shampain socialist
what an excellent thread. good on you. the mainstream media here, like everywhere I suppose, isn't really across what is happening in the gfc and aftermath, and when they do get across it, they are six months behind the news, very typically, the ABC, but all of the news outlets really. But hey, let's face it, they report after the fact, not ahead, so no big deal.
There are some very good sources of info on the net, collated news and analysis, and commentary sites about this, and I don't want to sound negative or alarmist about this, but this talk of a double-dip global recession has been around on those sites since last year, and the commentary isn't pretty.
Have you heard about that stuff? There is quite dire talk really about the future of the U.S. dollar and treasury bonds, etc, etc, etc, which is scary to say the least. What do you think? Good thread. Potentially very very useful in an Australian context, because we are getting very little information here, none really, about what will happen to Australia if there is another crash.