Qigong: 36 Touching Points for Self-healing
Uploaded on Aug 25, 2008
Visit http://www.taichihealthways.com for more videos of Master Jesse Tsao on Yang, Chen, Wu, Sun tai chi tyle and Tai Chi sword, broadsword, qigong (Chi gong) meditation for internal energy healing, bio-energy, Shaolin and Wudang Taoist Kung-fu martial arts, Taiji Power Release (fajin), Taiji application, Bagua, Xingyi application. Tai Chi Health Ways host annual workshop with the top masters. See photos or videos of Chen Zhenglei, Li Deyin, Zhu Tiancai, Chen Xiaowang, Dan Lee, Su Zifang, Abraham Liu ....The most anticipated self-healing instructional video from Master Jesse Tsao! He shares with you the treasured knowledge of thousands of years of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), with the priority of preventing disease. This video serves this purpose, summarized from Master Tsao's research and teaching. The 36 points presented in this video are the most easy to touch by oneself and have the greatest efficiency. Detailed instruction in proper hand touch techniques to activate and stimulate these energy points is provided.