Suzanne Lie ~ Arcturian Transmissions to our Inter Galactic Emissaries Part 3 October 29, 2014
The Galactic Post Office
Our dear Emissaries of Light assisting dear Gaia HOME to Her true frequency,
Yes, rather a long introduction, but to us there is no time and no separation of words. Could you please take a moment of your NOW to FEEL our message? You will feel, not the words that we have written, but the carrier wave of unconditional love that transports our messages to you from the very Heart of our ONE.
FEEL how much we love and support you. Once you acknowledge that YOU deserve our unconditional love and constant guidance, you will be able to open the “frequency waveform” of our message. Please allow these messages to enter into your High Heart and higher states of consciousness so that you can best translate these waveforms into your 3D language systems.
We, your SELF in the higher dimensions, are in the process of training our beloved volunteers to become leaders. As you quickly advance into the next era of your reality, it will be vital that there is a certain population of grounded ones who can interface between their true SELF in the higher dimensions and their 3D earth vessel.
Then, these volunteers can share their message via their earth vessel self, to send it into Gaia’s transmuting inhabitants. Some of you will be leading humans, some animals or the Elementals. The Elementals will assist with the transmutation of Gaia’s earth, air, fire and water to transmute the third-dimensional planet.
The members of our Cetacean Family will become the leaders of all water worlds. Yes, dear ones, within your NOW there are many “water worlds” on Earth. The humans, “Keepers of the Land,” and the cetaceans, “Keepers of the Water,” will work together to assist Mother Earth with Her process of returning to Her true vibration.
When you combine your personal ascension process with the planetary ascension process, you not only assist Gaia, but Gaia can better assist you. The secret to planetary ascension is Unity Consciousness with all Life! That means ALL life, including those whom you have perceived as your enemy.
Every one has inner light, no matter how small it may appear. If they did not have inner light, they would die. Even though you may be unaware of it, it is your own inner light that allows your consciousness to remain within your earth vessel.
As you, our Inter-dimensional Emissaries, awaken to your innate ability to serve in tandem with the higher expressions of your Multidimensional SELF, you will return to your ascended consciousness while still wearing your earth vessel.
We understand how difficult this task appears to your 3D consciousness, which is why we are urging you all to allow us to assist you in remembering how to connect, and remain connected, with your Multidimensional SELF.
Dear Arcturians,
I was unable to complete the above message to us, the inter-dimensional emissaries, but I have now meditated and wish to continue where we left off. Please assist me to remember what you just told us in my meditation.
Dear Emissaries,
We happily repeat our message to your current state of consciousness, which is slightly lower than your consciousness before. However, via this state of consciousness you are more able to experience both the worlds of the physical, as well as the worlds of the divine.
We were saying to our dear Emissaries that it is the NOW for ALL of you to fully awaken to your true, Multidimensional SELF. We, the members of your Galactic and Celestial families are calling you into active duty.
By “active duty” we mean that it is the NOW for you to actively live the Mission that youcreated for your SELF before you took this incarnation.
“But, what is my Mission?” you may ask, “I cannot not remember it.”
That is fine, our dear family members, you do not need to remember your mission in your third/fourth dimensional consciousness. You were wise enough to forget that “secret” to your lower states of consciousness until it was the NOW to fulfill it.
You have been living in a reality filled with lies and illusions. Hence, in order to keep your Mission pure, you have hidden it from your mundane consciousness. We see that more and more of you have expanded your consciousness into the fifth dimension and beyond.
Hence, you are remembering your Missions more each day. It was always meant that you did not remember your SELF until you could “hide in plain sight” within your own Lightbody. We understand that your physical perceptions cannot see your Lightbody. How could they? These lower perceptions are only calibrated to Gaia’s physical world.
NOW that you, our dear volunteers, are awakening to your fifth dimensional consciousness, you are vaguely, and/or clearly, perceiving the reason why YOU chose to enter an earth vessel during this NOW of great transmutation.
You are beginning to have these higher thoughts, emotions and perceptions because your consciousness is wavering into and out of the fifth dimension and beyond. We have been over-lighting you since you took this form to protect you as much as possible, as well as to guide you when you could perceive us.