BatteriesNotIncluded wrote on May 9
th, 2010 at 10:46pm:
How can fascists send us to war if we all refuse to go!??!
Are you serious?
Do you really not know?
OK, if you have a government who truly are fascists, then their measures would be even more extreme, but in a society not too different from our own you would first see threats about being publicly humiliated, no biggy, you can take it.
Next would be your family, your parents, siblings, wife, children, all ostracised from their communities as enemy collaborators.
No worries, your tough, and your family has always stood by it's principles, they would not want you to cave on their account, you carry on resisting.
You get news, their was an unfortunate accident on the way to the detention centre, your father, and sister were killed outright, but the rest survived although some need expensive, and scarce medical resources if they are going to survive, especially you 6 year old twins.
Unfortunately with the current shortage of medical supplies, only patriots and their families can access medical supplies and treatment, best clean your black suit, you are going to need it.
Nobody has broken any laws, nobody has physically coerced you, but you feel violated to your very core, do you imagine everyone else will be sharing your experience, that they will spontaneously join you in overthrowing a government?
Not likely.
The only times that people ever rebel is when they have no other choice, all rebellions are preceded by conditions more appalling than you could possibly imagine, because the only time you will see a mob take on guns with pitchforks is when they feel they have nothing left to lose.
Before the great communist revolutions in Russia, and China, each nation saw millions, and millions of peasants starve to death, an unpleasant way to die by most accounts.
I don't know of any revolutions starting because people did not want to join the army.