BobH wrote on Jul 29
th, 2010 at 4:39pm:
Have you heard the Liberal Democratic Party's tax reform policy? It's called 30/30. It's basically a negative income tax (flat tax supplemented by a sliding-scale of government payments). So in essence it is still a progressive tax.
There's a tax-free threshold of $30,000. You pay a flat rate of 30% on your income above $30,000. If you earn under $30,000, you receive a payment from the government depending on how much under $30,000 you earn. If you earn nothing, you receive 30% of $30,000, which is $9000. But if you earn $10,000 for example, you would receive 30% of $20,000 (because you earn $20,000 less than the threshold), which is $6000. So that's $16,000 at year's end, as you aren't taxed at all on your actual income because it's under the threshold.
I think it's a great tax system because there's no disincentive for earning more. You're tax rate doesn't go up even if you earn a million dollars a year. But that doesn't shift the burden of taxation onto low-income earners because there's a tax-free threshold of $30,000. And if you earn under $30,000 you'll get at least some government assistance. The worse off you are, the more government assistance you will receive.
Yes Bill, I have heard of it (amongst other bizarre things that the LDP euphemistically call 'Competitive Federalism' policies)...
IM(not-so)HO, your agenda amounts to thinly-veiled fascism-cum-anarchy - which would result in even more extreme polarisation of income, wealth, opportunity and power than traditional unbridled corporativism!
It is founded in inherently short-sighted monetary-cum-egocentric and anti-social dogma - and my gut feeling is that it would destroy all socio-economic order and promote mass environmental destruction - and ultimately result in premature Darwin Awards all round!
Kindly go back to your gated 'community', where self-selected individuals of your ilk belong - and continue to self-flagellate ad nauseum over your infinite self-importance - to decay in amoral isolation...
Oh, and enjoy your Darwin Award - but I'll pass, ta!