Obviously this event will be unprecedented, as will the impact on the Global economy, which has previously relied on exponential growth!
The economy has never relied on exponential growth. That is a myth promoted by people who fear economic growth without understanding it. In fact there are plenty of occasions in history when a population reduction lead to an improvement in quality of life.
I have previously agreed that over-population is one of the BIG problems and that we need to lower the total Global population, sooner rather than later, but it does need to be done gradually.
That said, I stand by my assertion that the decline in Population Growth, followed by an actual decline in total Global population, on the scale that is likely, is unprecedented.
This decline in Population Growth and total actual population levels, particularly when combined with the Boomer generation Aging and Peak Oil, can only lead to a massive decline in Demand and the end of the Exponential Economic Growth Fairy!
With respect, I must disagree with you regards Exponential Growth, it is in back of everything including Population, Economics, Money Supply, Energy Resources & more. The assumption is that there is & will be a constant exponential growth. Almost every time an Politician & Economist etc open their mouth, they talk about Growth.
In any event, we shall see what happens over the next 10-20 years.
But, I am now saying clearly, that Growth is coming to an end and there will be massive ramifications & costs, arising from these events.
In the longer term, we have no option but to bear these costs now, because the longer we postpone the inevitable, the greater will be those ramifications & costs!