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muslims in australia (Read 9936 times)
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: muslims in australia
Reply #45 - Aug 10th, 2010 at 8:19pm
The Syro-Aramaic reading of the Qur'an

And coming up next, the Koine Greek reading of Shakespeare.

You're a dunce soren. Using one language to try and interpret texts from another, just because they share some borrowed terminology is just ludicrous. I am actually shocked you'd put your name to such stupidity.

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Re: muslims in australia
Reply #46 - Aug 10th, 2010 at 8:28pm
The ide is that significant part of the koran is incomprehensible to even Arab speakers but those parts may make sense in Syrio-Aramai from which they may have been borrowed.

It doesn't have to be the final word in textual analysis  but it bears thinking about. A lot of the Koran IS gibberish.

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« Last Edit: Aug 11th, 2010 at 8:13am by Soren »  
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Aussie Muslim

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Re: muslims in australia
Reply #47 - Aug 10th, 2010 at 9:01pm
It's a load of nonsense, and I think you and your German mentor know it.

The Qur'an makes perfect sense to the vast majority of Arabic speakers, apart from the occasional archaic term, which are all well documented anyway.

This guy is quite obviously just trying to make a little propaganda against Islam, knowing there's people daft enough (not looking at anyone one) on your side to swallow it.

I think he should reveal his identity (either that or take up the 'burka') and begin his lecture tour in Iran and then Saudi Arabia  Grin
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Re: muslims in australia
Reply #48 - Aug 11th, 2010 at 7:11am
Some prefer it to be democracy/atheism/secularism, some prefer it to be Islam.

Once opting in to Islam, you are stuck there forever. Not only are you stuck there forever, but your children are also destined to a life within the "nation of Islam".
Correct me if I'm wrong Abu, but that seems to be the Islamic doctrine of surrender in a nutshell.

At a period or moment of weakness in one's life, where one may feel unable to make choices for themselves, which is a probable occurence in everyone's life at one time or another, Islam is there ready and waiting to pounce. Islam will destroy free choice forever if it gets the opportunity to do so.

So too will many other methods of governance. The difference being, that the more workable methods employ something called "separation of powers".
This is just a simple admission that mankind is corruptible, and most especially those who strive the hardest for positions of power.

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Re: muslims in australia
Reply #49 - Aug 11th, 2010 at 7:20am
And I don't believe I've ever heard you condemn the acts of terrorism carried out by the U.S, Australian, Israeli militaries against innocent civilians, and they are far more severe for supernumery reasons.

I most definitely condemn acts of war, etc. if they were done in the name of monetary profit.
Will you condemn the S11 terrorists, and every other terrorist who has performed heinous acts in the name of Islam?
Will you now condemn your brothers who hack off people's heads in the name of Islam?
Go ahead Abu, condemn your brothers weakass, let's see if you can.

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Aussie Muslim

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Re: muslims in australia
Reply #50 - Aug 11th, 2010 at 8:00am
I most definitely condemn acts of war, etc. if they were done in the name of monetary profit.
Will you condemn the S11 terrorists, and every other terrorist who has performed heinous acts in the name of Islam?

So you condemn the Australian soldiers who are in Afghanistan terrorising the people there? Will you denounce them as terrorists who commit heinous acts in the name of democracy and secularism?

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Re: muslims in australia
Reply #51 - Aug 11th, 2010 at 8:25am
abu_rashid wrote on Aug 10th, 2010 at 9:01pm:
It's a load of nonsense, and I think you and your German mentor know it.

The Qur'an makes perfect sense to the vast majority of Arabic speakers, apart from the occasional archaic term, which are all well documented anyway.

This guy is quite obviously just trying to make a little propaganda against Islam, knowing there's people daft enough (not looking at anyone one) on your side to swallow it.

I think he should reveal his identity (either that or take up the 'burka') and begin his lecture tour in Iran and then Saudi Arabia  Grin

Love it how conspiracy is the first and only respone that springs to the Mohammedan mind.  It is a daily reminder of the divided world you create - houses of islam and of war. It is that resentment-filled heart that shines through.

Out of the two clips, the first one is more important - it shows that the cairo koran - the one you are taking to be the unadulterated word of god - comes after the yemeni one which, as the clip shows, has seen many corrections and alterations. The earlier yemeni one also lacks important textual elements - punctuation and vowel markers - making various interpretations not only possible but absolutely necessary.  The unadulterated word of god in the cairo koran has had some editorial assitance, in other words.
It's the second edition, at the very least. If nothing else, this makes the claim of direct divine dictation as the source of the koran - instead of the more reasonable divine inspiration - laughable.

That the idea of divine dictation is defended with death threats makes it a dangerouis idea that must be opposed.

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Re: muslims in australia
Reply #52 - Aug 11th, 2010 at 8:49am
So you condemn the Australian soldiers who are in Afghanistan terrorising the people there? Will you denounce them as terrorists who commit heinous acts in the name of democracy and secularism?

I could've scripted that the response would come in the form of another question.
I asked the the question Abu. Give me your answer and then I will reply to your question.
What is your answer Abu?

I already know how you feel Abu, but whether or not you have the guts to say it is the big question.

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Re: muslims in australia
Reply #53 - Aug 11th, 2010 at 9:26am
Let's not pretend that the purported reason for war in Afghanistan was not purely based upon the harbouring of Bin Laden. That's historical fact. We all saw it on TV. That funny faced fellow with a trusting face still seems pretty benign to me.
It's most definitely a far bigger political game at play. Democracy is longed for in Afghanistan, so too Iran and other places of totalitarianistic government. There may be some disagreement there, but without democratic vote, we will never know.
The one thing that I find surprising about you Abu, is that you cannot comprehend that widespread opinion when privvy to open information will always result in the best choice. This is the pretext of democracy.

Your idealism Abu, is one that I would surely be proud to die fighting against, as have my fathers before me who have helped in the building of this great nation...void of Islamic influence.

And what about those S11 bombers, and who hack off the heads of innocent people. Do you denounce them as being unislamic? Do you condemn those vile acts?
Say it Abu. In the name of free speech, say it.

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« Last Edit: Aug 11th, 2010 at 9:38am by Amadd »  
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Re: muslims in australia
Reply #54 - Aug 11th, 2010 at 10:15am
abu_rashid wrote on Aug 11th, 2010 at 8:00am:
So you condemn the Australian soldiers who are in Afghanistan terrorising the people there? Will you denounce them as terrorists who commit heinous acts in the name of democracy and secularism?

Building schools for girls is a heinous act only for you.

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Australian Politics

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Re: muslims in australia
Reply #55 - Aug 11th, 2010 at 10:24am
abu_rashid wrote on Aug 10th, 2010 at 8:07pm:

Yet the West actually implementing their global domination over the earth is fine?

The simple fact is someone, and something has to run the global order. Some prefer it to be democracy/atheism/secularism, some prefer it to be Islam. The fact of people preferring it to be something is not in and of itself wrong is it?

Abu, you seem to be advocating the clash of civilizations argument yourself.

Nothing wrong with a preference, I guess, but I wouldn't be advocating my own preferences for the "whole of God's earth." I'd be advocating my preferences for myself - or, if I belonged to one, my community.

Your preference (an Islamic calphate) is for a rule over others - an Islamic form of colonialism. And remember, the Ottoman caliphate was indeed that: an empire, with all the forms of domination and imperialism that came with it, at its worst; genocide.

I believe the West's domination (or US hegemony since 1945) is on the wane. It's not a quick fall, and declines rarely are. Who knows what the new order will become?

You're mistaken that the separation of powers is not important. It's fundamental. As is the separation of church and state. I have great respect for the Dali Lama, for example, but I wouldn't want him leading the world.

The best people to rule "God's earth" are the earth's own subjects at the local level. Your calphate is just another form of empire.

We need less centralization of power and knowledge - not more. I'm sure many Muslims who have been subjected to the excesses of Western imperialism would understand this all too well.

Who on earth would want a totalitarian world state?
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Re: muslims in australia
Reply #56 - Aug 11th, 2010 at 10:30am

karnal Quote:
Who on earth would want a totalitarian world state? 

abu and other muslims
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: muslims in australia
Reply #57 - Aug 11th, 2010 at 10:35am
We should just start out-hustling the hustlers.
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Australian Politics

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Re: muslims in australia
Reply #58 - Aug 11th, 2010 at 10:58am
aikmann4 wrote on Aug 11th, 2010 at 10:35am:
We should just start out-hustling the hustlers.

Effende! You want something? Nice girl, a boy, a little hasheesh?
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Posts: 6217
Re: muslims in australia
Reply #59 - Aug 11th, 2010 at 11:12am
Who on earth would want a totalitarian world state?  

All muslims attempt to subscribe fully to the words of the quran..that's their law.
It's a mistake to be letting any more muslims into our country unless we would like to see more Cronulla type incidents.

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« Last Edit: Aug 12th, 2010 at 6:24am by Amadd »  
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