In the 1970's, we were told that we only had 6-12 months supply of oil left.....what happened?..Geologists went out and found more oil fields...result, we were no longer 'running' out of oil...
That's not quite right, as the following graph shows, Oil discovery actually Peaked around 1964.
The 2003 peak oil panic was caused by the OPEC nations reducing the amount of oil pumped out of the wells
That's not quite rught either, you may like to have a look at the following USA Energy Information Administration site (EIA), which has "official figures on various issues, including Production
http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/cfapps/ipdbproject/iedindex3.cfm?tid=5&pid=53&aid=1&cid... Quote:Gizmo
Does that mean that the crude oil is running out?
No, it doesn't mean that, at least not now. But, the mere perception of Demand outstripping Supply is & was enought to send the Oil Price into orbit @ $147 P/barrel. And, the additional impost acted like a drag on the Global economy and was enough to slow the Global economy, in concert with other issues and send the share markets crashing.
That said, if the Population Growth does not come back down to earth, so to speak, then Peak Oil will convert into NO Oil, very quickly!
Btw, you may also be "interested in the following graph of the Mexican Cantarell Field Production, which is now in rapid decline. After being one of the Worlds more recent discoveries, these fields are headed for oblivion, after the USA has sucked them dry.
Mexico has been the third largest supplier of Oil to the US, after Saudi Arabia & Canada, so the USA will now on the lookout for another major supplier? Iran?