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inciting hatred against Muslims (Read 13297 times)
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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #90 - Feb 24th, 2010 at 6:44pm
The Ummah, the Caliphate - the Ottoman Empire -  was so degenerate that it was, as everyone knows, the sick man of Europe by the late 19th century.
If not Qutb, then someone else whould have revived the idea - it in not an invention - that jihad is conquering war for islam.
Nationalism is not for tribal people. Work, dispiclined organisation beyond tribal allegiances, industrialisation - these are not for tribal people. Jihad is the only thing Muslims can agree on, as Muslims,  and rally around as their own distinctive 'thang'. Everything else means acceptance of western (Christian, infidel) leadership. Can't have that.

But it is too late.
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« Last Edit: Feb 24th, 2010 at 8:30pm by Soren »  
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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #91 - Feb 24th, 2010 at 7:06pm
Militant Islam arose with Muhammed.
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #92 - Feb 24th, 2010 at 8:36pm
And it was a great contest while both Christians and Muslims believed their own dogma.

But now that Christians believe in modernity - the thing that beat the dogma out of them - Muslims have nothing left but to cling on.
So Christianity is not the threat to islam. Modernity is. Modernity, combined with Islam's built-in sclerosis,  means the end of Islam as it knows itself. It is now either that the world will have to turn back or Islam will have to break. With the spread of literacy, Islam has left that fight far, far too late.

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Aussie Muslim

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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #93 - Feb 24th, 2010 at 8:48pm
I agree with Karnal, Islamist extremism does seem to have emanated from sayid qutb

You say that with such an air of authority mozza, as if you actually known something about it, other than what you gleaned from a documentary which tried to paint all Islamist movements as springing from him.

Although Sayyid Qutb (may God shower his soul with mercy) was indeed a very influential intellectual in the Muslim world, his influence was restricted to certain 'strands' of Islamist movements. It's nowhere near as wide reaching and influential as you think.

Go and google a picture of him and see what he looks like, the guy doesn't even have a beard, he's hardly an Islamist ideologue. Many Islamists, most notably the Salafi/Wahabi movement reject him and his writings, and inevitably that's where OBL's teachings come from, not from the MB. OBL did respect him for his unflinching stance in the face of the tyrant Nasser, but he's not quite the "al-Qaedah Godfather" that documentary makes him out to be. In fact this idea has largely been promoted by the Salafi/Wahabis because they want to remove any association of al-Qaedah from themselves (they being closely allied with Americas favourite little Arabian Monarchy and all).

Also keep in mind the guy never even lived in the time of al-Qaedah, never committed a single act of violence against a Western target, nor any target as far as we can tell. So to link him so intrinsically to al-Qaedah and global terrorism is just ridiculous and wrong.

obviously it was his duty to try and have the president of egypt assassinated

Come on mozza you completely threw your credibility in the bin there. It's well known and admitted, even by his detractors and opponents, that he was framed for that. Nasser was nothing but a despot who wanted to get rid of the MB, because they helped him into power (naively) and now wanted him to reciprocate, by giving them some say in his new government. He refused and began liquidating their leadership.
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #94 - Feb 24th, 2010 at 8:55pm
With the spread of literacy, Islam has left that fight far, far too late.

Unfortunately for you soren, your beliefs about Islam all rest on this set of fallacies. The concept that Islam is some backwards primitive tribalistic cult, that's just waiting for modernity to bust it open and assign it to the trashcan of history. But we both know that this is not what happens. When Muslims become more educated, more literate etc. they become stronger in Islam. And this is what worries you (and the rest of the Western world). You expected Islam to whither amongst immigrants, once they saw the great dazzling Western civilisation in practise... but they didn't, in fact those who were astray from Islam began to return to it.

Now you just need to make the connection as to why this is the case, and reject your misguided notion that Islam is backwards, primitive, tribalistic or a cult. Remaining in a state of self-delusion forever is not good for your soul.
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Australian Politics

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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #95 - Feb 24th, 2010 at 10:04pm
But we both know that this is not what happens. When Muslims become more educated, more literate etc. they become stronger in Islam. And this is what worries you (and the rest of the Western world).

Doesn't 'worry' me. My biggest worries are the leftist enablers of Islam. If we did not have the leftist muslim enabler traitors in our midst, Islam would be easily squashed.

Recently - good news - your trade union former allies are deserting you, right across the EU. So you are left with Leftist Academics and the Leftist Press. Real solid allies there.

Soon Islam in the West will be isolated and crushed.

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ISLAM is a vicious [un-reformable] political tyranny, which has always murdered its critics, and it continues that practice even today.
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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #96 - Feb 25th, 2010 at 7:01am
abu_rashid wrote on Feb 24th, 2010 at 8:55pm:
With the spread of literacy, Islam has left that fight far, far too late.

Unfortunately for you soren, your beliefs about Islam all rest on this set of fallacies. The concept that Islam is some backwards primitive tribalistic cult, that's just waiting for modernity to bust it open and assign it to the trashcan of history. But we both know that this is not what happens. When Muslims become more educated, more literate etc. they become stronger in Islam. And this is what worries you (and the rest of the Western world). You expected Islam to whither amongst immigrants, once they saw the great dazzling Western civilisation in practise... but they didn't, in fact those who were astray from Islam began to return to it.

Now you just need to make the connection as to why this is the case, and reject your misguided notion that Islam is backwards, primitive, tribalistic or a cult. Remaining in a state of self-delusion forever is not good for your soul.

The educated Muslims who are leading the revival are the twins of the Bolshevik and the Nazi party - they are the vanguard. The educated class that has the leisure to dream up the new dawn. They are after political power.
But you can't have political power based on primitive, tribal dogmas. Except among tribalistic, backward, illiterate people - Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Aceh.
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #97 - Feb 25th, 2010 at 9:33am
Well one thing I must say Muslims should thank the West for, is giving them the opportunity to learn about Islam in it's pure unadulterated form, without the confusion of nationalism and cultural baggage that can sometimes cloud people's knowledge of it in the Muslim lands. The clear perspective Muslims have been able to get of Islam, whilst living in the West has facilitated the revival in many ways by helping to break down the innovation which had crept into some countries' cultures.

You should feel proud for having facilitated this Smiley

Just like expert Mozza said, Sayyid Qutb (may God shower him with mercy) didn't even come to his realisations until he went to America Smiley Thank you America!!
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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #98 - Feb 25th, 2010 at 9:57am
abu_rashid wrote on Feb 25th, 2010 at 9:33am:
The clear perspective Muslims have been able to get of Islam, whilst living in the West has facilitated the revival in many ways by helping to break down the innovation which had crept into some countries' cultures.

You should feel proud for having facilitated this Smiley

Just like expert Mozza said, Sayyid Qutb (may God shower him with mercy) didn't even come to his realisations until he went to America Smiley Thank you America!!

Just like communism itself, with Britain allowing Karl Marx to continue developing his ideas.

Stalinism... Thanks Britain! Wink

And what's the bet the American "Nation of Islam" deviates from Islamic "orthodoxy".
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Australian Politics

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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #99 - Feb 25th, 2010 at 10:32am
abu_rashid wrote on Feb 24th, 2010 at 8:48pm:
[quote]but he's not quite the "al-Qaedah Godfather" that documentary makes him out to be. In fact this idea has largely been promoted by the Salafi/Wahabis because they want to remove any association of al-Qaedah from themselves (they being closely allied with Americas favourite little Arabian Monarchy and all).

I'm not sure if we all saw the same doco. The one I saw paralleled the ideas of Qutb (an Arab) and Leo Strauss (a Jew) and showed how they both fermented their ideas in Chicago in the 1960s.

Strauss was a disillusioned liberal, and went on to articulate a foreign policy stance called neoconservatism. This, of course, was the stance taken up by Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz et al, and much of Bush's team.

But Mazzoak brings up another important change in the past 40 years: the Iranian revolution. Reagan was elected on a promise to end the Iranian hostage crisis. It ended, but Reagan went on to devote his energies to his main enemy: the Soviet Union.

This was the primary cause of Strauss's neoconservatism - to defeat communism. Once this happened, the neocons were left in a bit of a vacuum. The main change to occur in the last 40 years, of course, was the end of the Cold War.

It meant that the shifting sands of Arab alliances no longer had a choice between two rival superpowers. During Bush's first election campaign, the Hawks in the Republican Party (Rumsfeld, Cheney and Wolfowitz et al) were claiming that Clinton had squandered his chance at numero-uno status. Why, for example, was Saddam still in power?

After Sept 11, the new foreign policy of with-us-or-against-us emerged. This, of course, rallied more to the militant Muslim cause. Two ideologies, who had once formed an uncomfortable alliance when the Soviets were around, came to loggerheads: militant Islam and neoconservatism, or what some have called the "clash of civilizations".

These ideas can't exist without the other. Militant Islam needs the US, and Fox News needs images of Muslims chanting and burning the US flag.

And the economy needs secure surpluses of oil.

The Global Financial Crisis showed us who the real meanie is: deregulated financial markets. But I'm sure we'll come to forget the evil bankers as the flag-burning Muslims come back on TV.

And there seems to be so shortage of suicide car bombers.

So the war will go on. The war must go on. And we have always been at war with Eurasia - haven't we?
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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #100 - Feb 25th, 2010 at 12:07pm
I'm not sure if we all saw the same doco

Yes Karnal, I think we did, and I must admit to finding it very well balanced and informative, and the fact that fanatics from both sides decry it as biased, is a pretty good indication of it's even handedness.

Fox news commentators can label it as "un-american", and islamic fanatics like abu could call it unfair to Islam, but most people without a personal political agenda to defend will see it as a pretty good overview of just how we saw Islamism and Western Neo-Conservatism come to be such bitter enemies.

The BBC documentary is called , "The Power Of Nightmares" and here is a link to the full one hour program at google videos if anyone would like to see what we are talking about.

Also there is a "Wikipedia" page about the doco with further links to opinions and reference material which is also relevant to the subject matter.
Here is the link for that;

So check it out, and make up your own mind, and see if you agree with Fox media, and Islamist extremists, that it is unreliable, or whether like most normal people you consider it a fair and informative documentary.
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OOPS!!! My Karma, ran over your Dogma!
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Australian Politics

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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #101 - Feb 25th, 2010 at 1:04pm
Right. I love stories that can trace streams of thought to one shared narrative. But, to be honest, I don't know how influential Qutb really was/is.

What he represents to me, however, is a shift in the notions of jihad and globalisation. What the war represents to me is the essence of modernity. Despite what Soren says about the "primitive" nature of Islam, I think the move to a form of external jihad is an essentially modern thing.

And both sides are/must be caught up in it. Soren is as much a modern subject as Abu. Modern global politics require an external enemy/presence to keep us in check. We are enscribed with a "healthy" expression of anger, whether we get it from Today Tonight or some militant website.

And we are enscribed with an unyielding, impermeable "truth".

That's why I liked that doco - it showed both sides coming from the same place. And this is a threat to the maintenance of permanent war.

The jihad is a personal liberation from desire, not a global Caliphate. But the more anger you produce in yourself, the less you can submit to God, which is the very meaning of Islam.

I disagree with Soren about Islam - I believe it's about peace.

But then, so was Christianity, wasn't it?
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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #102 - Feb 25th, 2010 at 1:12pm
Karnal wrote on Feb 25th, 2010 at 1:04pm:
The jihad is a personal liberation from desire, not a global Caliphate. But the more anger you produce in yourself, the less you can submit to God, which is the very meaning of Islam.

A new age Buddhification of Islam Wink

Karnal wrote on Feb 25th, 2010 at 1:04pm:
I disagree with Soren about Islam - I believe it's about peace.

Pax Islama?
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Australian Politics

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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #103 - Feb 25th, 2010 at 1:24pm
NorthOfNorth wrote on Feb 25th, 2010 at 1:12pm:
Karnal wrote on Feb 25th, 2010 at 1:04pm:
The jihad is a personal liberation from desire, not a global Caliphate. But the more anger you produce in yourself, the less you can submit to God, which is the very meaning of Islam.

A new age Buddhification of Islam Wink

Well, you won't hear Buddhists talking about God, but yes. I'd prefer Islam went the in the direction of Sufism, for example, to militant Nazism.

Whether it does, of course, is a matter for Muslims. But in the end, none of us are Muslims or Christians or Buddhists. We're just people. And after that, we're corpses.

I'll bet you God cares about your brand of religion as much as the worms, but it'll be a bit hard to pay you off, I know.

Which part of the cemetary we get dropped in matters little in the real scheme of things, don't you think?
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Re: inciting hatred against Muslims
Reply #104 - Feb 25th, 2010 at 1:45pm
Karnal wrote on Feb 25th, 2010 at 1:24pm:
NorthOfNorth wrote on Feb 25th, 2010 at 1:12pm:
Karnal wrote on Feb 25th, 2010 at 1:04pm:
The jihad is a personal liberation from desire, not a global Caliphate. But the more anger you produce in yourself, the less you can submit to God, which is the very meaning of Islam.

A new age Buddhification of Islam Wink

Well, you won't hear Buddhists talking about God, but yes. I'd prefer Islam went the in the direction of Sufism, for example, to militant Nazism.

Whether it does, of course, is a matter for Muslims. But in the end, none of us are Muslims or Christians or Buddhists. We're just people. And after that, we're corpses.

I'll bet you God cares about your brand of religion as much as the worms, but it'll be a bit hard to pay you off, I know.

Which part of the cemetary we get dropped in matters little in the real scheme of things, don't you think?

You may hear Buddhists talking about gods (plural) as in Tibetan Mahayanic Buddhism, but that wasn't my point. The liberation from desire is certainly the most fundamental tenet of all Buddhist traditions without dissent.

From what I know of Islam, it doesn't preach liberation from desire at all. On the contrary it promises an afterlife where one's desires are indulged in an orgiastic sense.

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« Last Edit: Feb 25th, 2010 at 1:58pm by NorthOfNorth »  

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