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It is the light (Read 113587 times)
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Christ Light

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Re: It is the light
Reply #2265 - Aug 4th, 2016 at 1:09pm
Bobby. wrote on Aug 4th, 2016 at 12:56pm:
it_is_the_light wrote on Aug 4th, 2016 at 10:33am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 4th, 2016 at 7:24am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 3rd, 2016 at 7:10pm:
master Light,
sir bobby has been exposed as an active cult member of the satanist crowley

dear misguided master Light,

This is a lie and you know it.

repent now for the end is nigh.

Bobby. wrote on Aug 3rd, 2016 at 12:22am:
dear master Light,
for the first time -
I went to this site tonight for a free computer  tarot reading:

the results surprised me as they were exactly what I was thinking about.

I will let you know if they come true.


proof of sir bobby and his active cult status

exposed and forgiven


dear misguided master Light,

One Tarot reading in the internet does not make me part of an active cult.

Do some meditation or take medication.



Bobby. wrote on Aug 3rd, 2016 at 6:31am:
master Light,
your st peter shall surely have stern words for thee

dear misguided master Light,
Ye hath no authority to speak on behalf of St Peter.

get your free Tarot reading here:

ye are lost sir bobby

within the spells of led zep and crowley

may the lord have mercy upon thine wicked ways

you refuse to denounce


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Christ Light

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Re: It is the light
Reply #2266 - Aug 4th, 2016 at 1:11pm
it_is_the_light wrote on Aug 3rd, 2016 at 2:08am:
[quote author=bobbythebat1 link=1282344759/2247#2247 date=1470130533]dear master Light,
you refer to a  David Icke website.

Do you really believe that one man ritually sacrificed almost 2,500 young boys?
I am not here to defend Aleister Crowley but more
the integrity of the internet.

ye refuse to absorb the truth about crowley and actually defend him as your saviour sir bobby ..

repent now and denounce crowley and led zep or ye shall truly fall

and shalt not pass ..

yet either way be at peace

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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Re: It is the light
Reply #2267 - Aug 4th, 2016 at 3:05pm
it_is_the_light wrote on Aug 4th, 2016 at 10:33am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 4th, 2016 at 7:24am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 3rd, 2016 at 7:10pm:
master Light,
sir bobby has been exposed as an active cult member of the satanist crowley

dear misguided master Light,

This is a lie and you know it.

repent now for the end is nigh.

Bobby. wrote on Aug 3rd, 2016 at 12:22am:
dear master Light,
for the first time -
I went to this site tonight for a free computer  tarot reading:

the results surprised me as they were exactly what I was thinking about.

I will let you know if they come true.


proof of sir bobby and his active cult status

exposed and forgiven


dear misguided master Light,

One Tarot reading in the internet does not make me part of an active cult.

Do some meditation or take medication.


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Christ Light

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Re: It is the light
Reply #2268 - Aug 5th, 2016 at 2:51am
Bobby. wrote on Aug 4th, 2016 at 3:05pm:
it_is_the_light wrote on Aug 4th, 2016 at 10:33am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 4th, 2016 at 7:24am:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 3rd, 2016 at 7:10pm:
master Light,
sir bobby has been exposed as an active cult member of the satanist crowley

dear misguided master Light,

This is a lie and you know it.

repent now for the end is nigh.

Bobby. wrote on Aug 3rd, 2016 at 12:22am:
dear master Light,
for the first time -
I went to this site tonight for a free computer  tarot reading:

the results surprised me as they were exactly what I was thinking about.

I will let you know if they come true.


proof of sir bobby and his active cult status

exposed and forgiven


dear misguided master Light,

One Tarot reading in the internet does not make me part of an active cult.

Do some meditation or take medication.



many blessings sir bobby

you will be held to account for all your mis deeds here ,

and this is why you keep coming back to be released of your satanic pursuits and affairs in witchcraft

consulting the tarot a well known occult practice and so ,

it is quite right you are stinging at the revelations one such as I am hath exposed unto thee ..

your sub conscious self keeps directing you , ( the mind controlled dupe ) to continue coming back here to these loving pages so you can , in the waking state , be released from your satanic pursuits

and as such you will be held to account for all your negative actions and witchcraft as your st peter will surely show you these times in which

I hath illumined your dark path in which ye refuse to veer from ... and yet after all that ye are loved and forgiven

so be at peace


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Christ Light

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Re: It is the light
Reply #2269 - Aug 18th, 2016 at 9:25am

Adam Kadmon Race –
The Christ Councils
– Part 1 August-10-2016
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Christ Light

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Re: It is the light
Reply #2270 - Sep 10th, 2016 at 2:13am


By Suzanne Lie

September 7, 2016

Early beginnings and my first meeting with the Arcturians…
The introductions to my fifth dimensional selves began in earnest when the Kundalini began to move up my spine in 1994. It was then, that I met the Arcturians
My One,
Are you listening to our call? We are in need of Beings who inhabit the physical form to serve as step down transformers for our Light. Your planet is now entering a time of great transformation on every level of life.
For almost two thousand years the Cosmic Light has been stepping up its transmission to your planet, which we believe you have titled Earth. We, however, have always known it as Terra X. Terra, as a description of its landed mass, and X because it has been the site of a great experiment.
This experiment has been one of physical limitation and individuation. We created limitation and separation to limit the beings of Terra X from experiencing the full perception of SELF.
We did this in order to force them into individuating into independent creation vehicles. We would gauge this experiment as both a success and a failure. It has been a success in that there has been a creation and realization of massive creative energies.
However, the limitation from the sources of true creative power has caused a great degree of danger to the entire planet and all of its life forms. Human beings who are unaware of their unity with all other forms of life have developed a shocking degree of arrogance and selfishness.
In the earlier years, humans and those of us from the higher dimensions communicated freely with each other. The humans were even able to realize how they were only a small component of the entire evolutionary picture.
However, too often when humans are not humbled by the vision of what is more evolved than they, they generally tend to behave selfishly and act outside the parameters of the total evolutionary plan for the planet.
Therefore, these beings must be removed, as they have become a great danger to the entire experiment. We have learned that too much isolation from the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light has created a species of humans who are a danger to, not only those around them, but also, to themselves.
This new species is so devoid of spiritual awareness that they are totally unable to perceive themselves as being a small component of a larger system. They perceive themselves as miniature suns around which the rest of life must rotate.
We are unhappy that some of those who are connected to our network will also have to be removed, but that fact is unavoidable at this time. As the time of transmutation approaches, the human world will be separated into those who perceive the higher realms and those who cannot.
In other words, those who have been able to evolve beyond the old limitation of perception of the higher planes will be able to make conscious choices regarding their future habitation upon the planet.
On the other hand, those who refuse the acknowledgement of their Higher Selves, or the Higher Selves of others, will not be able to choose their destiny and will be swept up in a web of transformation.
This unconscious transformation will be frightening, as they will not understand that they are returning to their true Self. They may, instead, experience the transformation as loss, or even death. Those who are resistant to change will see the Web of Transformation as a Web of Fear.
However, those who are aware of higher levels of existence will experience their journey into the Unknown as a long-awaited Return and a glorious new beginning. Therefore, we now call on those who are able to perceive us to join this Network of Light.
There are those among you who can travel beyond your physical vibration to gain further instructions regarding your assignment. There are also those among you who will not be able to perceive our message in a conscious way but will.
Nevertheless, some of you will alter your behavior and choices to be consistent with our messages. At this time, we ask those of you who can perceive us to please spread our message to anyone within your sphere of influence who is able to be receptive to this message.
We do not wish to spread fear, as this emotion would only further lower the collective vibration of the planet. Therefore, if you can carefully and selectively serve as our emissaries for this mission, we would be able to accelerate your process with a minimum of anxiety and confusion.
Before ending our transmission, please allow us to introduce ourselves. We are the members of The Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light.
(Dear Reader, it many years for me to be ready to post my messages in a public manner. I, therefore, realize why any of you may be reticent to share you own inner life with others. However, the time is NOW for us to speak our TRUTH.)
A Dream
“Can you trust me?” were the final words I heard before I woke up.
I realized that I didn’t know how to answer the question without hurting someone’s feelings. Others were in the room and, although I loved them, I could not trust them with my secret self.
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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: It is the light
Reply #2271 - Sep 10th, 2016 at 2:14am
Also, I wasn’t sure who asked the question. It seemed like the man that I saw with my Third Eye had asked the question. Therefore, I did not feel I could speak to him in front of the others. I had learned that it was not safe to openly share that part of my “self” with others. At best they would placate me, and at worst they would ridicule me.
When I awoke, I remembered the topic about which I had to trust “him.” But I didn’t know yet who “he” was. The topic was the issue of my totally entering my physical body.
“He” had asked me if I thought I would hurt anyone.
“No”, I replied. “I don’t think I have hurt anyone before, but I have been hurt. I think I am afraid of being hurt again.”
His response was, “Do you trust me?” I woke up with that question resounding in my heart and mind.
In the dream I had known that before I could answer the question I would have to be away from the others, so that I had to determine who ‘he’ was. He instructed me to look at him through my heart. As I did so he said, “Don’t you recognize me?’
I did then. He was me. He was my Divine Self wanting to join with me in my physical form.
“Can we fit together in the physical form?” I asked hopefully and yet afraid. If he joined me, would that mean that I no longer had my anchor in the higher planes?
“Of course not, love,” he answered telepathically. “There is no time and space in my reality. I can be in both places at once, just as you can. You simple have difficulty remembering that fact in your third dimensional consciousness. I can join you in your NOW so that we can travel together beyond the boundaries of time. “
“Is my physical body ready yet for both of us?” I ask
“Are you afraid that it is?” was the answer.
“Yes, I am!” I returned. “I am afraid of the darkness about me, and I am especially afraid of the darkness still within me. I know that fear empowers this darkness. Was that why you asked me to trust you? Can I give my fear to you?”
“If you do so,” he answered, “You will no longer have a reason to keep such distance from your physical form and your physical life. But remember, your main fear is that you shall become trapped within that form as you became trapped in form in Atlantis.
“You also know that you volunteered for the Grand Cycle, the end of the era that completes itself after the turn of the millennium. That is when a wave of higher vibration will become available to the Earth inhabitants. This higher vibration will allow humanity to extend their consciousness into the fifth dimension with more ease than has been available since the peak of Atlantis.
“Of course, the coming of the fifth vibration, and higher, is causing a polarization upon the planet which forces humanity to choose between spirituality and materialism. The choices made by the humans will determine their destiny, as well as the destiny of those who have remained unconscious and have, therefore, refused to choose.
“Those of you who have chosen spirituality will expand your consciousness into the higher dimensions. Those who are awake will experience this movement as transformation, while those who are still asleep may experience it as fear.
“Your individual and collective belief systems will have much bearing on how your experience this transformation. Now, my one, in response to your question about your body, the answer is ALMOST. Continue with your communication with me, and I shall assist you.”
I am Kepier, your future self. There is no time except in the physical third dimensional world. Let us (meaning the unity of my/our fifth dimensional consciousness) explain to you how this is so. The third dimension is a tightly constrained frequency. Its frequency envelope is very small. The fourth dimension has a wider frequency envelope, and the fifth dimension is wider yet.
As the frequencies increase in amplitude they also increase their range. This is opposite on the physical plane because of the harmonic resonance. On the physical plane, low frequency, such as a foghorn, is more stable. Therefore, it resonates longer and carries farther through space.
This is because the resonant frequency of the foghorn is similar to that of the third dimension. Does that give you an idea of how low the vibration of the physical plane is? The foghorn can be heard from far away because it activates a resonant vibration in the perceiver.
In your physical world, low frequencies mask out, are louder than, high frequencies. Low frequencies fit easily within the envelope of the third dimension, whereas high frequencies do not.
The constant buffeting of the high frequencies against the tight boundaries of the third dimension causes the high frequencies to decay and dampen quickly once they travel away from their source. For these reasons, lower frequencies are more easily accessible to your third dimensional perceptions.
Humanity can learn to raise its consciousness, and raise its resonant frequency brain waves to have greater access to higher perceptions. We, that is you and me, Kepier, resonate at a higher frequency because we exist in the fifth dimension and above. Before, you are able to perceive me directly you will need to remember how to raise your consciousness to encompass the fifth dimension.
Once you could do that, you perceived us only in our archetypal form of Ascended Masters who often sacrificed resonating in the fifth dimension to give service from the fourth dimension, so that humanity could more easily connect with them.
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Christ Light

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Re: It is the light
Reply #2272 - Sep 10th, 2016 at 2:14am
Members of the Angelic Kingdom have also made this sacrifice. What third dimensional humanity is on the cusp of realizing is that YOU are, in fact, those Ascended Masters and Angels.
When some humans were born, they did not sacrifice your fourth dimensional perception. This caused most of you to feel a sense of isolation and loneliness from ‘the other humans,’ but you had all had promised to remember Home while wearing your human vessel.
Many of you did well. You did not know that you could personally perceive us in your youth because we are citizens who once resided on another planet called Arcturus. You had too much fear to fully that fact because of your early brainwashing from “horror movies” from your childhood such as The Blob, X the Unknown, and the Angry Red Planet. The indoctrination of the 1950’s closed your mind to us, but we have been waiting.
Now that your consciousness is clear of these fears you will be able to perceive us more and more directly. Do not worry that you do not see us with your lower perception. It is not our destiny to lower our vibration, but rather your destiny to raise yours. Use us as a beacon to help keep you connected to the higher planes.
Within the smaller envelope of the third dimension there is much decay. The molecules of lower vibration beings, such as the mineral kingdom, do not buffet against the walls of the envelope and are therefore more constant and less subject to decay. Therefore, they last longer in time.
Flowers are of a very high spiritual vibration. Hence, they do not last for as much “time” in the physical world, as their higher frequency energy fields are quickly buffeted against the walls of the lower frequency envelope of the third dimensional energy fields.
This decay of the original vibration is actually the source of time and space, as well as the source of aging. Aging is the decay of the resonant frequency of the physical body as it buffets against the limits of the third dimensional frequency.
Also, your original vibration is progressing through time and space away from its true frequency, which was present at birth. This situation is as it should be because the physical plane is a schoolroom on which humans attend and eventually graduate. That graduation is death.
Some take only a few classes and die young, while others take many classes and live to be old. Some expand their consciousness to a higher vibration. They achieve this higher vibration by taking responsibility for their experiences and integrating them into their consciousness as “lessons.”
On the other hand, many humans see themselves see themselves as victims. They take no responsibility for their life and often blame it on others rather than confront themselves. Some of these humans actually go backwards.
Some even fall into a very low vibration, become selfish and try to take from others what they are unable to create for themselves. They try to take life, love or power, but these things are difficult, if not impossible, to steal. Therefore, they take other’s possessions, which are so important on the third dimension.
On the higher planes, possessions have no importance at all. On the higher planes, we can all quickly manifest anything we need with our spiritual\creative force. Since we can always create it, we can release it back to First Cause when we are done with it. There is no need to “possess” anything, as we can never lose it.
Since we cannot lose it, we do not need to “want” it. It simply IS!
The process of graduation—returning to SELF—is one of learning to rise above the envelope of the third dimension vibration while remaining consciously connected to the higher dimensions.
Your Soul Home is the base reality from which you can travel to all other realities. It is your “launching pad.” Therefore, perceive your Soul Home constantly in your heart and mind, and it will remind you to remain conscious of the fifth dimension’s finer vibrations.
Remember us ...

I AM/We Are Kepier

Suzanne Lie
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Christ Light

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Re: It is the light
Reply #2273 - Sep 10th, 2016 at 7:01pm

Benjai - Trini (Soca 2011)
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Re: It is the light
Reply #2274 - Sep 10th, 2016 at 7:10pm
dear master Light,

are you a God?

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Christ Light

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The Pyramid of LIGHT
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Re: It is the light
Reply #2275 - Sep 10th, 2016 at 7:55pm

These aren't the Droids your looking for. . .
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Re: It is the light
Reply #2276 - Sep 11th, 2016 at 12:10pm
it_is_the_light wrote on Sep 10th, 2016 at 7:55pm:

These aren't the Droids your looking for. . .

Yes indeed -

the force can have a strong influence on the weak minded.
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Mawson Base
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Re: It is the light
Reply #2277 - Sep 11th, 2016 at 9:34pm
Star Wars is a fradulantly Westernised Greek Tragedy released by Hollywood clowns. Laser Sabers replace Smith and Weston 6 shooters...Its not really a science fiction story.

These are the deranged slave based
"Pillars of truth" that Jethro drags out of the vault of slavery and ignorance....

Yes another post wasted on deaf ear canals.

One can only hope that these slaves can apologise and at least spend their self banishment period attempting to cut the chains that bind them to their fear and ignorance.

Not many posts left now

the end is near for eternal dismantling and evacuation of this forum


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Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
Dr Sircus cures cancer with Baking Soda and Magnesium - Jethro the MENTAL GIANT & his flute madness
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Australian Politics

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Re: It is the light
Reply #2278 - Sep 11th, 2016 at 10:10pm
Chimp_Logic wrote on Sep 11th, 2016 at 9:34pm:
Star Wars is a fradulantly Westernised Greek Tragedy released by Hollywood clowns. Laser Sabers replace Smith and Weston 6 shooters...Its not really a science fiction story.

These are the deranged slave based
"Pillars of truth" that Jethro drags out of the vault of slavery and ignorance....

Yes another post wasted on deaf ear canals.

One can only hope that these slaves can apologise and at least spend their self banishment period attempting to cut the chains that bind them to their fear and ignorance.

Not many posts left now

the end is near for eternal dismantling and evacuation of this forum

Dear Chimp,

As master Light often says

much gratitude for your illusionary critique' grounded in spurious accusations and
illogical interpretationalistical ungranted liberties ..

your contribution is welcomed and yet ,it is still to be observed in any coherent logical and positive manner  .. this is forgiven so be at peace

and carry on regardless ... yet let us explore that which continues to eludes ye and alleviate your shortcomings here ,

with , so very much love

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Mawson Base
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Re: It is the light
Reply #2279 - Sep 12th, 2016 at 11:29am
....poor Jethro, he cannot construct consecutive sentences by himself in order to respond to a rudimentary post....he must hide behind the skirt of his master like a good little slave.

Well done Mr Sir Bobby - well done mate.

Keep up the great work in here mate.

I am sure that everybody in the known universe is very proud of your efforts and significant contributions to humanity and life in general - albeit as a decaying putrid slave clown who emits the fear stench of Hades...

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Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
Dr Sircus cures cancer with Baking Soda and Magnesium - Jethro the MENTAL GIANT & his flute madness
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