shampain socialist
yes, god only knows what Howard and Costello did with the money from the gold sale. I reckon they probably just kept it in the bank and that's what accounted for that great big surplus they had when a majority of the Australian electorate kicked them out of government. Can't have surpluses, you know, means they aren't doing anything probably. Never mind, good old labor has come along and given that surplus the flick quick smart, eh. Not only that, they've given them the finger too, by running up a great big deficit. That'll teach them. Only thing is that labor could have used that gold to sell and wipe out the deficit, just to give them another finger, but hey, you can't have everything can you. Anyway, they can tax the crap out of them instead to get rid of the deficit, and if they can't get the companies, well, they can always come after little b*st*rds, that can't do anything about it anyway. Ha ha ha. That'll teach them to make a profit - capitalist b*stards. . All that, and they didn't have to do the infrastructure thing either. s*ht it's good being a labor supporter.
and we'll look real good too, if we get the gold mines to stop digging all that gold up and leave it in the ground, then we'll get all the voters back who've gone over to the greens. Bl*ody idiots!