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inciting hatred against Muslims (Read 13298 times)
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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #60 - Feb 17th, 2010 at 2:53pm
abu_rashid wrote on Feb 17th, 2010 at 1:53pm:
Isn't that like the 5th. time already you've posted that case on ozpolitic?

When you have to just keep re-hashing the same old stories, tends to indicate your argument is a little dead (either that or you suffer severe memory loss). In fact I think you've already posted in in this thread about twice.

Geez can't you have a little fun when you get the chance?

How about :

"Sprint, I'm sick of your multiple posts. I'm reporting this to FD... Heads will roll over this".

OK?.... not that good?... How about

"Sprint, that story's lost its head by now" ... Y'know... like a beer... gone stale... lost it's head....ha ha?  Orgh never mind...

Now... you give it a go.

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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #61 - Feb 17th, 2010 at 2:56pm
The sad fact is that Islam has undergone a transition over the last 40 years, from a pretty peaceful, and spiritual religion, to a highly politicised and reactionary religion, and the zealots who claim to be carrying on the true spirit of Islam through jihad are the ones who are driving the majority of the conflict.

The spurious brotherhood of Islam which inspires hatred for infidels because of the suffering of some groups of muslims seems a pretty disingenuous claim, when one considers the actions muslims perpetrate against each other, who do they consider responsible for that?

Yep, they blame the infidels for that too.

So we have a religion being pushed in the wrong direction by extremists, but what we want to see is moderates pushing back the other way.

So far we are still waiting.

Mind you, extremist Islamophobia, and hatred of all things muslim is pretty poor form as well, and having yobbos and lebos facing off in the streets is not something we would wish for.
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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #62 - Feb 17th, 2010 at 3:09pm
abu_rashid wrote on Feb 17th, 2010 at 1:27pm:

They are exploiting your religion for criminal purposes, bringing hatred and contempt on all of you.

Blind hatred and contempt is the fault of the one who feels the hatred and contempt.


I am looking forward to your next post where you attribute similar fault to your Mulism brothers who were recently sentenced in the NSW Supreme Court. They expressed "anger, venom and hatred" towards the Australian government and its policies overseas."  You no doubt agree that their feelings of anger and hatred is entirely their own fault and the Australian government bears no responsibility in any way.

Come on, let's hear it.

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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #63 - Feb 17th, 2010 at 3:35pm
mozzaok wrote on Feb 17th, 2010 at 2:56pm:
The sad fact is that Islam has undergone a transition over the last 40 years, from a pretty peaceful, and spiritual religion, to a highly politicised and reactionary religion, and the zealots who claim to be carrying on the true spirit of Islam through jihad are the ones who are driving the majority of the conflict.

Good point. I think herein lies a central problem.
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Annie Anthrax
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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #64 - Feb 17th, 2010 at 3:46pm
Helian, anybody who claims that they are at war with Australia should be treated as an enemy combatant. Muslims that live in Australia need to bide by Australian laws, period. For the most part, they do.

Sprint, you're an idiot if you believe half the sh*t you claimed in that post. Female circumcision can be traced back to pharonic times and Jews and Christians in Africa still practice it now, along with Muslims. It's a cultural thing, like I said. Do your research - I can send you some information if you're really interested in learning.

in all muslim countries stonings, hacking off a hand  or head publically is the done thing.

Wrong, but Karnal already answered you better than I could have.

i think muslims in muslim countries know what islam is all about.

Wrong..again. A lot of Islamic countries have a low literacy rate, so interpretations of the Koran are handed down from generation to generation. A bit like Chinese whispers, and you know what happens there. In Afghanistan for instance, many muslims believe a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with outdated cultural practices.

i give them credit that they follow it as closely as possible.

How nice of you. I'm interested to know, how many Muslim countries have you been to? I'm willing to bet you have no first hand knowledge of how those people live.

the recent MUSLIM terrorists in aussie, the head muslims jumped up and defended them , saying OUR legal system is bad

From what I read, they said that people of muslim faith and Arabic backgrounds receive disproportionate sentences. They'd be right.

they can change or bugger off.

What is it exactly that you'd have them change, Sprint?

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Annie Anthrax
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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #65 - Feb 17th, 2010 at 3:51pm
The sad fact is that Islam has undergone a transition over the last 40 years, from a pretty peaceful, and spiritual religion, to a highly politicised and reactionary religion, and the zealots who claim to be carrying on the true spirit of Islam through jihad are the ones who are driving the majority of the conflict.

It's always the assholes who stuff it up for everyone else.
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #66 - Feb 17th, 2010 at 6:37pm
Come on, none of you are historians are you.

I can bring you countless incidents of Muslims resisting the colonialists prior to 40 years ago. The idea that all of a sudden something changed 40 years ago is not historically sound.

Mozza has no idea, and neither do those plodding along behind him.

The only thing consistent about Muslim resistance movements is the presence of a colonising power. Stop deluding yourselves and admit where the real fault is. It's the first step to resolving this.
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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #67 - Feb 17th, 2010 at 9:01pm
The only thing consistent about Muslim resistance movements is the presence of a colonising power.

Can you explain how this applies to Afghanistan? Or are you just giving us the definition of a resistance movement?
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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #68 - Feb 17th, 2010 at 9:06pm
abu_rashid wrote on Feb 17th, 2010 at 1:27pm:
The advocates of "politico-Islam" perceive Western-style secular democracy as a rival and it stands to reason that they would.

On a state to state level, and in the case that a Caliphate actually existed, yes. That's really got nothing to do with Muslim citizens of Australia or any other country though.

That doesn;t make much sense Abu. They are rival political systems, whether they exist or not. They do not have to be rival countries to be rival options. If you seek a return of the caliphate, then democracy is a rival. Your constant insistance that the nature of the polical system you seek to establish is irrelevant to the discussion about that system because it does not yet exist is just absurd.
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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #69 - Feb 17th, 2010 at 9:19pm

islams never been peaceful.
moh's life is bathed in blood from those who did not wish to follow him.

all through the koran it is gore, it's like the OT having a 'roid rage.

"die killing infidels and you score the 77 virgins" - what sex-crazed fkwt dreamed this one up ?
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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #70 - Feb 17th, 2010 at 10:26pm
As an historian of some note, I could point you toward scholarly works which have studied the rise of militant Islam, and have actually posted links to such works before, but you have always refused to acknowlwdge them as credible, because they were not written by muslims.
(A bit of a lol on the noted historian bit, I couldn't resist, but the rest is accurate)

As an exercise in fairness I will ask if you can explain the inter-muslim violence that has been prominent for quite a while longer than any of the resistance movements reacting to colonisation?

The bottom line is that any would be "teacher"/"leader" that can muster the chutzpah to bang on about their own interpretation of Islamic teachings, is pretty much as valid as any other, as Islam has no hierarchy which is universally accepted and recognised, but more of a nut of the day club, where whoever has overwound his headress a little can direct followers to adopt errant behaviours, and claim it is divinely inspired.

It is the reason for all the confllict, because they never agree with each other, or anyone else, and always claim to be inspired by Allah, so they kill each other, they kill those from rival sects, tribes, countries, and also rival religions and cultures.

When these people are reined in, then Islam can go back to being a religion again.
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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #71 - Feb 17th, 2010 at 10:46pm
Funny and a good question about intra-muslim civil war going back to the day Mahomet died. But what do you mean by "Islam can go back to being a religion again." When was Islam merely a religion, a state of affairs to which a return is possible? When was it separate and independent from the system of government around it? When was its explicit aim on this earth not sharia government?
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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #72 - Feb 18th, 2010 at 2:38am
Annie Anthrax wrote on Feb 17th, 2010 at 3:46pm:
Helian, anybody who claims that they are at war with Australia should be treated as an enemy combatant. Muslims that live in Australia need to bide by Australian laws, period. For the most part, they do.

That's right... And therein lies the primary source of angst for those Muslims who, while not motivated by militant Islamism, appear to tacitly support those who are. An internal conflict that no doubt has its parallels with moderate southern Irish of the last century who dared not publicly criticise the IRA for fear of being condemned by their peers as traitors to the cause.

And those perverted by religious militancy clearly understand the psychological power their images present when standing in the dock, in the same way that IRA combatants did... By iconising themselves as defiant, unrepentant warrior zealots, they attempt to become Islamic heroes (in the Australian context of similar legendary defiance, think Ned Kelly).

There are few, if any, options available to the state other than the handing down of very long prison sentences to diminish the Islamist's potent image.
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« Last Edit: Feb 18th, 2010 at 2:45am by NorthOfNorth »  

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Annie Anthrax
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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #73 - Feb 18th, 2010 at 8:14am

I agree with most of what you said. The thing is, the previous comments I've posted in this thread were regarding average muslims and the price they have to pay for the actions of fundamentalists.

Terrorists need to be dealt with, and harshly. But how many people in Australia have been convicted or even accused of terrorist activity? Very few. Globally the number of people detained and tortured in regards to terrorism are mostly innocent. If the world had as many terrorists as our governments suggest, we would have all been blown to bits by now.

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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #74 - Feb 18th, 2010 at 10:18am
Annie, yes it's usually the innocent who pay the highest price in any conflict, given that the zealot would almost as soon give up his entire family's life as quickly as his own to advance the cause, he gives far less in value than the uninvolved.

A single successful terrorist strike in Australia would in all likelihood have a catastrophic effect on the general population of a magnitude many times greater than the damage done.

How do we motivate the mythical moderate Muslims to publicly denounce militant Islamism and reject their misguided responsibility to Islamic "fraternity"?

Aren't you a little tired of the invoking the likes of the Crusades as the reason that it is we who should be apologising?

Will Muslim Australia ever accept that the Australian state supports the existence of Israel? That the state will identify with the causes of the secular west before those of other regions?

How do we motivate ourselves to trust Australian Muslims enough to believe that they are not all praying for the destruction of our state and our system of government?
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