However, these factors all became interlocking and became the old "Chicken & Egg" conumdrum, of which came first.
The decrease in population came first.
Time to wake up FD, the context of that statement & that conversation was/is about the last 200 years and particularly the last 80 years.
The discussion was/is about Population INCREASES, not decreases.
That said, I just came accross an article I posted in Yahoo on 30/08/2009, which put things into a reason context and I don't see any reason that the main trust is still correct.
For the recordThe following is a "Quick" snapshot of where we have been, where we are going and why! My apology for not being able to fit a 200 year history, into a few sentences!
I encourage comment, to agree or disagree & most importantly, I encourage you to propose solutions!
US Influence
Let me dwell for a moment, on the relationship between the USA & the Global Economy.
It has been suggested, in recent times, that the Global economy and in particular the BRIC countries, have De-coupled from the US and the influence of the US is now substantially lessened, on the World economy.
That said, the US economy, in GDP terms, is still greater than the next 3 countries GDP, combined.
For the Record, whilst some countries have room to manoeuvre slightly, they can not swim against the US tide and clearly, the current economic slowdown has put an end to the De-coupling suggestion, at this time!
Where are we NowLet me put it this way, the US situation is as follows -
1) The Debt to GDP ratio is heading north quickly, to 100% and beyond.
2) Consumers have taken a massive hit, via falling housing equity, lower share values & reduced access to credit.
3) The economy is deleveraging and will do so, for some time to come. Derivatives is the other Elephant in the living room!
4) Two of the three major growth drivers (Oil & Population), have Peaked and are heading south.
5) Unemployment and Taxes are both rising.
6) Business Earnings are falling dramatically and bankruptcies are rising.
7) Tax revenues and consumption are both down.
8) Massive increases in Health and Social Security Costs, are on the way, again expanding government deficits.
9) Problems arising from Climate Change and Food Production are also set to interfere with future plans.
10) Share Markets first fell some 50% and have since increased some 50%, still leaving a massive reduction in total wealth.