It is time to vigorously prosecute Muslims in living in Western countries if they incite hatred, ridicule and contempt against Islam. Like this fellow:
{Omar Hassan} n his 15-page letter to 4BC, ... described Australia as a "racist country . . . No. 1 on the world list for the violation of human rights". He said Fairfax radio is a "human zoo owned by . . . pigs and monkeys". He said of Smith - a former policeman - that "being a cop would write you off as a decent human being for life as you can never recover from that disease of being a cop, as once a cop, the dirt and filth stick to you forever and could never be removed".
And he had plenty to say about women in short skirts. He expressed his disgust at being "forced to look at the backside of a woman who bends over in front of me in supermarket to pick an item off a bottom shelf". It is a health hazard, he says. "Non-Muslim women do not use water to clean themselves when they go to the toilet." Thus, bending over in a supermarket could cause serious health risks, Hassan wrote, especially for little children who "because of their height, may have such [a] scene right in their face".
Instead of dismissing this barrage of invective from Hassan, the ADC has decided that Smith has a case to answer.
It is hight time to persecute and punish all Muslims who bring Islam and Muslims into utter and lasting disrepute by their words or actions, like this man, Omar Hassan. Abu Rashid on this forum, and in whatever real life milieau he moves in, also brings ridicule and contempt upon Islam and Muslims in general.
Such people do lasting damage to community harmony and to the reputation, perception and acceptance of Muslims.
If Muslim immigration is to continue, such people should be vigorously persecuted for damaging Australia's social peace by exposing the entire Muslim community to ridicule, hatred and contempt.