Sprintcyclist wrote on Aug 18
th, 2010 at 12:18am:
The DOW and the ALL ORDS are quite disconnected.
We are more tied to China and India.
Depends on who wins the election, that'll have an influence on the all ords
This is not my usual parochrial opinion, this is just plain business facts.
As I have said previously, governments can have an effect on the Economy, but only at the margins, they can not swim against the flow of the mainstream Economic drivers and that applies equally IN OZ, to either or both major political party's, as it does to the USA or any other country.
Two things of interest that go to the likely future directions, here in OZ & Globally -
1) There is a very apparent linkage between the performance of the USA DOW & the OZ ALL ORDS -
http://www.shareswatch.com.au/blog/stockmarket/the-asx-all-ords-the-dow-jones-an...Being the above linkage in mind and that I expect a significant decline in US markets & Global before the end of this year, it is safe to say that the OZ share market will also take a similar & sizeable hit.
But, this time, the mainstreet OZ Real Economy will also take a sizeable hit, irrespective of which party "wins" or should that be "loses" this election.
2) Whilst the USA is shrinking somewhat, in terms of their comparison to some of the up & comers, such as China & India, they (the USA) are still a huge player on the Global Economic scene, as is demonstrated by the following list, in the CIA World Fact book.
https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2001rank.h...1 European Union $ 14,510,000,000,000 2009 est.
2 United States $ 14,260,000,000,000 2009 est.
3 China $ 8,789,000,000,000 2009 est.
4 Japan $ 4,137,000,000,000 2009 est.
5 India $ 3,560,000,000,000 2009 est.
6 Germany $ 2,811,000,000,000 2009 est.
7 United Kingdom $ 2,149,000,000,000 2009 est.
8 Russia $ 2,116,000,000,000 2009 est.
9 France $ 2,110,000,000,000 2009 est.
10 Brazil $ 2,025,000,000,000 2009 est.
Whilst the EU is listed as number 1, clearly they are not one cohesive force, as is the USA and it takes the next 3 largest countries put together, to be a large as the US GDP.
In short, the USA is and will remain, for some time, a major force in not only Global Economics, but also as a Global Military force.