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Consciousness (Read 388409 times)
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #1005 - Jul 21st, 2014 at 9:38pm
it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 21st, 2014 at 9:35pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jul 21st, 2014 at 9:29pm:
it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 21st, 2014 at 9:21pm:
many blessings ,

this is not a contest ..

and as such all are one

so be at peace


- : ) =

But still it makes you wonder as to where the limits of ascendance lie?

Can we ever be at the same level as such masters?

many blessings this is a typical 3D response ,

which is quite ok and cool ,

yet you exist beyond time itself ..


- : ) =

Only when you do Yoga will you find out.

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #1006 - Jul 24th, 2014 at 3:03am

Jesus: It Is Your Nature To Roam The Divine Cosmos Freely - July 22, 2014
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #1007 - Aug 5th, 2014 at 4:26pm

Matthew's Message: Obama, Malaysian Plane, Ukraine, Golden Age, etc - August 3, 2014
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #1008 - Aug 9th, 2014 at 5:35pm

The History Of Our Galaxy Explained, Andrew Bartzis & Vinny Eastwood

Published on Jun 6, 2014

Galactic Historian Speaks On The Importance Of Laughter In The Universe, Andrew Bartzis
3 June 2014

Andrew Bartzis

17 Universes
63 Timelines
7 Billion people
6 Mass extinctions
1000 lies told a million different ways to a million different people, confused yet?
Just sit and listen to this incredibly mind bending episode that will get you questioning nearly everything you know.
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #1009 - Aug 10th, 2014 at 9:22am

God Hears Our Cries
Heavenletter #5006 Published on: August 9, 2014
God said:
I hear My children cry out:

“To God, dear God, I speak to You, and I know You hear me and You talk to me, and You love me. Why am I not the happiest person in the world? God, why aren’t I?”

I answer:

Habit. It is the premise you start from, that you do not have Me, that you have to attain. You have attained. You have attained Me. What you actually have attained is your awareness of Me, but not just of Me, of our Oneness. There is some residual within you of Our sitting across from each other that you like over Oneness. You have been alone so much in your life, and you love having a Companion like Me.

At the same time as you love Our Togetherness, you also love Our Oneness. Even as Our Relationship is Oneness, and you know it, you love to feel the softness of silk between your fingers, and you also love to feel the lesser softness of linen. You feel you would miss the linen, and you may want to keep it as long as you can.

You want Everything which is Oneness, yet you want the diversion of multiplicity. You want to face Me, as it were, more than you want to be the Foundation of the Universe. You are hesitant about power. Power may have a connotation that you are less than comfortable with. There is part of you that wants to look up to a taller Power, and have you shorter.

So, even as you like to look across at Me, you very much like to look up at Me.

You like having a Great Father in Heaven. In your mind, to ensure that, you must then be at a distance, even a short distance. In that sense, it is not all that easy for you to let Me in. At the same time, you have let Me in. You have gathered Me up in your arms, yet, you have not yet wholly embraced Me for fear of losing yourself.

At the same time, you have not put Me down either. You keep Me held between Heaven and Earth when, all the while, you are destined to come with Me to Heaven in this lifetime of yours as My Companion here, My intimate Self here. It is not that you have renounced Heaven, yet you hold it aside for a little while. You want a little more of Me while you see yourself as you think you are.

Be sure to grasp that I am not talking about the death of your body. I am talking about Our Oneness even as your body carries you. Still, there is something within you that cries out to be individual and to stay a seeker. You like the chase. You like the expectation of being found. Yes, you like expectation. You don’t quite yet fully welcome the sense of the chase being over. Not that it would be a let-down to be with Me as One, yet you don’t quite yet want to leave a realm that is so familiar to you regardless of how you may complain about it.

You would like to keep your feet in two boats. You do not yet quite want to leap over the rainbow. You may think you don’t like relative life all that much, and yet you cling to it, as if you are saying:

“Just a little longer. Just for a little longer, God, let me be a human being who struggles rather than a human being who has transcended struggle and gained full residency in the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Do you imagine that in order to join Me, you would be losing your place in the Sun?

Whatever you may believe, you love the circularity of Earth Life very much. Nevertheless, very soon, you will take My hand and you will say:

“God, I am ready. I am ready to restore myself to my rightful place which is entirely with You. It’s not that I will leave myself in the dust. I will be joining My Self. I won’t be giving my identity away. I will be gaining my True Identity, and joining, as it were, a cast of thousands who have lost their fear of Oneness and become One with You, God. I will be joining Reality, not an abyss. I must give up my fear of the Unknown. It is not even Unknown. I fear the Silence that knows no bounds. I do not have to feel like I am giving up anything, for Heaven has always been my Home. It is where I belong, absorbed in You, God and Your Love. This is where I find my Self.”

Beloveds, it’s not that you disappear. It is that you finally appear as you are. In any case, you and I will be enjoined in your growing awareness soon enough. Come to Me. Here I AM.

in love and the
Divine Christ Light be it


- : ) =
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #1010 - Aug 22nd, 2014 at 9:09pm

Archangel Uriel: Feeling...Healing - August 20, 2014
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #1011 - Aug 23rd, 2014 at 12:34am
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #1012 - Aug 23rd, 2014 at 5:41am
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #1013 - Aug 23rd, 2014 at 6:00am

many blessings I love you all dear ones ..

all hearts are dearly loved and held

within the divine light , this aspect and fact

resides within your physical hearts


so be at peace divine beings

as the universe continues

to cheer you onward ,

onward to victory !

so be it


- : ) =

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« Last Edit: Aug 23rd, 2014 at 6:06am by it_is_the_light »  

ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #1014 - Aug 30th, 2014 at 6:25pm

Beautiful Pictures of Our Universe - Part 1
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Re: Consciousness
Reply #1015 - Aug 30th, 2014 at 6:35pm
Excellent video  master Light.
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #1016 - Sep 1st, 2014 at 5:55am
many blessings

yes interesting, is it not

all are indeed one , even the lowly mouse

and mans best friend also , it is said is it not ?

and so it is so be it


- : ) =
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #1017 - Sep 3rd, 2014 at 2:18am

The Constant Companions: A Short Update On The Energies
Posted on Sep 1, 2014by cosmicgaiain Aisha North, The Constant Companions


The anticipation is starting to grow yet again, as you once again approach an interesting bisection of energetic pathways. For now, the river you have been following for such a long time will start to split up into smaller sections, while at the same time the interaction between them will increase. This may sound more than a little contradictory, but let us explain. For as you have all been carried along on this mighty river of light, you have all been imbued with the same frequencies, but this in turn has sparked some very individual responses within your own systems, and rightly so. For as you all came to be in your current bodies, you also came in with your own unique sets of blueprints as we have discussed earlier, and now as those bits and pieces of blueprints have been activated and set into motion, you will all be shunted off in the direction that will best serve your purpose in this whole and infinitely complex endeavour. For you all play an important part in this enormous production, but in order for you to carry that out to the letter – or rather letters – you need to have access to those parts of this huge and complex energetic field of transformation that serve your needs. And so, from now on, your journey will continue to be a very connected one, but it will also start to become even more unique in all sorts of ways.

This does not mean that you will once again be shifted into a channel that will leave you drifting through an empty and solitary space, far from it. For this is not about separation, this is all about diversification, and so, you will find your path starting to converge with others in an interesting way. For you all have a unique purpose in this, but you also have a whole group of others that you will carry out your mission with, and as such, you will all now be comparted together if you will in ways that will enable you all to start to increase your abilities to connect and to carry out those specific instructions you came here to fulfill.

So as the days and weeks come and go in the time ahead, you will find more and more that your path ahead will start to crystallize in a way that will help you to see further afield, and even if this means that you might find yourself in very unfamiliar territory from time to time, we also venture to guess that you will find other like minded souls there already, or perhaps arriving just after you get there. This can be in a specific location, but it can also describe a state of mind. In other words, this is not to signal that you will all start to traipse around your world, searching for a friendly face in a mass of unfamiliar faces. No, this is simply to prepare you for the fact that you will all feel compelled to do something in the company of others, and that company can also be in the ethereal space.

In other words, you will all be called to connect in groups, great and small, by coming together in person or simply by connecting through the airwaves or electronically if you will, or by sitting down and allowing your higher selves to correspond with each other in a more direct manner than before. And so you will each find yourselves carried along in your very own body of water, and this part of the river of light will be your part of it, but not just that, it will also be a body of water that will help your energies to mingle much more freely with that of those you have come here to act out your part of this enormous operation with.

So take heed as it all speeds up, lest you forget to look around and see just what it is that will be drawn to your side of this ever widening river, and we venture to guess you will all find some interesting people and projects starting to come into your line of vision. And remember, you cannot go wrong, for you all carry with you the codes that will be activated at a given time, and when they are, you cannot help but to be attracted to the right kind of places, the right kind of people and indeed the right kind of projects that will help you to fulfill your part of this transformation. And no matter what it is, we can guarantee you that it will all be very much to your liking.

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« Last Edit: Sep 3rd, 2014 at 6:11am by it_is_the_light »  

ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #1018 - Sep 6th, 2014 at 5:35am

The ZetaTalk Newsletter Issue 414, September 7, 2014

200,000 Year Old Statue Found On Moon
May 5, 2009
A noted scientist has just produced proof that the lunar surface was inhabited by intelligent life: a 10-inch angel sculpture embedded in a moon rock. Geologist Dr. Morris Charles revealed last week that NASA lab workers chipped the angel from one of the rocks brought to Earth by Apollo 11 astronauts 40 years ago, in 1969. Dr. Charles was a NASA scientist himself for 23 years but left the agency in 1987. He still maintains close ties to many of his former colleagues. The angel - a humanoid female with wing-like appendages on her back and long flowing hair - is made of an iron compound found exclusively in the highlands of the moon. This rules out the possibility that it was dropped by a race of aliens from another planet. It's been hand polished to a silvery metallic sheen. Based on chemical analysis of the metal, geologists estimate the sculpture to be 200,000 years old which means it was made 170,000 years before the human species appeared on Earth. The Sumerians told stories of the Annunaki, winged deities, as far back as 18th century BC.


Zecharia Sitchin has already shown in The Twelfth Planet that the statues of gods and goddesses from Sumer present special helmets with protuberances on both sides. Many drawings on the Sumerian plates show the gods with wings, which were not belonging to the body, but they were accessories of the flight suit, therefore the gods looked like eagle.
Now we have yet more evidence in a ring of statues across the middle of the Moon. These Moon Men statues are large, of a man with outstretched arms and legs in a strong stance. Given the brag ado nature of the Annunaki, this looks like their handiwork. 


Did NASA Capture An Alien And Its Shadow On The Moon?
August 13, 2014
YouTube user Wowforreeel first started investigating the figure using Google Moon, a collection of millions of NASA images made public. Some media sites are pointing to the figure's alleged resemblance to the ancient Greek statue, "The Colossus of Rhodes," which is thought to have sunk into a harbor after a massive earthquake in 226 B.C. Here's what the statue looked like.
The 'Man' on the Moon?
August 13, 2014
It can also been seen on Google Moon at 27°34’26.35?N 19°36’4.75?W
ZetaTalk Explanation 8/16/2014: Which of the prior groups using the Moon as an outpost created the standing man statue? We have mentioned genetic engineering projects on the Moon, the Moon as a lab free from the large predators and swamps on Earth, but being 4th density aliens in the Service-to-Other, such a grandiose display seems inappropriate. We mentioned Service-to-Self aliens living on the Dark Side of the Moon at present, operating in the 3rd density, but they are trying to comply with the Council of Worlds requirement to maintain an Element of Doubt among mankind. This leaves the Annunaki, who were prone to grandiose displays and were indeed on the Moon in the past erecting large crystal communication devices. This is a marker, of theirs.

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Christ Light

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Re: Consciousness
Reply #1019 - Sep 6th, 2014 at 3:13pm

The Archon Lucifer and the Archetypes – Brent Paris on GW Radio
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