything - bar the occasional blow-up doll, perhaps (obviously a sin if not married). Are all the Muslims you've had intercourse with been such bomb-happy die-hards, Soren? With the exception of the regulars on this board, of course, whom we all know are card-carrying members of Al Qaeda. It matters not one bit how nice or ugly individual Mohamedan's interpretation or conduct is. What matters is that the dogmas, practices, aims and methods of Mohamedanism are against every single principle of the culture, human conduct and ethics that I regard essential for humans to flourish and therefore want my children to inherit. I do not want them, or anyone else, to live under any of the various interpretations of Mohamedanism. Is that unambiguous enough for you, in a caring and sensitive kind of way? Sorry, love. Just to make it perfectly clear: you're saying you wouldn't want your daughter to marry one? You don't want them teaching in our schools. And you don't want them molesting our children (Cf Afghan boy love jizzm payments). I'm glad we've cleared that one up. I thought for a minute there you were saying you didn't want them taking over the state, establishing a one-world caliphate and replacing our beloved Westminster system with the mullahs in charge and sharriah law. Mind you, they only want to do all that so they can get their hands on your children. Allah Akbar!