Helian, anybody who claims that they are at war with Australia should be treated as an enemy combatant. Muslims that live in Australia need to bide by Australian laws, period. For the most part, they do.
Sprint, you're an idiot if you believe half the sh*t you claimed in that post. Female circumcision can be traced back to pharonic times and Jews and Christians in Africa still practice it now, along with Muslims. It's a cultural thing, like I said. Do your research - I can send you some information if you're really interested in learning.
Quote:in all muslim countries stonings, hacking off a hand or head publically is the done thing.
Wrong, but Karnal already answered you better than I could have.
Quote:i think muslims in muslim countries know what islam is all about.
Wrong..again. A lot of Islamic countries have a low literacy rate, so interpretations of the Koran are handed down from generation to generation. A bit like Chinese whispers, and you know what happens there. In Afghanistan for instance, many muslims believe a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with outdated cultural practices.
Quote:i give them credit that they follow it as closely as possible.
How nice of you. I'm interested to know, how many Muslim countries have you been to? I'm willing to bet you have no first hand knowledge of how those people live.
Quote:the recent MUSLIM terrorists in aussie, the head muslims jumped up and defended them , saying OUR legal system is bad
From what I read, they said that people of muslim faith and Arabic backgrounds receive disproportionate sentences. They'd be right.
Quote:they can change or bugger off.
What is it exactly that you'd have them change, Sprint?