freediver wrote on Aug 25
th, 2010 at 7:39pm:
perceptions_now wrote on Aug 25
th, 2010 at 12:33pm:
and given the right inputs, those solutions would be correct
What are the correct inputs?
Ah, now there is the $64 Trillion question!
Let me say 2 things very clearly, the right inputs should have started about 50-60 years ago, but that did not happen and there are now no Hollywood endings!
That said, perhaps human nature being what it is, the game was always going to play out in this manner?
So, leaving the past alone, as it only leads to recriminations, we are now essentially faced with 2 choices -
1) Live for today & screw the future consequences.
2) Take the pain now & leave future generations with a fighting chance, for their survival & that of the human race.
I vote for the later! But what will that mean?
It will mean 20-30 years of higher taxes & lower benefits.
It will mean heading to ZPG, over the next 20-30 years, then a gradual reduction in the Global Population, to around 2 Billion , by natural regression, over time.
It will mean an urgent "Manhattan Style Project" to locate any possible replacement/s for Oil, Coal & Gas, as quickly as humanly possible. A large part of that project will be to enable the transition away from Fossil Fuels, to their replacements, in the shortest time possible, to assist in restricting the flow of GHG's into the environment.
It will mean changing the Political & Economic status quo, into something new, which will allow us the time needed to extricate ourselves from the CRAP that we ALL created! And, do do that, it will mean dragging every nation into a common agreement, on the actions needed, by any & all means.
Now, I don't know IF we will be allowed to make our own decisions, which may result in better outcomes, as I suspect that some contingency plans are already under way.
Whether we like it or not & whether they work or not, are entirely different questions!
So, FD, I doubt I answered your direct question, but as Malcolm Fraser & George Bernard Shaw said, "life wasn't meant to be easy" and I suspect we are in the process of confirming that to be a fact?