Quote:The french have to pay for round the clock police protection for this man, and his mosque, not from islamophobes, but from muslims who wish to kill him for expressing such an educated and moderate view.
I highly doubt the veracity of this claim. Unless the guy has done something else to upset the Muslims, then I very much doubt he's getting protected for merely saying this. As Jaemi pointed out, even the Grand Mufti of Egypt said this, admittedly he died not long after, but I think from natural causes

There is difference of opinion in Islam whether face covering is prescribed or not. Most people adopt the opinion it is not. However there's no doubting it's part of Islam, even if merely as an optional measure of modesty.
The protection claim is probably just hype.
Quote:Yes, it is interesting that highly educated muslims should consider the full face mask thing as nothing to do with Islam
No more interesting than it is that many many highly educated Muslim women consider it compulsory, and all authentic scholars of Islam consider it either commendable or compulsory.
Quote:which pretty well rules out any validity for people claiming the right to wear it on religious grounds.
It does no such thing.
Quote:Kids have a way of cutting through the bull, like when my daughter saw a group of women fully masked up in brunswick, she later told me it made her feel bad, she said she felt like they hated her.
Kids come out with some very warped and strange thinking sometimes, sad that an adult would be docile enough to think it means something though.
What's your thoughts on the tooth fairy mozza?
Quote:but no images at all?
None, nil, zilch, nada.
Quote:Also, if you cannot depict mohammed at all, then I guess there are no movies about his life, like christians have about jesus, which is a shame, cos a lot of them were pretty cool.
Well there is one. The scenes with Muhammad (pbuh) are shot from his perspective, which cleverly got around the issue. It's called
The Message and although it's a little dated now (from 1976), it is still a classic, and has Anthony Quinn in it, who I'm sure is from your era
Quote:It does seem a bit dry that the only way anyone is allowed to learn about mohammed is by having their local authority tell them.
By all means go watch the film, no need to rely on your local authority to tell you.
Quote:Do you know why they do not allow any images of mohammed to be portrayed?
Yes. The primary reasons are:
1) Any depiction of him (or any prophet) would be a falsification of them, and falsifying a prophet is akin to disbelieving in him. We also reject the depictions of Jesus (pbuh) and other prophets.
2) It would open the door to deification, as the Christians before us did. When you start creating images of holy people, you begin to over-sanctify them, and this is the path to idolatry, which Islam seeks to prevent. It's a precautionary measure in this sense.